Rating:  Summary: Braden's Going to Tell You What He Knows (Not Much). Review: I just finished this book. As I started out, I was really excited by the ideas mentioned in each chapter. At the end, I was disappointed that he spent all of those pages and words to say, actually, nothing. It was: "I'm going to tell you something really neat... soon ... pretty soon ... soon... 'bye. I felt so disappointed and kind of dumb because I really thought he had something to say. I hate to say it, but you'll have to keep looking for a good book on the subject. This one was like a high school report by a kid who really doesn't know the subject.
Rating:  Summary: The tragic waste of a tree. Review: I was expecting a more scholarly work based solely on the jacket design. Very nice design. I should have looked at the bibliography instead. I recommend you pick up a copy of "Horton Hears a Who", by Dr. Seuss instead.
Rating:  Summary: Hampered by sloppy scholarship Review: It's an intriguing concept--that prayer might allow one to choose one's reality. It's not wholly a bogus idea--Evan Harris Walker explores similar territory in his "Physics of Consciousness", in which he says that it may be possible that one's will, when properly marshalled, can have effects on quantum events, and, perhaps, events in the macroworld. Braden is not as careful as Walker; he interprets suggestive research as proving his thesis, even when it does not. Indeed, he breathlessly reports as if modern science was in general agreement with him, which it is decidedly not. I would wager that most scientists would have little sympathy for these ideas. Braden's idea that prophecies such as that of Isaiah in the Old Testament reveal different possible quantum futures is an interesting idea--one that Braden doesn't really develop fully. Braden also suggests that ancient the Essenes somehow had intuited all of this. To support this thesis, he quotes heavily from Edmond Szekely's "Essene Gospel of Peace", and infers that it is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is quite false. In truth, the actual Dead Sea Scrolls have a completely different focus and concern--they are reveal a profoundly apocalyptic mindset, quite unlike Szekely's "gospel", which most scholars believe the French-Hungarian Szekely wrote himself. It is unfortunate--Braden seems sincere, and the basic idea of the book is an interesting one--but his scholarship is so sloppy that it is hard to take him seriously.
Rating:  Summary: almost worth reading Review: Mr. Braden has a nice idea, but where is it? Unfortunately, this books has poor flow, and the most wild jumps to conclusions I have ever seen. For example, he decided that by finding a monastery library in Tibet which claims to hold documents "from everywhere," that this suddenly means that he has found the lost and untouched storage of ancient Essence knowledge! Wow. He really needs to get more credibility. Most of the book is spent discussing examples of fortune telling through the ages. But he makes no connection anywhere as to what this has to do with the Isaiah document he refers to. Sorry, Mr.Braden. I would like to have enjoyed the book, but I think it could easily have been summarized in few paragraphs, outlining your personal views of prayer: for this is really what this book is about. Reader beware. It is a royal waste of time. Anyone interested in this subject will find a much better and much more enjoyable reference in a book like "Excuse me, your life is waiting." by lyn grabhorn.
Rating:  Summary: As above, so below Review: Not only is this man brilliant, he's also very easy on the eyes! ;-) Beyond the obvious, though, the importance of this book at this point in time cannot be overemphasized. When we are all feeling overwhelmed and powerless about what appears to be "World War III," Gregg Braden points out that we are not powerless at all. Utilizing his tremendous awarenss of prophecy and the science of human technology, this man pulls together ancient thinking with current wisdom in a way that creates hope, excitement, and empowerment. I love the way he thinks.
Rating:  Summary: The Moment is Now for Global Peace and Cooperation Review: On page 226 Gregg Braden asks this question, "What would it take?" "What event could possibly reach beyond the differences of appearance, past concerns of daily routines, to "awaken the memory" of a common history, leading into a shared future in the only world we know?" This is a very small world and on Sept.11,2001 we were collectively shaken to the very "Core" of our existence.Perhaps this is our opportunity to realize how precious peace in our world really is for all people. Anyone interested in being part of the healing of the world will embrace Gregg Braden's profound insights.The subtle but very noticeable "shifts" may be part of your awareness, and as each of us feels this connection it creates a wave of hope as it spreads and blossoms so beautifully; and as our thoughts unite us with hope for our future and the emotion touches our hearts, each heart will share this peace with the next as the feeling based prayer helps us remember..."that we are here to love and to find a love even greater than any known by the angels of the heavens." This book is dedicated to our search for love and the memory of our power to bring heaven to earth. Please read The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy and trust that when the thought of hope and positive feeling based prayers are felt within our hearts all hearts will resonate as one and this world will be a wonderful place to be.
