Rating:  Summary: An Alright book Review: Ok well I think that this book was an alright book. I thought it was uniquely written, and put together. But I also think that everyone makes it seem like its this unbelievable perfect book that everyone's got to love. I think that it is an ok book to read if you want to read about the beat lifestyle or if it assigned to you at school. I had to read this book due to it being assigned to me in my high school senior English class. I really liked it at first but then I started to not like it at all. So that's another reason why I think the book is just "ok". I guess I would like this book better if it was like the late forties early fifties and I was part of the "beat" generation. But its not and I'm not, so in the long run this book was really boring to me.
Rating:  Summary: Bad book Review: I think that this book was not that great. I am sure that Jack Kerouac has written better books but this one was pretty bad. If I didn't have to read it I wouldn't have. And I don't really recommend it. This story was really strange. The way the book was set up was horrible too. They had five parts to the book and within the five parts they had different chapters. In one chapter they would tell you about something that happened in one year and then skip ahead to like 2 years after that. Then it would go back to like 3 years and then move back to the year they skipped. The plot of the story was really dumb too. I mean who wants to read about a road trip that was so strange? The charters that Mr. Kerouac has in his book were based on the was people were living at the time. They were from the beat generation and they did things their way. Most of the things in this book are about drugs and sex. While when this was written these were very sensitive subjects to talk about, let alone publish. As of now though, none of that phases anyone. As much as most young people like to read about things like this, most young people I have talked to did not like this book. I think this book was really bad and I do not recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: The beat goes on...and on....and on...and on...about NOTHING Review: Driving around the country, doing drugs, and having sex describes Jack Kerouac's On the Road. This has to be one of the worst books I've read. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I don't see how anyone could find this book interesting. Sal, the main character in this book, lives with his aunt and decides that he wants to go out on the road and meet his friends in Denver. This is all the book does. Follows Sal going around the country with little or no money and taking rides from total strangers. He lets Dean, who is the son of a hobo, influence him greatly. This books gives some people the idea to do this is okay. The only lesson in this story is to go take numerous trips around the country while doing many drugs and having sex with as many people as you please. The ending of this book was also very disappointing. I would definitely not recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Good message, but to many details to get through Review: When I finished "On the Road" I felt almost complete; like all the tedious reading I'd done was worth it to get to the underlying message. But now that I look back I really don't think the reading was worth it. The book has a powerful message about living your life the way you want to live it. Upon finishing the book this idea seemed clear to me, it gave me a strengthened sense of independence and self worth. It made me look at my life in a new light where I made all of my own decision, did what I wanted, where I wanted, when I wanted. I thank Mr. Kerouac for shining this light for me, but still I wish he could have done it in a more short story like fashion. His story is about two beatniks, Sal (the narrator) and Dean, that travel around America in the 1950's. Through the story the afore mentioned message comes out of their beatnik travels as well as a healthy dose of American pride as we see the great land that is the United States traveled coast to coast. Along the way Sal and Dean have good times and bad times, showing us that it's important to do things your own way, but be ready to accept your own consequences. So your probably thinking, why two stars out of five? Because the manner that the book was written was so drawn out in detail that I had to strain to stay awake while reading it. Kerouac mentions all of the little details and aspects of Sal and Dean's travels. From naming every town they drive through or past to the overly meticulous, concise descriptions that he gives of all the people Sal and Dean encounter. During the book, all I could think about was why Kerouac couldn't have summarized or even cut out parts of the book. I understand that do to the nature of Kerouac's writing style that may not be possible, but it's my simple wish. Bottom Line...great book, poor editing. But hey, that's the beatnik generation for you
Rating:  Summary: Word... on the road hunh Review: Can you imagine hitch hiking across America, is it real? Sal hitch hiked all over America. He went from state to state, met people and met more people. Through his journey, I guess that Jack Kerouac made a pretty declarative meaning out of the novel On The Road about time and life. Life is nothing but time and fun, you don't live forever and you have to make the best out of your life. And I think that he made that really simple with reading this novel. How can someone travel through America hitch hiking the whole way, just meeting random people and being friends and trusting someone that you just met with your life. Sal visits various cities and states. Some of these states he had money some of them he didn't, he took many chances on this road trip. He met various women fell in love, fell out of love. But it seemed whenever he ran into something challenging he could go back to New Jersey with his aunt. It seems that he loved the New York City. Many times he put his life in jeopardy. I don't want to spoil the idea of the book so there fore I didn't say much about it but I would like to say that I really didn't like the book. I mean maybe to someone it's a life learned lesson. To me it was just a book that helped me recognize the fact that you are capable of doing whatever you want you just have to be willing to risk your life. (something that you don't have forever) I don't agree with meeting people and hopping in the car with them and letting them lead the way, but like I said that's just a risk that you have to take. I also think that the book was kind of boring it wasn't enough to keep me up. Maybe to some it would be a life learned lesson, but to me it was boring entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Suffering Insomnia? Read thisbook! Review: On the Road had to be the longest, most boring book I have ever read in my entire life. I have read a lot of reviews about this book and I must say, either these people have absolutely no lives, or they were paid to write this nonsense. But, from what I had gathered from the book hasn't changed my life at all. On the Road starts off with the Narrator, Sal, and he gets offered to go and stay with his friend from college in San Francisco. So Sal at that point is thinking," oh maybe since I'm going to live with my college friend in San Fran, I'll go and visit Dean since its on the way and all." Anyway, he goes and visits his friend Dean and that's when Dean decides, " hey I'm bored I'll go with you to San Francisco." So off they go and the long journey begins. It hasn't made me want to go to California. I can't afford it. These people that went back and forth from New York to every other state had no purpose what so ever of doing this. When I first heard of the book I thought, " wow this is going to be such a great book." Little did I know that I had to look every word up in the dictionary only finding out that I couldn't because every word was slang and I would never know what it meant unless I was a beat poet myself or I did more research. In conclusion, if you are ever suffering from insomnia, or want to feel real pain, read this book it is the remedy for pain and sleep.
