Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear Review: Touching Spirit BearBen Mikaelsen ISBN 0-439-40184-4 Standing all alone on the shore, Cole felt his anger smoldering. Soon it would explode like gunpowder. 15-year-old Cole Matthews is on his way to jail for assaulting a 9th grade boy named Peter Driscal. This was Cole's last strike with the police. Cole either goes to jail or goes through therapy on an Alaskan Island. Cole would do anything to avoid jail so; he chooses to go through the therapy on the island. When at the island, Cole tries to escape and is then mauled by the so-called "Spirit Bear". With his encounter with the spirit bear Cole thinks about life, and that he wanted to change. Then a few days later Cole is rescued, and is rushed into a hospital and then heals. Six months later, he is back on the Island to finish therapy. Find out what happens next in this fictional survival story. In my opinion, this was my favorite book ever, but you and I might have completely different views, so I am going to try to convince you how good of a book this is, and hopefully you will read this one in a kind book. First of all, it is a great page-turner because Cole is unpredictable with his anger, and the author writes in a way that is cliffhanging. I bet that all of us can connect with Cole in some ways like, how he gets angry, because everyone gets angry. How many of you people liked Outsiders or Hatchet? Well, if you liked both of them, then you likely will enjoy this book. Outsiders had to do with fights, and anger, like Cole in this book, and Hatchet, because Cole has to survive on the Island in Alaska. How many of you guys have read a book and had your mind wander and do not understand a thing? This has happened to me, but not in this book. The author provides details; what the character is thinking, and dialogue, so you will not be lost when they talk about Cole and the story. Finally, yet importantly, I would recommend this book to people who like survival stories. The age group for this story would be about 10 and up to 16. I would not go to young because the story is pretty long and teenager problems wouldn't appeal to younger students. Don't take my word for Touching Spirit Bear, go read it!
Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear Review: I really enjoyed reading this book. It had a lot of description, which made it seem like you were actually in the book. Touching Spirit Bear is about a boy named Cole Matthews who liked to get into a lot of trouble, but he had finally pushed the last straw. He had smashed a fellow student's head against the sidewalk which now the boy could have brain damage. Cole has two choices to face a really long jail term, or go through a program for juvenile delinquents called Circle Justice. If he goes with circle justice then he will be straned on an Alaskan island for one year. The purpose of baneshment is so he can learn how to keep his anger contained. So I recommend this book to anyone who is sick of reading boaring book with no description.
Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear Review: I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was really interesting, and it had a lot of description. Touching Spirit Bear was about a young boy named Cole Matthews, who loved to get into trouble. The trouble he got into wasn't minor but major. One day he smashed a fellow student's head against the sidewalk and now that boy could have major braindamage. Now Cole could face jail time or go through a tradition for juvenile delinquents to give them a second chance a life. The tradition is called Circle Justice. If Cole decides to go through with circle justice then he will be deserted to an island for on year to clear his thoughts. In order to find out what desision he picks, I recommend that you should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Sets a good mood for sleeping Review: In my opinion, this is one of the most boring books I have ever read. I guess it would be a good read for some readers, so that's why I couldn't give it one star. I lost interest when Cole Matthews arrives at Circle Justice. Cole Matthews is on Circle Justice because he has beaten a kid for tattling on him for committing a crime. The people in the community decide his nonsence had been going on long enough. Instead of sending him to jail they send him to circle justice, where he stays in a desserted area for a year. The summary sounded good, but the book itself was BORING! It was the slowest book I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Thouching Spirit Bear Review: I love the book Thouching Spirit Bear it is probablly one of my favorite book! I read every Brian Book by Gary Paulsen and I liked them, thouching spirit bear id almost like those books. I LIVE THOUCHING SPIRIT BEAR!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear Review: Whitin Cole Matthews lies anger, rage and hate. Cole has been lying and fighting, but then he is caught by Peter Driscal who snitches on him. Cole gets his evenge and smashes Peter's head into the cement. The consequences are Cole and go to jail or get banished to an Alaskan island for a year. Cole chooses to be banished. My opinion of Touching Spirit Bear is I think it is a great book. If you have ever read Hatchet and liked it, then you will love this book. I recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book for all ages! Review: An excellent story of Native American wisdom used to help youth with modern day problems. This is a "read" that will intregue the young and old alike. It's helped me take a deep look at myself and has helped substantialy in my own personal growth.
Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen Review: A ninth grade mad man had just broken into a hardware store. One of his class mates tattles on him. Cole, not thinking, beats the kid (Peter) up. Peter gets hurt so badly that he has to go to the hospital. Doctors study Peter and when they are finished, rumors pop up that Cole might have caused permanent brain damage. Police then send Cole to a group therapy that is trying to heal his anger. That does not work so the circle decides to ban Cole to an island where nobody lives. This book is one of my all time favorites. It has all kinds of adventures and exciting moments. In some parts of the book I am so mad but in other parts I cannot put the book down because it is so good. For example, in the beginning of the book when Cole goes around beating everybody up, I am really mad. However after the bear beats Cole up, I got really excited. Ben Mikaelsen puts a weird creature in the book, a white black bear. It is so crazy but then again, you cannot put the book down because it is so interesting. Say there was no bear, the book would have been very boring and banal. Cole would have never learned his lesson and Peter would have never healed. What I have just told you makes a great book in my opinion and I think it will also be one of your favorites if you take the time to read it. I am going to limit my words because I don't want to give anything away so I will just tell you that Touching Spirit Bear is a great book and I strongly recommend it to you.
Rating:  Summary: Touching Spirit Bear Review: "Touching Spirit Bear" is a book about a very angry and abused fifteen year old who is facing a prison sentence for attacking and injuring a fellow nineth-grder. While waiting for the courts decision Cole, the boy, was kept in a detention center. During his stay in the detention center he was asked to apply for circle justice. After all of the arrangements were made Cole was sent to live by himself on an island off the coast of Alaska for a year. His stay on the island was cut short by a near death experience that some how made Cole realize what life had to offer and wanted to change. Cole was given a second chance and he takes the opportunity this time by helping himself and Peter, the boy he beat up. I hope there is a seaquel.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books ever Review: Cole is a troubled boy put on a remote island instead of a jail cell. Many events took place to get him in that position. One night he sees a white bear and get mad because the bear was not scared of him. You need to read the book to find out the rest. This is a very, very good book. Everyone should read it. There is good descriptive language.