Rating:  Summary: Time to Stop Herding Sheep and Tell the Simple Truth? Review: Prophecy, like compassion, Mr. Braden, is NOT a science. It has proven itself to be visionary guess work at best. I will give you two credits. First, you've come a long way from your end-time argument of Awakening to Zero Point where you insisted that the Earth (around this time now), would stop its 1000 mph rotation and start spinning in the opposite direction, reaping major cataclysm along the way. Second, you've caught wind of the power of focused intent and prayer. I participated in the LightShift 2000 August 11 and 1/1/2000 quantum global meditations, and witnessed the miracle of no Y2K problems, no terrorism, peace, smooth transition, and an END to the end-time philsophies (like your own)of so many religions, cults, and individuals. However, here, the author only continues to cash in on herding the gullible through clever titles and associations which have weak, if any association. The Isiah Scroll is not unique. There are thousands of references throughout history that focused prayer changes life, witness the American Indian tradition. Read LightShift 2000 for a total validation of this concept in action and truth. Poor Nostradamus, who was a plague surgeon by day, and a drug taking alchemist by night, wrote before the printing press, had bad hand writing, and has been mistakenly interpreted for centuries. Cayce was a healer who of 14000 readings, only had a handful that dealt with Earth change which at this point are dead wrong. The Maya were an extremely violent culture who drank blood and ate their dead. The other view of their culture, that they were from the Pleides is sheer speculation, not science. Certainly, the Hopi, the Tibetan Buddhists, the Maya, and many other cultures were well versed and grounded in solid spiritual principles. Their worlds existed without MONEY. After reading this book, I have to think that MONEY is the reason it was written, just like the zany end-time philsophy of Awakening to Zero Point. This planet is in a crisis: Spiritually, Environmentally, Socially, Politically. The seas are dying, the planet is warming, everything is getting crowded -- powerful Karma is being worked out. Let the karma unfold -- that is our purpose for being here. Mr. Braden will learn that it is Mother Nature who is in charge of the weather. Do you TRULY think we're supposed to be all getting together to pray to change the forces of nature? Let it rain, let it snow, let the sun shine, the wind blow, the water flow. Indeed, humanity coming together in spirit will help, but it is not the silver bullet Mr. Braden claims it is. Being kind, honest, truthful, good humans doing useful and helpful activities is a spiritual start. Head 'em up again, Mr. Braden, move 'em out.....I bought your book. But I'm selling it at my next garage sale for a dime.
Rating:  Summary: One of a Kind Review: Quantum biology and spirituality are merging, and Braden expains, in his view, how this is so. I thoroughly enjoyed every page of this book and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in Yeshua's native language, quantum biology, and the future of our planet. (I hope to hear more from Braden about the Aramic language.) Great book!
Rating:  Summary: One chapter of substance... Review: The information contained in Chapter 7 is excellent - though not original. I found the info in that chapter to justify what I paid for the book. However, I would agree with another of the reviewers who indicated to "wait for the paperback."
Rating:  Summary: Learn Effective Prayer Review: The Isaiah Effect ties together prophecy, the Dead Sea Scrolls (most notably the book of Isaiah), Tibetian teachings, Mayan, Hopi and a multitude of other religious thought as well as new discoveries in quantum physics to arrive at the conclusion that these cultures understood prayer as a mechanism for change in the world. As I read through the book I came to the realization that what he has discovered can only be described as holistic prayer. It is prayer that involves every part of you; thought, emotions, belief, etc. Why go another day with a prayer technique that we have learned from childhood with ritualistic repeating of things like, "Now I lay me down to sleep....."? Why not have a whole understanding of prayer and how it can be used to change the world. That understanding is available now through this book. Carefully researched, inspirational and full of information, it is the missing piece to learning effective prayer.