Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia-Katherina Paterson Review: In the book Bridge to Terabithia,Jess Aarons and Lestlie Burke are the two main characters.Jess is a boy that dreams of being the fastest runner in the fifth grade,he has been training for it all summer.Things arn't so good for Jess at his house or at school,his mother and father act like they don't care about him ocasionaly,and at school he doesn,t have any friends and nobody likes him,until Lestlie came to school.Lestlie has a big imagination and is very brave.this story takes place in 1970 in a small town in Virginia.The genre of this story is "realistic fiction" so if you don't like that kind of book,you won't like this book.This story is about two friends that are happy together ,until something bad happens. I realy like this book, I definatly recomend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: Bridge to Terabithia was written by Kathrine Paterson. The main characters are Jess and Leslie. Jess and Leslie made up this place Terabithia. They said it was a magical kindom. Jess dosen't fit in with his family and Leslie dosen't fit in at school, so theese two form a friendship thats realy tight.leslie brings all the magic to the kingdom and jess fallows allong. What will Jess do when someting terable happens. This story takes place in a small town in Virgina.Jess and leslie go to Lark Creek Elementary. I would say this is a realistic ficion book. My opinon on this book is good. It's a very well written book, It also teaches you that just because they look mean or ugly dosen't meen that they're rude, the could be very nice inside.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Teribithia Review: In the book (Bridge to Teribithia) which was written by Katheren Patterson. A boy named Jess Arons who wishes to be the fastest runner in 5th grade.That changes for him and everyone else. A tomboy named Lislie beats everyonein the school and becoms Jess's best friend. Leslie and Jess make a magical kingdom of Teribithia. All that changes after a bad problem.This great book is in VA 1970 on a farm. The genre is Realistic fiction. I think the book was great. I liked The rope swing. I would like it better if it wasent so sad.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: The book "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson is about a fifth grae boy, Jesse Olive Aarons, Jr. who meets an adventurious and imaginitive Leslie Burke who teaches him many things in life. whrn a horrible thing happens in Jesse's life, he doesn't and won't belive what happened. This story takes place in a small town near Arllington,Vigania in 1970. The genre of the book is realistic fiction. Jesse Aarons comes from a bad home life and it efects his relationship with Leslie, but Jesse's little sister May Belle looks up to him. I would reconmend this book to you because it shows how much one person can learn from another. I thought that the book was good because it was fun and exiting and it was good because it was a good leson it tought me, don't jugde a book by it's cover.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: The novel ''Bridge To Terabithia'' was written by Katherine Paterson. This book is about two friend Jesse Oliver Arons and Leslie Burke but there friendship is torn appart by a trageti that happen of them both. Jesse and leslie are the two main characters. Jesse has only one dream to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade. Leslie is a girl that moved from the city of Arlintgton Virginia, that moves in to the house next to Jesse.The setting of this story is in a small town in Virginia.if you like realistic fiction this is the book for you. My opinion of this book is that I thought it was wonderful and iteresting. I like the fact that it tells you that by hanging around people what they teach you can make you treat others like that.I recomend this book to people who like realistic fiction because if you do you will enjoy reding this book.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabthia Review: Katherine Paterson wrote a book called "Bridge to Terabithia".Jess Oliver Aarons is the main character he always wanted to be the fastest in the fifth grade .Then came a new girl from Arlington,Virginia who lives next to Jess her names is Leslie Burke.Then they become best friend and make a magical kingdom.This book is realist fiction.Then a hoorible tragity.The story thats place 1970 in a small town in Virgina.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: Katherine Paterson wrote a book called Bridge to Terabithia that takes place in an old farmhouse in Arlington, Virginia during the 70's. Some of the main characters in this book are Jessie Oliver Aarons who is a young boy that has a dream of becoming the fastest runner in the 5th grade. Jesse didn't have any friends friends untill he meets Leslie Burke, a city girl who moves into the old Purkins Place across the field. Leslie is full of imagination and when Jesse and Leslie create a magical kingdom called Terabithia. When tragedy strikes the question you should ask yourself is will Treabithia ever be the same? This book has tought me all about friendship and trust. I liked how the auther put in a lot of detail and imagination. I would recomend this book to anyone I can.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terebithia Review: In the book to terebithia. Some people names are Jess Arons he lives in a poor life style during the 70 this book I think think its realistic fictoin. Plus its a good book so anyone who is reading this you should like this.In book Bridge to Terebithia my opinion is its a good book and I think everyone should read it it. What was sad that Leslie died a tragic death. I recamend this book so anyone can read.
Rating:  Summary: A Book That You Will Never Forget by a 14 year old reader Review: Even though it is a good book it is sad.There is a clue to the end dury the book.Its not a funny book but you will never forget it,or the charaters.You will want to read it again and again.If you don't like depressing books you might or might not enjoy this one but I would take the chance.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Review: I have read MANY books in my life and everyone (teachers and friends) have told me to read Bridge To Terabithia and I refused to. In 5th grade, we were doing a unit and I was assigned to read Bridge To Terabithia and I found out by not reading it I missed out on a great book. This touching book is about friendship and understanding. Jess learns to get along with the new girl next door, a "tomboy" named Leslie. They both learn to put aside their differences and become the best of friends. When an unexpected tragedy happens, Jess has to learn to understand something he didn't want to believe. This book is a touching book about friendship you will never forget.