Rating:  Summary: Principles of Leadership Review: Buck, a dog, lived in California in the Santa Clara Valley. He was top dog at Judge Miller's place. He weighed one hundred forty pounds. In 1897 the Klondike strike drove all manner of men to the Northland. A gardener sold Buck. He was put in a crate. For two days he did not eat or drink. He was broken brutally with a club. Buck was purchased by Perrault, a French-Canadian. He traveled by ship to Alaska. Mixed breed dogs and huskies, the sled dogs, are described interestingly by London. Buck toiled in the traces for an unending number of days. He found newborn cunning and ceased being a fussy eater. Buck's team encountered a starving group of dogs, (a walking and menacing example of the danger in the North to which animals and men were subject), who attacked the food with manic intensity. Perrault and his partner Francois sought to save their dogs from the famished beasts. The members of the team were wounded grievously. Nothing remotely edible had escaped the famished huskies. It is evident that Jack London loved the play of ideas swirling about a scene containing both the wild ancestors and the domesticated carnivores. Buck may have been a strange Southland dog, but potentially he was a ferocious one. Inevitably his mettle would be tested in a clash for leadership with a dog named Spitz. The party sought to reach Dawson. There were many men and countless dogs in Dawson. Afterwards they, Buck's party of men and dogs, went onto the Yukon Trail. The first day they accomplished a fifty mile run. Buck continued to challenge Spitz. He also gave way to wild delight. He sampled ecstacy, the summit of life in the great chase for prey. Buck bested Spitz. Next Buck prevailed on the men through rebellion to place him at the lead position. Buck became the giver of the law, (this is another theme running through Jack London's works). For fourteen days they averaged forty miles. After Skagway Francois and Perrault left for other pursuits. Buck and the dogs carried the mail. In less than five months they traveled twenty five hundred miles. The team, exhausted, fell into the hands of inexperienced owners. The sled was overloaded. A fourteen dog team meant starvation because it was not possible to carry enough dog food for the journey. The reality of Arctic conditions became too harsh for the people to bear. In their own misery they became callous to the suffering of the animals. At John Thornton's camp Buck refused to get up because he sensed that something was amiss. Thornton undertook to save Buck and the other members of the team and people drowned in the thawed ice. Buck became lavish in his love for Thornton. In the course of time he rubbed noses with a wolf, the call of the wild. Following Thornton's death Buck joined the wolf pack and became a ghost dog. In a London tale Social Darwinism, the struggle for existence, overwhelms everything else. The story is sharp, brutal, compelling.
Rating:  Summary: nls approved book Review: The Call of the Wild is a book about a dog named Buck who was kidnapped from an easy life of roaming around a country home by some dog smugglers. They brought him to the klondike where he was forced to work as a sled dog to help out with the klondike gold rush. In this story, Jack London does a good job of describing in detail about Bucks feelings about everything around him. London tells about what Buck has to go through everyday in order to survive. Buck has to overcome the problems he runs into every day like finding food and getting along with the other sled dogs. London explains in detail the setting and other characters from Bucks point of view and what he thinks of them. If you have read other books that Jack London wrote like White Fang or Sea Wolf, you will enjoy reading The Call of the Wild. Because London described everything in detail, the book was a bit slow moving and sometimes boring. When I was in eighth grade, our class had to read the book as an assignment. I thought the book was good, but most of my classmates did not agree with me. I Would recommend the book to teenage or older kids that like to read about nature and the outdoors.