Rating:  Summary: On the Road by Jack Kerouac Review: I swear this book was so dumb. I couldn't bear reading it any more after the first two chapters. The whole thing is written as what seems to me as an unfinished thought. I've heard that this was supposed to be a documentary item of an adventure but to me it was more like the ramblings of a doped up poet wannabe. Jack Kerouac wrote this book, or so I've heard, on one continuous roll of paper. It seems to me that there may be some truth in that because there is no end, just run-ons. I forced myself to read the rest of it, hoping that maybe it would get better. But alas, it (was ver bad). What is worse is the ending let me down even more. The whole story is about Sal Paradise, yes that is really his name, and how Sal hitchhikes back and forth the continental U.S. meeting up with his poet friends. See Sal. See Sal run. Run Sal, run. This is the basic jist of the whole book. I hope I make you think about reading this book. It's not for everyone. So, later.
Rating:  Summary: On the Road Review: I kept hearing how Jack Kerouac's "classic" novel on the road has the ability to change lives, how it defined a generation. So I thought "Wow, I should read this book!" but I never had the chance until this year when On the Road was assigned to our class to read. You know how you hear people rave on and on about a book and you read it and it's so good you just have to read it again? That definitely isn't the case with On the Road. If I never hear about Jack Kerouac and his terrible novel it will be too soon. The novel takes place in the 1940s and follows its main character, Sal, as he hitchhikes across America. The novel's pace is unreasonably fast and never digs below the surface. The characters that Sal meets along the way are not at all three dimensional because the book is moving too fast to spend any time making things real. The pace reminds me of a child telling a story, they are so excited to tell you everything they don't take the time to explain. About the only thing Kerouac gives you time to realize about the characters is that they drink a lot, do a lot of drugs, and steal. The book is broken down into five sections that seem to drag and have no direction. I think the lack of direction and lack of a sturdy plot are the main issues of this novel. You walk away from this book with nothing but confusion and a welt from where you kicked yourself for wasting time reading a 300 and some odd page novel.
Rating:  Summary: this sucks Review: Everybody's raving about how great Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road is the greatest thing since sliced cheese. I beg to differ. I recently read it as an assignment in school, and decided it was the worst book I ever had to read for school. Not only does the story have no real plot, but the characters are uninteresting and the writing mediocre. How anyone could consider it a life-altering classic novel is beyond me. The novel tells the story Sal Paradise's travels around America. Not much is ever learned about Sal's family or his past. He remains a cold and distant narrator throughout the book. The reader follows Sal across the country as he hitchhikes to Colorado, California, and back to New Jersey (and the many places in between). He meets friends in strange places; friends who could have been interesting if they were given more depth. As a whole, this book did not effect me in any life changing way, except by giving me a headache. It's boring and hard to follow, and I feel no sympathy for any characters in the book. I would recommend this book only to my worst enemies.
Rating:  Summary: On the Road yet again... Review: Do you like having one night stands? How about doing all kinds of drugs? Hitchhiking across country and stealing cars with no repercussions? Well then On the Road by Jack Kerouac is for you. This book deals with two main characters, Sal and Dean who hitchhike across the country and have all kinds of adventures living on the road. On the Road takes place during the forties and follows two main characters across the country. These two characters travel around the country and pick up hitchhikers. They never have any money on them, they never have any direction and they're always in search of IT. The main characters are Sal and Dean. They are the two that do the traveling. Dean has a steady girl named Marylou and a wife named Camille. They have many other friends that they visit along the way during the story. The book was long-winded and had no direction; like the main characters. It seems to me that Dean will never grow up and Sal will eventually go back to him and the cycle will continue. I do not like the fact that they have no direction and constantly steal things. I can't see how people can live like that their entire life. It's not all that bad. Jack Kerouac defined a generation by writing this book. On the Road is a book that should be read by someone who is young and thinking about living a life like Dean and Sal have lived. It will show them that it is not all fun and games; you will get tired of it.