Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant & Credible Expose Review: Finally, a network insider with the guts to blow the whistle on journalists who pretend to be obtective observers and reporters. Goldberg gives the reader an insider's view of CBS operations. He supports his statements with credible evidence. Anyone who has watched an event on TV and then observed a network reporter distort the same event will know what he means. Dan Rather and his CBS gang are already trying to smear and demonize him. Hang tough Goldberg. Use Bill O'Reily as a model. I hope (but doubt) that PBS and NPR will make Goldberg a regular commentator on the media. Buy the hardback. Buy another for a liberal friend. Make Goldberg rich. Maybe another network insider will also have the guts to blow the whistle on the media.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Review: Mr. Goldberg expresses everything that anyone to the right of Barbra Streisand and Alec Baldwin always knew. How refreshing that this can come to the forefront in the face of the intolerant, elitist, liberal media horde. This is a great book for Conservatives, intellectually honest liberals and any other open minded folks who want to get a glimpse into the propaganda machines that are disguised as the mainstream media. A triumph.
Rating:  Summary: BAM! Review: Media history will now be divided into two eras: B.B. (Before BIAS) and A.B. The book is searing indictment of the left leaning media, in a way they will never be able to deny (thus, the ad hominem attacks on the author). The arrogance of people like Dan Rather and his ilk is documented for all to see. No one with an open mind will be able to watch these jokers again without seeing through their thin veil of "objectivity." Everyone knows the networks and newspeople are, by and large, liberal. Only fools and prevaricators deny this. Now we have a bill of particulars that makes the case undeniable. Want to know why news viewers are leaving CBS, NBC etc. in droves? Why Fox is flourishing? It's all here. These old guard cronies are toast. They are flailing in the wind. Good-bye and good riddance! Thanks to the author for his courage. He's being savaged by the in the liberal press, which only proves his point.
Rating:  Summary: whistle blower finally exposes media biase... Review: Bernard Goldberg risked the prospect of becoming the liberal left's public enemy #1 by blowing the whistle and exposing the hypocrisy and distortion he has witnessed (and in part particapted) as a former insider at CBS. Surely, us average Joes always knew that both the left and the right are biased, but who would have thought the left would dare to go this far?? Goldberg, being a staunch liberal himself, must have been determined to make known the lies and deceits inside the media once and for all, for a teed-off Dan Rather is no joking matter for anyone who wants to work in the news network... IF YOU WANT TO GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE AGE-OLD DISTRUST OF THE MEDIA, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!...
Rating:  Summary: A Card-Carrying Liberal Blows The Whistle On Big Media Review: I recommend this book to any American who wants to understand why what is portrayed in the establishment press and TV news coverage is so often at odds with their own perceptions, beliefs and first hand experiences. Author Bernard Goldberg is a long-time, multiple-Emmy winning CBS journalist who has always voted for Democratic Presidential candidates. Nevertheless, he is apparently so dedicated to the notion that journalists have a duty to provide the public with accurate, unbiased information that he has written this book to expose the systematic left-learning slant that dominates print and TV news coverage and editorial opinion. Goldberg debunks the notion that the media can be considered unbiased just because, for example, they often reported negatively on President Clinton (gee, it's kind of hard to put a positive spin on being disbarred in one's home state isn't it?). The thought provoking perspective that Goldberg presents and documents is the interesting notion that media liberal bias is deeply and subtly institutional rather than overt and conscious. Journalists, he assets, simply believe that liberal political and social ideas are "normal" and "correct" while any other perspective is intrinsically flawed or ignorant. For example, journalists assume that the proper person to interview on any women's issue is always a NOW representative and the proper person to interview on any racial issue is always a member of the NAACP establishment. Someone with a non-liberal perspective must always be identified as conservative or right-wing, while people with a liberal (i.e., "normal and correct") perspective are not actually called liberals or left-wingers ("the only time the media uses the term "left wing" is to refer to a part of an airplane"). Goldberg says that most members of today's media consider themselves more intelligent, more perceptive and better educated than the general public. I find such a self-view by journalists to be a joke when you consider that the field is littered with ex-beauty queens and people with "communications" degrees that are devoid of any meaningful content in topics like economics, business, history and science. The author says that when he first mentioned Dan Rather as an example of entrenched liberal media bias in an editorial in 1995, he told Dan beforehand about the article and Dan said to him, "We were friends yesterday, we are friends today and we'll be friends tomorrow". However, Goldberg says that what Dan really meant was, "As far as I'm concerned you're dead" and has literally never spoken to Goldberg since. Wow, that Dan's one tough pseudo-Marine! (Rather likes to tell people that he's a former Marine, but according to the author of Stolen Valor, Rather washed out of the Corps in the 1950s before he could even finish Boot Camp). If you're a liberal read this book thoughtfully and see for yourself whether Goldberg doesn't make some valid points. If you're a conservative read the book to learn why your worst fears about the media aren't paranoid. And if you're a news executive read this book to learn why more and more of your audience is rejecting your product because what your journalists tells us doesn't ring true to most Americans' real world experience.