Rating:  Summary: What great book! Review: Jack *had* the best hobbies I like the swimming, horseback riding, but I don't like the sailing...Never did never will. Speed boats are better, but you didn't have them when you were a kid. Also what made him want to write? Like I said before I just loved this book. It was so sad, exciting, and mysterious. Once you read one chapter and then you won't want to put it down. His books will never make me or my mom ZzZzZzZzzzz........ Like some other books you'll be sleeping before you even read the fifth sentence. That's how boring other books are compared to his just like call of the wild. His books are so detailed too.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, Powerful, Compelling...Wow! Review: I've always wanted to read the classics, but up until I picked this book up I'd been reading illustrated editions adapted for young readers, none of which had much effect on me. Then I picked up the real thing -- and what a thing it is. In "The Call of the Wild," Jack London pulls the reader in from page one and never lets go. The only words for it are Amazing, Powerful, Compelling and Wow. This immersive and compelling story of Buck, a high-socioty dog who is kidnapped during the Gold Rush, beginning a journey to the frozen North and to his wild wolf roots, is action-packed and ever fast-paced, and yet told with incridible care paid to description. London draws the reader's attention to even the smallest details and yet never bores; any writer who can do this successfully has my upmost respect. This novella is nothing less then perfect. no literate dog lover should miss it. It will deepen your love and respect for the canine species. Essensial reading! ***** (5/5)
Rating:  Summary: Call of the Wild Review: The title of this book, "Call of the Wild," by Jack London, shows how Buck straddles between two worlds, one as a domestic dog with the ability to be loved and trained, and the other as a primordial beast constantly having the instinct to return to his primitive ways. His journey takes him from being a pampered household pet to running with the wolf pack and surviving in a savage environment. Along the way he learns to fear some humans, to survive among savage dogs, and to love a master.
Rating:  Summary: No words to describe Review: In this spell binding, compelling, truly amazing book, London grabs you and never lets you go. It follows the story of Buck, and dog who is yanked out of his lazy life by a cruel gardener and forced to travel to the Yukon to aid men (and women) in search of gold. He experiences intolerable cruelty; he gets beaten and whipped almost to death, he is almost starved by a set of owners, and he learns the basic rule of thumb; kill or be killed. He often fights with the other lead dog until he finally knocks him off. It isn't until he is taken care of and showed what real love means by John Thornton that he finally warms up to humans again. But his love is cut short when a group of Yee-hats kill his entire team; Thornton, the other dogs of the team, and Thornton's friends. He then becomes full of rage; he spies the Yee-hats some distance away and knocks off almost the entire pack. He wanders around, not quite conscious of what has happened until a wolf pack come along...then he finally recieves "the call"; hence "The Call of the Wild" This is one of the best books I have ever read, but also the saddest I've ever read. It had a huge impact on me; I wasn't quite sure of it until I almost burst into tears when talking about it. It hits you on a highly personal level...so if you are the type of person who gets affected by things easily, I would make sure you can handle it before you read it. But I guess that's what makes a great author; one that can touch you so deeply that you remember it for the rest of your life.
Rating:  Summary: a book that is full of lessons Review: Jack London is a good writer, he puts his readers in the story and teaches you the same lessons as the characters in the book. In the book there is good detail with the things that happen to show what really goes on. If you are a animail person this is a good book for you!
Rating:  Summary: Answer The Call Review: Running, fighting, and surviving that is what Buck has to do. This is an amazing story about the life of a dog. The Call of the Wild by Jack London is an extremely exciting book. As you turn each page you encounter a new toil just as Buck does. You don't just read this book you live it the details are incredible. This is a great book and I recomend it to people of all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Long...But Good... Review: All dog lovers should like this but it is also sad...Poor Jake London he wrote this book for free...Also poopr Buck that gog went through so much. It may be sad but its one of the best book iv ever read!!!OK maybe not but close.But what a great book it was and still is even if im not a dog person.Such amazing things Buck did in this book, truly amazing.He pulled a 1k sled that was frozen to the ground and for 100 YARDS!,truly an amazing dog.And man that wrote this book!!! \(^o^)/
Rating:  Summary: call wild Review: Jack London's book "The Call of the Wild," is a story of a dog named Buck, who was a successful sled dog. He traveled thousands of miles with various trainers and dogs who came from different places but came together for the same reasons. This adventurous book is highly suspencful and will keep you on the edge of your seat. It rarely has a dull moment and it keeps you interested, for a fast read. I enjoyed how the story was told through Bucks point of view. I very raely think about how a dog feels and realize now that they are a lot more intelligent than i've given them credit for. anyone with a short attention spand who is interested in an easy and exciting read should consider reading this book.