Rating:  Summary: This is the book that the T.V. moguls prefer you not read Review: Mr. Goldberg's latest work was facinating. Once I began reading it was hard to put down and completed the book in two nights. Goldberg is not a conservative, but a liberal former CBS newsman. He witnessed from the inside how the media knowingly distorted the news. The book confirmed what many Americans have believed for years, that television news is biased.The work started out with more than just a hint of "sour grapes" and a full dose of bashing leveled upon Mr. Goldberg's former colleagues at CBS. Once that was out of the way, he proceeded to present hard evidence to support his assertions that the media slants the news to further liberal causes. He convinced the reader that the Cronkite style of fair and objective news coverage is no longer available on the big networks. However, all is not lost, as Goldberg explained, there are cable news alternatives that present the facts without as much spin and let the viewers interpret the story for themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Bias Review: Bias ia a riveting truthful acount of the "liberal bias" in todays media. It is a must read for any person concerned in todays issues.
Rating:  Summary: Wonder Insight Review: I have often wondered what it would be like to be in the newsrooms at one of the "Big Three". Now I know! Bernie has given the reader the information that 50% or more of us has always suspected. I knew that Dan Rather had a liberal bias, although he usually denys it. In the past few years he has almost given up on his mascarade and "come out". Thank God for Fox News Channel, now Dan, Peter and Tom are irrelevant in my information gathering world. Thanks for the information on the news departments of the "Big Three". Unfortunately, I already knew the conclusions that you presented...as most conservatives did.
Rating:  Summary: What "Liberal" Bias Review: I, personally, am sick of hearing the term "Liberal bias" being applied to the media. Yes, the mainstream media is EXTREMELY biased (just look at any story on the middle-east), but to label this bias as "liberal", as this book attempts, is very inaccurate. Sometimes the media has an extremely strong right-wing slant, as when a story might effect the major media's other interests, e.g. G.E.'s defence contracts (try to catch the T.V. Funhouse cartoon on censorship that G.E. ironically forced Lorne Michaels to edit out of reruns of Saturday Night Live on the same topic). But neither is it fair to say that the media has a "facist" bias. What the author fails to recognize is that mass media is a BUSINESS, and the bias is usually towards what sells, or what will avoid expensive lawsuits (even 100% true stories could cost a fortune in legal fees), and not towards any particular ideology. The reason why left-wing pressure groups sometimes succeed in influencing media is because they can mobilize against the media, although it is more often the rich and powerful who have interests in the status quo who hold most sway. See the movie "The Insider" for an example of such corporate pressure on CBS (it is hard to define the anti-smoking movement as either "liberal" or "conservative", although the censorship was definitely pro-business/anti-lawsuit). Sure, this book appears to make valid points, although they are mostly anectdotal and confined to a relatively small percentage of the media, but beware anyone like this author who throws around overlysimplistic catchphrase terms like "liberal bias". Read this book only as one person's experience of the media business and not a dissection of media itself (where are such issues as the concentration of 99% of the media into two or three conglomerates with interests conflicting with the truth?). Read Noam Chomsky instead for a more sophisticated look at the media.
Rating:  Summary: Stop The Bickering And Find A Solution Review: "Bias" is well presented. It confirms what most people felt they already knew, on both sides of the issue. Now, as that's settled, how about an honest solution instead of all the bickering. I took someone's suggestion to read "West Point" by Norman Thomas Remick to review how America's original ideas of ethics and character came about with a view toward re-instituting the standard of honesty that a self-regulating approach to journalistic reporting requires. Pre-disclosure of ones political philosophy, and, "non-toleration" of biased reporting by others in the profession are certainly a solution. After all, Bernard Goldberg has already done just that to start the ball rolling.
