Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended! Review: I thought this was a great book for anyone interested in fires and fire-fighting. I have been reading a number of fire related books lately and this one was the best of the bunch. It was easy for me to understand even though I have limited fire and fire-fighting knowledge. I liked the depth given to the firefighters and I found myself becoming very involved with their story and the story of the fire. The action is pretty fast-paced; this novel reads almost more like fiction than non-fiction.
Rating:  Summary: I Watched This Fire From My Back Deck... A POWERFUL BOOK!! Review: Like many of Worcester, MA, I watched this fire and was overwhelmed by its power. The loss of life was without equal. This recounting is a great tribute to the Fire Department and all the men present at this fire. Many of us listened to the events unfold on scanners; others watched as the flames colored the night sky. Sean Flynn tells all the details and the humanity of these life shattering event. No matter where you live, this book is a must read to understand what firemen and women do everyday. As well as to see their lives through their family and friends.
Rating:  Summary: Very Touching Story Review: Living in Worcester, MA where this fire took place, I was glad to see that Sean Flynn did justice to this event and did right by the fireman's families and did not write a bad book. This book was well written.
Rating:  Summary: WORCESTER not WORCHESTER - Keep the H out of it Review: Note to who ever wrote the Publishers Weekly review. Get a map. The second largest city in New England is Worcester Mass. not WorcHester. Those of us born and raised there pronounce the city to rhyme with mister.
Rating:  Summary: If You Burn Me I Will Climb To Heaven on the Flames Review: The title at the beginning of these comments is from St. Florian, and was on a medal recovered from the spot where one of the men fighting this fire died. The medal should not have survived, silver melts at 1,600 degrees, a body is incinerated at 1,800 degrees, and the heat in the building had reached 3,000 degrees.I came to read this book from a rather unusual direction. Worth Magazine just did a profile of the most generous Americans, not necessarily those who gave the most money, but as a percentage of what they have, their reasons, and other intangibles beside the traditional yardstick of amount only. Actor/comedian and member of this very special group is Dennis Leary. Of the 6 men who died in this fire, one was his cousin and another was a childhood friend. His foundation has raised $2 million for firefighters in Worcester MA and NYC. His organization was cutting checks 3 months after September 11th in NYC; he has no use for bean counters. Sean Flynn's book, "3000 Degrees", is easily one of the most powerful books I have read in 2002, it is the first of many books I will now read on Firemen, and others who put themselves in lethal harm's way, for the rest of us. As I read this book, I asked the same question I often ask when men and women put the lives of others before their own, not for a single moment, but every day, for years and often for decades. Some members of a team are the rescue members, and these men enter the building without any fire fighting equipment, like hoses, to protect themselves. They go in looking for victims and are unprotected against flame and other lethalities except by their experience and luck. They are in a burning building looking for you and me before the houses may even be turned on. Firemen are not drafted; they are not military, although some served prior to becoming Firefighters. The serve their own communities, but adjacent ones when needed, and generally walk in to situations that may kill them to save people they do not know, or to be sure a building is empty of persons. The latter was the case on December 3, 1999. Six men died in a building that was boarded up, and devoid of human life. It had many lives within it for several hours, and then 6 lives became the only bodies that the building would ever contain. Tim Jackson, Joe McGuirk, Paul Brotherton, Jay Lyons, Tom Spencer, and Jerry Lucey died, because as one person involved in the fire wondered, that 6 of his friends had died because, "two misfits were too scared to dial 911". These misfits not only started the fire, accidentally, they did not report it, but because it is not against the law to fail to report a fire in Massachusetts, even if you started it, neither person was convicted of anything. Now Julie and Tom continue to live their lives which up until the night they started this fire were notable only for the similarities they shared. They were the personification of life's losers, living illegally, living in filth, living any way they chose as long as it required nothing from them, no effort. And if that meant going to jail, breaking the law, and living in their own filth like no animal would do, that was what they did. They killed these 6 men by their actions, even if you call their act one of omission as opposed to commission, the men are dead, and Julie