Rating:  Summary: No New News Here Review: The bias of many major news organizations has been debated for many years. For the most part, liberal or conservative, objective news reporting is illusory. Yet the PR machines of these same organizations feel that the general public is not capable of seeing right through them. Goldberg's book, in my opinion, does a creditable job of further exposing the mechanics behind this bias. While there is no room to go into great detail, the book attacks ALL media bias; not just liberal (the recent Drudge Report articles seem to highlight just the liberal bias). Goldberg makes a good argument for reexamining the whole corporate structure of the news business. One can certainly infer that the profits would still be there without the bias. This reviewer has always liked the reporting of Mr. Goldberg, and this book certainly has brought out what I always suspected about him: that he tries to live up to the expectation of being objective. I would now be curious to see what happens to his career. According to reports, some of his colleagues were not pleased with this book. I highly recommend this book as food for thought in the high-tech news world that we now live in. Our news organizations need to differentiate between news reporting and editorials. Charles E. Brown
Rating:  Summary: Move over Chomsky! Review: Well, much of this book only confirms widely held suspicions. Definitely a brilliant inside look into what is really going on in the news stations. Someone should give author Bernard Goldberg a copy of Erik Quisling's classic "The Angry Clam" to read this holiday season.
Rating:  Summary: Finally...A Credible Review of the Mainstream Media Review: FINALLY, a book which exposes the true agenda of the mainstream media in general, and shows how so-called "journalists" present information to the public. Ever since the sixties, there has been a McCarthy-esque enforcement policy on media reporting, with biases and views reserved only to those which champion the liberal agendas while blackballing journalists and columnists whose values which most Americans and free-loving people hold dear. Dan Rather, in particular, gets his justified comeuppance. But most of all, when people act like the very people and organizations they demonize truly show the incredible lack of trust, respect, and actual faith in the people they are trying to convince, all for the sake of dollars they don't deserve to produce. In my opinion, this book will usher in an incredible avalanche of such publications, especially for people who TRULY cherish the First Amendment. "Bias" is a Godsend for unbiased journalists and readers everywhere. This book should be required reading for all true journalism wannabes.
Rating:  Summary: Bias Review: This book is full of (...), innuendo, and (...). There is just as much of a conservative bias in the media as there is a liberal bias. It just shows up in different places. Don't believe this poor analysis. The media may present a distorted veiw, but this book gets IT ALL WRONG.
Rating:  Summary: And that's the way it REALLY is... Review: For years, conservatives and some "middle of the roaders" have been complaining about liberal bias and slanted coverage from the network news departments. These accusations were met with vigorous denials from Rather (who actually had the gall to recently host a Democratic fundraiser), Brokaw, Jennings, Gumbel, Couric, etc. Now, Goldberg, a 28 year veteran of CBS news has written a book admitting that the networks skew their coverage in favor of the Democratic party and liberals, even quoting CBS NEWS President Andrew Heyward, as saying: "...of course there's a liberal bias in the news. All the networks tilt left." This book in required reading for anyone and everyone who gets their knowledge of politics and world events from network news (which, sadly, is most of us). The reader will learn that for too long we have only been getting half the story (the left half).