Rating:  Summary: If You Must Read, Do So With Caution Review: I am shocked and disturbed that only one review so far has given this book less than 5 stars. While I am pleased for the work that God has done through this book in some people's lives, I fear that it comes at a grave cost. This book comes dangerously close to portraying God as a pining lover who has been victimized by a wayward beloved and just hopes and hopes that the apple of his eye (his created people) will return, but is powerless to effect a meaningful change. I suspect that there has been and will continue to be an awful lot of navel gazing due to this book. If you plan to read Sacred Romance, please read as a Berean (Acts 17:11) and compare this book with Scripture. What I would HIGHLY recommend instead is reading Jonathan Edwards' sermon series "Charity and It's Fruits". In this series, Edwards explicates 1 Cor. 13:1-10 and maintains a Biblically proper view of God as Ultimate Sovereign and Majestic Lord of Hosts while offering meaningful instruction to the Christian for daily living. There are certainly many, many Christian works which are superior in both theological understanding and literary merit to Sacred Romance. Look into some of the old classics (i.e. before this century, e.g. Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, John Owen, John Bunyan, Augustine, etc.) to compliment your reading of the Bible and current authors. I think that you will find a vast wealth of passion for God and depth of spiritual insight which is lacking in many modern authors.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Special Book, Indeed Review: I've read many books that are written to help bridge the relationship between we humans and our Lord, God, and Savior. Sure, inspiration books are a dime a dozen at any bookstore; but this one is indeed special. Brent Curtis and John Eldredge have come together (sadly, Curtis, from what I understand, is no longer with us but happily with God now) to bring about a wonderful life changing book. The book begins with the honest realization that we cannot ever truly comprehend the Lord. His ways are mysterious indeed. Yet at the heart of His ways is a very simple primace of love, at the heart is the heart of the matter. God loves us with an all powerful love. It was this love that brought forth the action of Creation (not evolution, but true Creation as in Genesis). It was this love that brought forth the years and years of dance between God and man that takes place throughout the Old Testament. And it was this love that brought forth the greatest moment in history--God became a man, God became one of us. He let Himself be born in the flesh. He let Himself be tempted and challenged. And He let Himself be killed on a cross...only to ressurect three days later. God is the supreme actor in History. God is the one that is center stage. But He is willing to bring us into a dance with Him if we only see and hear the invitation. Those who see and hear this invitation are brought into a wild ride that is not always safe. Not always sane. But always amazing and life changing. I believe in my heart of heart, soul of soul, that God loves me. This book helped me see this as I read along side of it the Gospels. If you let yourself see and hear the invitation of salvation and redemption, you too will find that God loves you and wants you to share the stage...share the supreme stage...heaven...with Him. God does not want any of us to go to hell. But it is our choice to make this decision. Read this book, open your heart and your mind, and you too will be changed for the better. Its a frighteningly honest book, so don't expect a comfortable reading...it will challenge all the heart ache and all the demons that you (and I) have in our hearts...but it, through showing God's love, will free you.
Rating:  Summary: Written by two men anointed with the Spirit Review: John Eldredge and Brent Curtis are authors who clearly walk close with God. The Sacred Romance is a great treasure! It takes us back to those times when we were young, and the world was full of magic and wonder. They talk about how those ideas and longings were pierced by the Arrows of lifem and on from there. John and Brent remind us that God is a God who pursues us. He is the one who desires to woo our hearts. An eye opening book that will take your breath away. It's easy to relate and dive into the book that has stories and experiences that both authors offer in the book. It's very well written, and one that you will not want to put down. Any true Christian will truly enjoy and cherish this book, and will no doubt cherish and enjoy a closer walk with God- the desire of their true hearts!
Rating:  Summary: God can use this Review: The writing style was bland and went in circles at times. Max Lucado's work has a simplicity and truth that this book lacks. However, if you have the desire to see God as the "Ageless Romancer" you will find what you're looking for. It takes some time to get past the writing style, but it's worth the read for what's underneath. Many of us struggle with self-hatred. We see ourselves as filthy and "never quite good enough", but we are the objects of a Great Romance, being pursued until our hearts have been won by our Romancer. I walk away with a deeper knowledge of God's passion for me. If you struggle with understanding God's love for you, take the time to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Author's death means something! Review: One never knows why tragedy strikes but if it is God's will that Brent Curtis' tragic death somehow brings more notoriety to this book in order to help people strengthen their faith and that John Eldredge can come out and say his friend's death only reaffirms to him what they wrote in this book then I praise God that John sincerely believes the truths that he shares with us because I certainly do. After hearing Chuck Swindoll recommend this book I picked myself up a copy of the Sacred Romance. Few books better characterize the passionate relationship God seeks with us despite our sinfulness and faults. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys this book to also pick up a copy of the Journey of Desire, the sequel to this book. Coupled together they highlight powerful truths about God and about our lives that may shake the way you view your very existence. Life is a struggle and both Curtis and Eldredge can empathize with you. And certinaly it carries the mark of any doctrinally sound book -- that in the midst of disappointment, pain or heart break,no relgious formulas, traditions or idols will give you the healing, fulfillment or joy that you REALLY seek -- they point you back to God for all the answers. That is why I also say as good as this book is the best it can do is point you back to God and the Bible for that is where the story of God's sacred romance with us is unveiled! God bless.
Rating:  Summary: An Epiphany in Print Review: I experienced a dilemma while reading this..I didn't want to put it down!! Yet I had to stop every few pages, sometimes after just a few lines, to let the message 'soak in'. The content of this book was life-changing for me. I've been in church all my life, and born again for over 20 years, but so much of what we hear about His love for us can become rote...devoid of any meaning beyond the academic. The picture painted here will transform all the platitudes into a vibrating truth that will quicken the Spirit within the reader, and bring breathtaking life into the journey.
Rating:  Summary: Good, not Great Review: It took me a bit to get into the concept and the material but it made me look at God in a way I had never really considered before and in the end it was worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Life Changing Review: I would give this book ten stars if I could, because this book absolutely changed my life. In order to say how and why, I would have to give you the history of my entire Christian life, which I don't have room for her. All I can say is that the Sacred Romance opened up my eyes and my heart to a life that is so much better than what most people settle for. I have learned to love deeply, to live freely, and to find God.
Rating:  Summary: Look for and feel the message . . . Review: This is in response to the review by Challies Dot Com, from Ontario, when he states that the book is full of errors. I feel you have totally missed the essence of this book . . . the message it offers. Love of God and a relationship with Him cannot be judged by anything more than what is in your heart (i.e., soul, spirit) and at some point in our lives, I feel we are all called upon by our souls (our deepest selves) to reunite in spirit with Him. When I read this book I sobbed and thought my heart would break in two. It was part joy, part physical pain, and part a tremendous loneliness that I had been feeling and looking back, I know that breaking feeling was actually my heart opening up to Him again. I am so sorry that you were so intent on viewing the book from a standpoint of history and accuracy (according to whom, I don't know) that you missed the main thrust of the words.
Rating:  Summary: a revelation Review: Before I had even finished the first page, I thought, "Are there really others out here with the same hunger, the same dissatisfaction and desire for more, as I have?" Curtis and Eldredge cut right to the heart of things in their discussion of our longing to be a part of a larger story that has meaning and purpose. If you feel that the same-old same-old Christian life is losing its luster then this is the book for you--although it is going to take courage to answer some of the deep questions it poses. Contrary to another review the style is NOT bland and circular!! Are you kidding?????????????