Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: Jess and Leslie two best friends that both live in a countryside. They have always stuck up for eachother. Leslie is new to the school and doesn't have many friends because she is different. She doesn't like dolls or dresses like the other girls do. She likes to run and wear jeans. Jess doesn't judge Leslie like the other kids. He lets her have a chance in friendship and takes time to get to know her. Jess is a supreme drawer. One day he draws a picture of a magical land. He and Leslie belive in it and it soon becomes real. Jess and Leslie become King and Queen of Terabithia. The question is: will this friendship last, or will it end?This book is fille dwith adventure. In every chapter there is always a suprise waiting. There are goals accomplished and new problems happening. The story gives the meaning of true frienship. I would reccomend this book to readers who lov exciting books that always have a suprise waiting. I think that elementary students would enjoy the book the most. My experience reading the book was ok. I am not a very big reader, but this book pulled me in
Rating:  Summary: Terabithia Review: Jess was a good runner. He was the fastest runner in the fifth grade. He was the only boy in his family. He had four sisters. His music teacher was his favorite teacher. Leslie got to run with the boys and won every race she competed in. Garry who was the bully did not want her to race because she is a girl. The boys picked on Leslie because she did not have a TV. Janice Avery was a tough girl. She took May Belle's twinkies. Jess and Leslies played a trick on her. Janice Avery was in the bathroom crying about her dad beating her. Leslie went in and became her friend. One day Mrs. Edmunds asked Jess if he wanted to go to an art museum with her. When Jess got home Leslie was dead and his mother thought he was to.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: Bridge To TerabithiaI think "Bridge To Terabithia is a good book. Readers who like funny, happy, and sad stories should like the story very much. The story Is about 2 people who find a way to build up courage in a friendship. They don't care what their parents think about them being friends. This book, I think all grades from 6th 12th should think about reading this book. The book will show readers how important friendship really is. The end of the book "Bridge To Terabithia" was sad because something really sad happened to his best friend. After Leslie died Jess had only one best friend, May Belle. Every person who likes to read would like this book. It will take you on a wonderful adventure of reading. People who don't even like to read this book would catch someone's eye. It will also catch your mind. I didn't want to put the book down! You can learn valuable things from this book. ("Bridge To Terabithia")
Rating:  Summary: The Bridge To Terabithia Review: Bridge to Terabithia This book was very interesting to me. It was a good book. The happy part of this book to me was when Jess & Leslie first met, & they had become friends. They had a great relationship as friends. They cared for each other very much. So they made " Terabithia". The sad part for me is when Leslie dies, because she was the closest friend Jess had. They were best friends & had a great relationship, and then all of a sudden, she's gone. I know it was very hard for Jess. He probably had plans with her like letting her author books and he illustrated them. I think this book was for anyone who likes adventure and wants to know how it feels to lose a friend so bad, then their just gone. Anyone who wants to read a book can read it, even when someone else thinks different. When you read you explore and one day you could be a book writer yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge toTerabithia Review Review: " Bridge to Terabitha" Review Thumbs up to Terabithia. We think the book was a really good book. We like the way the author writes the book. WE like the way Jess get back at Janice Avery. We think it is sad when Leslie dies. We like how Jess thinks about everyone else before himself. We like how the teachers treated Jess. We would like to read this book over and over again even though it is sad. We thought it was very nice of Mrs.Edmonds to invite Jess to go to Washington with her. We did not like to hear that Leslie had died .If we were Jess we would have felt bad that we would have felt bad that we were mean to Leslie when she was nice the whole time. Two thumbs up to " Bridge to Terabithia".
Rating:  Summary: BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA Review: We think the story was really good from the beginning to the ending. The beginning was really funny about Leslie embarrassing Jess at racing and because he thought he was the best at racing. And about Jess thinking Leslie was a boy because she had shot hair. We think those two parts were really funny because Jess bought Leslie a dog we thought that was real sweet of JESS,BUT IT started to get sad because one day MRS.EDMONDS called JESS to see if JESS wanted to go to Washington to the ART GA
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: Bridge to Terabithia We liked the book very much..Our favorite part of the book was when May belle became queen of Terabithia.Our least favorite part of the book was when Jess found out Leslie died. We would recommend it to anyone who loves to read good books. The whole book is mainly about Jess and Leslie's friendship. The Bridge toTerabithia was a sacred place to them. It helped them get to know each other better. We would give a thumb's up to Bridge to Terabithia! At first we didn't like the book and thought it was not good. After reading it, it turned out good.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: Review of Bridge to Terabithia Thumbs up to Bridge to Terabithia.These are our favorite parts.Jess and Leslie became friends.The jokes that Janice,Jess,and Leslie played on each other were funny,too.The funniest part was when Leslie was beating all the boys when they were racing.Another funny thing was when Jess talks to his mom while she is asleep.We like how Jess and Leslie get into arguments over little things. We also liked the name that Jess and Leslie gave Mrs. Myers, monster mouth. We thought it was very sad when Jess finds out that Leslie dies.We thought it was weird how the teachers would not let the girls and boys play together at recess.This book was mainly about how Jess and Leslie became friends.We thought P.T.We thought that P.T. was a very good dog to Leslie.We thought that it was nice of Leslie's parents to give Jess some of Leslie's stuff.We bet who ever reads this book will enjoy it very much.We thought that this book was a very good book We ere happy that their became a new Queen.
Rating:  Summary: two thumbs up to bridge to terabitha Review: Thumbs up To Bridge to Terabitha.The book that I read was a good book. Although some parts were very sad, there also were some funny parts to. My favorite part is when Janice Avery stole MaeBelle's twinkes,and Jess and Leslie Got revenge bywriting a love letter from a boy name Willard saying tjhat he like her But it was not true. One of the sad parts was when leslie drown and died I want say this Was a sad book but it was in between of a sad and funny book. There wwas something Good about every chapter,and also something happen.There wasn"t amytime when
Rating:  Summary: Can 10-year-olds get it? Absolutely. Can adults get it? Review: Somehow I wonder about that second question, because it has become apparent to me that many adults who judge this book as either language or age-inappropriate do not fully comprehend the capacity of the mind of a fifth-grader. I was 10 years old once, in fifth-grade, and was assigned to read this book. What I read then struck home and resonated with me. The emotions of feeling like an outsider, loneliness, despair, joy, anger, jealousy, love, and kinship all present in this book were described so vividly that, in my mind, I felt like Jess. He and I, at that point in time, were indistinguishable. I still have the book review and editorial I wrote in fifth-grade about Bridge, so deeply moved I felt by this book -- it's the only artifact I kept from my elementary school days. As I read this book again, at age 29, the themes resonated the same chords within me. I wonder how these reviewers who proclaim to be good judges of appropriateness can stand idly by and state that the book has no value for age range indicated. To the teachers who believe that all kids (grades 4-6) get out of the book is Jess doesn't like Leslie because she runs faster than him, but then they become friends, and then she dies and it is sad... you're NOT doing your job as a teacher. Your duty is to teach, and by teaching you need to challenge your students to look beyond the words at the underlying themes and emotions. If you don't think fifth-graders are capable of this type of interpretation, then you are sorely underestimating their mental capacity. All I need to do is to look at my book review from nearly 20 years to know this.