Rating:  Summary: Why Are So Many Up In Arms? A: It's The Truth Review: Why did so many immediately discredit Goldberg's work--without even reading it? Because apparantley, it struck a chord. Of the truth that is. I've seen this for years. Had to listen to it; Had to read it. I am not a conservative, just a citizen and voter who wants an objective presentation of what's going on in the world and in our nation. Why are college students so left-leaning while being, for the most part, so poorly read on the issues? Answer: the media, and our beloved tenured Marxist-Leninist professors, aided by the electronic & print rags, whose reporters admit by independent survey, being overwhelmingly Democratic (big D) and left leaning. If the tilt was to the right I would be just as frustrated. I, "Joe Citizen," just want the facts. From there, I'll make my own, informed, well-read, opinion in my head, at the bar, dinner table, and at the polls. That is all I ask. But don't try to tilt the information you spout, because it only causes the public to be more skeptical and choose alternative routes of information, which we've been doing for the last 7 years thanks to the web. We read what we want more so now, by searching and finding it, instead of just sitting and receiving it. The significant declines in many subscriptions to some of the major current event publications prove this. Unfortunately, most Americans today don't ask, they just absorb. They've lost the will, thought, or cognitive volition or ability to question what they "receive" from the media.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Mr. Goldberg Review: I salute Bernard Goldberg for the courage it took to write this book. Clearly he flew in the face of what is "acceptable" to his colleagues in the mainstream newsrooms, and decided to tell the truth - what a concept! Dan, Tom, Peter, Matt, Katie and their ilk have been unwelcome in my home for the last several years. We wisely made the switch to fair and balanced news coverage long ago, but to hear what we have known to be the truth, corroborated by an 'insider' is refreshing. He's going to have to stand back and take unbelievable abuse from those who are affronted by the fact that he has aired their dirty little secrets to the public, but he appears to be a gentleman that can take it and will be the better for it. Mr. Goldberg, you will probably never see this review, but you have my thanks, both for your honesty and your courage. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Good, With One Flaw Review: In many respects, this is the media book we have been waiting for. Bernie Goldberg can reveal the truth about how media bias works, and have it matter -- since he is an "insider" himself. More importantly, he is not a conservative ideologue, as he points out. That keeps his book from being tossed in the remainder bin of "right-wing-anti-media-rant." In addition, his argument is unique. The media is not left-leaning by intention, Goldberg writes, or because they're the dupes of some liberal cabal. Rather, it's because the media only knows other members of the media -- well-educated, wealthy, generally northeastern individuals. And those folks are liberals, more often than not. It's a benign "conspiracy," but Goldberg says that makes it all the worse: They really don't know they're biased. Goldberg richly reveals his own personal experiences, and these make the book strong. But they also house the book's one real flaw. While Goldberg is sincere in stating that "Bias" is not a personal vendetta against CBS, his outrage at the bias he witnessed there too often comes across as personal anger and hostility. Because he writes in a breezy, conversational style, Goldberg is unable to fully show that this isn't just a hurt-feelings hit-back. That leaves him open to criticism that his otherwise-well-crafted argument doesn't deserve.
Rating:  Summary: Cherish the truth when you find it Review: Bernard Goldberg is to be commended for breaking ranks with the network TV media establishment to expose the horrible bias of CBS and the other major networks, leading newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post. Goldberg does a good job of showing the extreme insularity of this media elite - they work only with each other, socialize only with each other. Their world comprises the liberal elite of Manhattan, Cambridge MA, New Haven CT, Hollywood and those who they generously allow into their small sect from the broader society. These people do not work at honest blue-collar jobs, they do not serve in the military, and they do not walk the beat as policemen in tough city neighborhoods. They do not grow our food as family farmers. They are not part of the American community in a positive way. The libearl media elite is a national disgrace - treat them as you would other national disgraces like street gangs, pimps, or the OJ Simpson legal defense team.
Rating:  Summary: Will The Real Dan Rather Please Stand Up Review: Bias is a must read. One of the best books I've ever read. I had not thought of Dan Rather (or Pete Jennings or Tom Brokaw) as Mafia Dons before, but after reading the insider point of view by Bernard Goldberg I understand it completely. As Rush Limbaugh is wont to say, "follow the money." The Mafias main interest is money, the networks main interest is money! The truth be dammed just get those ratings. Limbaugh is one of the main characters in this book because he picked-up on Goldberg's WSJ op-ed right away and publicized it far and wide. Rather was mad as hell at Goldberg already, but when he heard Limbaugh was praising Bernard he was over the top with anger! Goldberg was telling the truth about the networks from the inside, but it was nothing less than what Rush Limbaugh had been saying for years from the outside! It is my hope that everyone in America will read this book. Everyone needs to know that the major news disseminators are Mafia types that will do anything for money and the truth is meaningless to them! I, for one, am thankful that Rush Limbaugh has been on nationwide radio for 14 years shouting this truth and being hated by the Dans, Petes and Toms of the world, but it is refreshing to have it confirmed from the inside by Bernard Goldberg. I couldn't put this book down, it is a well written fast read! I saw one review that claimed the book wasn't long enough, that it should have been a larger volume. I say brevity is the soul of wit -- quick and to the point is right on! Thank you Mr. Goldberg, America is (or should be) greatful.