and Tom started the fire, Julie and Tom ran, and Julie and Tom did not bother to let anyone know the building they illegally were squatting in was empty. That their illegal residence was barely worth the water to contain the blaze, much less the lives of 6 men, a host of new widows, and a large number of now fatherless children, never occurred to Julie and Tom. They went to Media Play and listened to music while the fire spread, books were out for Tom, he's illiterate. And while the candle falling over and causing the fire was called an accident, it probably would not have fallen if Tom did not try to force himself on Julie. Tom was in the mood, Julie was not, so 6 men died. The men who fought this fire and died and those who fought it and lived are all remarkable people. They are people that few of us can measure up to. Are you willing to take a job where you place your life at risk every day, not for fame, or money, or even job security? I don't think you are; I'm not. Firemen are willing to make the sacrifice, so are Policemen and women. So the next time you are tempted to park in front of a hydrant, don't, next time you get nailed for speeding, take the ticket, call the officer sir or mam, and act like an adult. Don't whine because your radar/laser detector did not allow you to get away with speeding. Want to speed, pay the ticket; don't blame the officer who stops you. 30,000 Firefighters from all over the world came to Worcester to pay their respects to these men and the families that were left behind. So the next time you pass a Firehouse, think about the people in side, you probably don't know them, and they don't know you. Would you die for them, they are prepared to die for you, every minute of every day.
Rating:  Summary: This Book is HOT! Review: There is little in this world that can be as terrifying yet as satisfying as crawling into a blazing building and cheating death and fire by escaping and beating the fire down. In 25 years with fire departments, I have never read a story that depictes the courage and fear involved in firefighting with the scope, depth and compasion as this book does. It actually stood the hairs on my arms up several times and caused me to have several flashbacks to those "tougher" fires in my life. In addition, I was pleased to see the author treat firefighting with just enough simplicity for laymen, yet with enough attention to detail to capture the minds of firefighters themselves. This is a must read!!
Rating:  Summary: BAD BUILDING-TERRIBLE FIRE-BRAVE MEN Review: There is only one complaint to be made of this book: The picture on the dustjacket. Instead of a photograph of someone dressed in fireman's gear, there should have been a photograph of the building described in the narrative, an enormous building with no windows, no easy paths, and, once it caught fire, no mercy. It became a monster which took the lives of six firemen. Sean Flynn does a great job in telling this story. The book is relatively short, but Flynn does not shortchange the reader. You turn the pages fast as Flynn provides brisk views of the firemen he writes about, giving us the flavor of their family lives and their personal ambitions, and then rushing on into the action and tragedy that are the centerpieces of the book. This is a true story, but Flynn writes as if it were a novel, letting us know what people were thinking and saying in a terrible situation. He is able to do this because he has researched the story so well. (It began as a story for Esquire magazine.) The descriptions of the desperate attempts to save the six firemen who became lost in the mazes of the fiery Worcester Cold Storage building are some of the best true-life action sequences you are likely to encounter in a book. Flynn describes the aftermath of the fire eloquently, relating the sorrow, guilt, and pride felt by the surviving firefighters, and just as important, the heartbreak of the families the heroes left behind. Before the Worcester Cold Storage building ever caught fire, one of the firemen in this book looked at the towering thing, imagined it on fire, and said, "Bad Building." It seems he was right. Bad building. Hell of a good book.
Rating:  Summary: Firemens version of the perfect storm Review: This book in question, i.e., 3000 Degrees: The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It by Sean Flynn can be seen as the firemans version of perfect storm. In here we are told about the trials and tribulations as a group of firmen fight a raging fire. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: 3000 Degrees Review: This book was one of the most riveting of any fire related books,I have ever read. The attention to detail ,from the initial alarm, until the conclusion of the incident, was flawless. If Sean Flynn were not familiar with the workings of a city fire department, then he took the time to become more knowledgeable than most civilians could ever hope to. He not only covered the technical aspects of the fire, but the human side as well. This book easily falls among the ranks as those written by other noted authors as Dennis Smith, and Leo Stapleton.