Rating:  Summary: A wonderfully written book!!!! Review: The Brigde to Terabithia was a fun and exciting story to read. It really brings out the fact that you don't have to be the same gender as someone just to be friends. It told a good story of a not so perfect life and how that is sometimes. It had many similes which we fun to read. I think it is the best book ever!
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: I have read many great books in my life and this is one of them.In this trilling page turner Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke are two friends that are never seen without each other.They hang out every day and spend all free time together...Untill a tragedy occurs...Read Bridge to Terabithia to find out what happens.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Book Review: I read this book for the first time when I was in sixth grade and cannot even guess how many times I have read it since. It is one of those books that you have to read more then once. It is beautifully writted and just so moving that I cry every time I read it.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to terabithia Review: All my life, i have read many books, like Cat in the hat, the My side of the mountain books, and a lot more. When I entered fifth grade, I was put in a group to read Bridge to terabithia. At first, it seemed stupid and boring. But when I started, the magic of the book took me and I couldn't let go. When the period ended, I didn't want it to (although before I would really want it to.) This page-turner kept me reading in till' the book ended. Katherine Paterson really made magic work with a tragic ending and the new queen be reveled.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: I am one of those people who loves to read. When I start a book, I never want to put it down. When I read Bridge To Terabithia, I really never wanted to put it down. The thing I didn't like about reading this book in sections was because we had to read from one place, and stop at another. I didn't want to stop reading at a certain point. I wanted to just read on. Bridge To Terabithia is about a girl who moves to a place, and becomes very good friends with a boy who lives near her. Leslie, the girl, has a very big imagination. Jesse, the boy, loves to draw, and has an imagination, but not as vivid as Leslie's. At first, Jesse thinks he's never in the world is going to be friends with this girl. But Jesse finds out, Leslie is a tomboy, and they put aside their differences, and become friends. One day, Leslie decides to make a place, just for her and Jesse, in the forest near Leslie's house. When an unexpected tragedy happens, their friendship helps Jesse cope with the tragedy, and change his life forever. I recommend this book to anyone who loves a friendship book, and can deal with the fact af a tragedy. Bridge To Terabithia is a great book, and I hope all who read it love it.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review Review: In the story Bridge to Terabithia two veryunlike characters named Jess' and Leslie meet and become insepperable. The story takes place in a rural area near Millsburg, Virginia. The time period is in the mid seventies. This book is realistic fiction because it's not a true story but it could happen. In the beggining, Leslie beat Jess' and all the other boys in a race. Jess' tries to avoid Leslie but then realizes that she really does want to be his friend. They become friends and create an imaginary but magical place called Terabithia. They rieng as king and queen in this magical kingdom. Then a terrible tradgedy occurs that changes one of the characters lives forever. I think that this book is pretty good but some of the things are kind of sketchy an don't make sense. I liked how the the book gives a lot of details and created a picture in my mind. I didn't like the humor it was sortof dumb. I would defently recomend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: The book bridge to Terabithia by Kathrine Paterson the setting takes place in the 1970s in a small town next to Millsberg Virginia. Terabithiais a magical land were there imaginatins take over two people created terabithia Leslie Burk and Jess Aarons. With there frendship they create terabithia until one day a tragic acsedent to to Leslie only with the strengths Leslie has given Jess will he bere through her death. I realy liked this book, i liked the characters and every about it,This book has great deatal I recomend you to read this book it is a very good book thats why I give it a 4star.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge To Terabithia Review: In the novel Bridge toTerabithia the two main charecters, Jesse Oliver Aarons and Leslie Burke make a magical kingdom called Terabithia. This story takes place in a small town in Virginia near Millsburg. The genre(type of book) is realistic fiction. In the novel Jesse shows the five signs of denial when tragedy strikes. I think this is a very good novel. There are things I like and things I dislike. A thing I like is the lesson that they give you, it is things happen and you have to go on with life. A thing I dislike is the cussing. I would recommend this novel for everybody.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: The book Bridge toTerabithia,I would give it one thumbs up because it's a book of friendship,tragedy's aand how to get on with life.Terabithia is a magical kingdom that they rule.This book takes place in the '70's by Millsburg,Virginia.Two of the character 's are Jesse Aarons, and Leslie Burke.
Rating:  Summary: Bridge to Terabithia Review: In the book Bridge to Terabithia the auther Katherin Paterson makes two charictors with oposite personalitys become great friends . Jess Aarons and LeslieBurke have totaly oposite lives they learn to be best friends.Leslie Burkes family moves next door tothe Aarons family .Leslies family is loving and happy and very wealthy. The Aarons family is not very careing or there parents don't really show there love and there family is very poor. I think that this book is very good it really hooks the reader.For me to read a whole book it takes alot of detale and some adventure . Like my favorite adventure is Terabithia. Leslie tells Jess they need aplace all to thereseves so they make a place in the forest and call it Terabithia. they don't want tell anyone about there little secret. what they imagine I imagine. This book will take you on a wild Adventure. To find out the rest of the book you have to read it for yourself.