Rating:  Summary: Confused Man Review: I was very disappointed in this book. I expected a book about spirituality and God but instead got a book about New Age beliefs and not many references to God.
Rating:  Summary: Reinforces that I am not alone in thought. Review: I find it quite interesting when guides/teachers are discussed in the "Seat of the Soul." Why, well I have been on a journey for many years, questions upon questions. I attended church from the time of 4 yrs. until my 47th. year, I tried, really tried in adulthood to understand what was being taught and written in the Bible. I have read and re-read, questioned clergy. It was only after being guided, and that is my belief, as I never, never buy books in hard cover, happened to be filling in time between appointments, browsing in a book store, picked up Celestine Prophecy, never heard of the book nor James Redfield and at $ 22.95 [Can.], I bought it. I write in the margins of my books, and one of my comments, a lot of what is being said in the Bible is being said here only in more understandable wording. Love, compassion, energy, spirit, the violence in the Bible is there and in two thousand years it is still here, the message has not been understood because we have not opened our minds to what has been the message. I thank you Gary Zukav, my spiritual journey started from an inward pain of incest, peeling away the layers, as I know had to be done for me, has been almost unbearable by times. You, along with many other soul searchers, have inspired me to continue on my quest for wholeness. I know, without question, that I am and have been guided. I am a firm believer, and can say that because of experience, there are non-physical guides and teachers and so much more than the five senses. I respect your views Gary Zukav, they are your very own individual experiences and by sharing you have allowed others to share their own in likeness. I cannot imagine anyone not sharing the views of love, compassion, insightfulness, the world sure hasn't worked on the exterior/material, and we have many past generations of proof, it does not take an Einstein to see the results of greed and lack of compassion in every area of human/earth kind. I thank you Gary Zukav for your inspiration and speaking your truth. May your light shine even brighter.
Rating:  Summary: Falls Short Review: Gary Zukav, the physicist author of the brilliant 1980's book, THE DANCING WU LI MASTERS, falls short with this non-scientific, non-spiritual attempt to explain the Soul's purpose on Earth. He presents his wildly controversial theories about karma, reincarnation, transformational heirarchies, and metaphysical evolution as indisputable facts, dismissing traditional Western religious views while actually, and perhaps unwittingly, imposing fundamentalist Christian judgments on poorly understood Eastern belief systems. For example, he polarizes flesh vs spirit with new words, calling them "five-sensory vs multi-sensory" and "personality vs soul;" he ascribes all so-called "good" emotions (love, compassion, forgiveness) to Soul, and pins the "bad" ones (anger, sorrow, fear) on the lowly personality. He seems to havemissed the idea that all things are created for a useful function, that nothing is on the planet that is without purpose. For example, fear keeps us out of danger, anger protects our boundaries, and sorrow clarifies our losses. While there are some good (read: thought-provoking") ideas here, they are mostly a kind of Cliff Notes version of Jane Roberts' 1970's channelled material, SETH SPEAKS, or a re-hashing of Earnest Holmes's 1950's development of Religious Science. However none of these works are cited. I have a feeling that Mr. Zukav will one day be embarrassed by the arrogance displayed by this book. But then, maybe that's why he's used the word SEAT in his title. That's where he will be kicking himself.
Rating:  Summary: This book is pretty much a GUIDE through your soul! Review: While I was reading this book...it was kinda hard to understand if your not TOTALLY focusing on it! But...once I got past a few chapters...EVERYTHING was clear to me. Once you get this book in your hands...it's not gonna come out for a while! The authors sense in words was so POWERFUL, that I couldn't NOT pay attention to the book.
Rating:  Summary: An absolutely life-enhancing book Review: I read this book several years ago when it first came out and have bought the book multiple times since ~ everytime I have a copy I end up giving it to someone. Do yourself a favor and read this wonderful book. I hope it becomes a favorite of yours as much as it is of mine.
Rating:  Summary: A cohesive system Review: Zukav fails to develop logical arguments for his ideas; he simply states them. But if you are familiar with new-age vocabulary and on a personal quest for spiritual understanding, the text will make perfect sense. The greatest value in the book is in having all the metaphysical strands woven so simply, but satisfyingly, together. Pity that the language did not match the beauty of the ideas.
Rating:  Summary: ALL OPRAH SAYS AND MORE Review: If you came to this site curious about "Seat of the Soul" after watching Gary Zukav on the Oprah show, you will not be dissapointed. In this book, the author shares more of the rich wisdom that he intrigued us with on her show. I personally can not get enough of this book. I have read it over and over again, each time gaining new insites as I have grown spiritually. I have given away numerous copies,wanting to pass on the knowledge it has given me. The author is intelligent, (Harvard graduate, authority in physics.) His sincerity, and obvious love for humanity come through so clearly. The subjects are deep and thought-provoking,and will challege you to search your own soul and belief systems. Some may not be ready for this level of thinking, but for those of you who are genuine truth-seekers, this book will open door after door to understanding what we, and life are all about and why we are here. Seat of the Soul gives us new insite into purpose, addiction, spiritual partners and our relationships,and most importantly, how our intentions and choices create our life experiences. If it has changed Oprah's life and mine, it can change yours, too. This is a book that you will keep forever and tresure all the wisdom it imparts.
Rating:  Summary: nuggets of wisdom, too many theories Review: I really liked his fundamental idea and the description of growth and development possible and its way. This part was much too short for me and did not go into sufficient depth and descriptiveness. I felt like he had started to write something truly interesting and then did not flesh it out.I really disliked his theories about "group souls" "souls being only partially present in the specific person" and so on. Not because I disagree with him (I have no idea whether animals have group souls and whether I have a 1/158 of a soul or more or less) but because he just says "this is how it is" and does not explain why he thinks that and where he gets it from. If he did explain, I might find myself agreeing with him (who knows?) but I find such theories without explanations very irritating.
Rating:  Summary: this is a book that we can all learn agreat deal from Review: this book has had a grat impact on my life. it is a very deep book one that takes time to read do the the concepts that are spoken about in it. i hav bought at least six copies to give as gifts to my friends and family who have reached a point in there life where they are asking is this all there is, why me ? i would recomend this book to everybody, how ever it is not a quick read.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking, enlightening & empowering. Review: As a passionate internal traveler, who has been a "caretaker" for 10 years & just beginning to adjust to the demise of my mother one month ago; this book has been a valuable adjunct for insight as I stive to establish structure into my life. It is a forever book of great wisdom. And has been an aid to empowerment as it validates so many of my own beliefs.