Rating:  Summary: Encourages An Important Dialogue Review: Judging from all the reviews, positive and negative, Goldberg has touched a nerve. Let's hope this makes us all more critical consumers of news. "Bias" is a short, emotional book; for organized analysis, I prefer Robert Lichter's more academic studies. Goldberg instead takes us inside and involves us in a story. His painful ostracism suggests an elite club shunning a traitor -- what kind of culture is that? Wouldn't it have been a more confident, inclusive strategy to give him a niche for his dissents, as ABC uses John Stossel? Aren't Bryant and Dan (and Katie, and Peter) more credible with a little heterodoxy thrown into the editorial mix? Woe to the news organization so orthodox and arrogant that it can't countenance diverse perspectives. Remember when Ted Turner said that if Rupert Murdoch started a news channel, he'd "squish him like a bug." Well look at the cable news ratings. That's not a bug on Turner's shoes.
Rating:  Summary: It was fairness that was missing. Review: If you have watched TV 'news' for any length of time, you may have realized that something was missing. Fairness. The leftist broadcast media have a world-view from the extreme left. They are incapable of seeing things any other way. The bad part is that they know it, and harass anyone who deviates from their official orthodoxy. Violate their teachings and you are figuratively burned at the stake. They are willing co-conspirators of the radical left.
Rating:  Summary: BIAS THAT SILENCES DISSENTING VOICES Review: - "When an honestly mistaken man hears the truth, he either quits being mistaken, or he quits being honest."An honest reader cannot help but feel saddened, after reading the author's revelations, clearly showing an egregious leftist bias in the media, especially if the reader is one of those who felt something was wrong for years, but said nothing. Bernard Goldberg speaks from an insider's position at Columbia Broadcasting Systems (CBS), and he condemns their lack of honesty and fairness in broadcast journalism. The author goes beyond his CBS employer: Dan Rather, to taint and tarnish all "big media", as he indicts print as well as broadcast journalists, and their elitist, out-of-touch corporate world-view. What Goldberg says, in this quick read, is that an elitist, arrogant culture of indifference to the truth, prevails at all levels in the major media outlets. This culture will do whatever it takes to promote a leftist agenda through its television programming. The news coverage is biased according to Goldberg, and a brief look at the "entertainment" on the sappy soaps confirms the programming promotes a liberal agenda. Proclaiming leftist ideas and goals translates into support for confiscation of guns, abortion, encouraging the abnormality of gay sex, destruction of the family, radical feminism, and other dreams of worldwide Marxism. It is a "bread and circuses" agenda to control and subjugated the common people, nothing more. Unfortunately, the boxed-in consumer of this claptrap has nowhere to turn as the professional journalists all use the same play-book. The behemoth media conglomerates, which issue the play-book, stomp on and silence any dissenting voices, including the author himself. The book is loaded with examples of this leftwing bias. Chapter 12, "Liberal Hate-Speech" is particularly entertaining. It contains really silly quotes from apparently stupid, small-minded, media bigots, collected by the watchdog group Media Research Center, and published in their monthly newsletter "Notable Quotables." In Chapter 12, many examples of hate-speech from extreme leftwing journalists are quoted; such as USA Today columnist, Julianne Malveaux saying that Justice Clarence Thomas' wife should: "feed him lots of eggs and butter so that he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease." Then there's National Public Radio (NPR)'s, Nina Totenberg, saying, about Senator Jesse Helms, when she disagreed with him: "…if there is retributive justice, he'll [Helms] get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it." (Wow! This is hot stuff.) Goldberg has created a winner here -- as the bestseller lists across the country are already proving. America is confronting the bias at CBS and way, way beyond. This author my become a folk hero. Way to go, Bernie Goldberg.
Rating:  Summary: hmmm Review: Let's see..Geraldo, Greta--since when were they conservative? How about O'Reilly, he's a libertarian last I checked. Hannity and Colmes..let's see liberal VS. conservative. It would seem to me that Fox is actually a more balanced news station so yes, compared to the CBS's of the world, they are in fact NOT BIASED! As for only conservative as the conservative companies that hold them..LOL..ie does TED TURNER ring any bells..yeah, now there is a conservative guy if I ever saw one(sarcasm off) Obviously people posting here have no biased do they ie every company is bad ie every BIG corporation is conservtive. But BIG government, BIG education, and BIG media is liberal so they are good. Give me a stinkin break. This was a much needed book, but obviously there are still hard heads, ..., and leftie apologists who will still stare in utter disbelief or in utter anguish that they've been called out.
Rating:  Summary: We Knew Review: Goldberg does a great job telling us what we already knew but could not support without the kind of inside information he provides. The liberals will never understand that people like Goldberg and Limbaugh merely are saying what the informed masses already know. Persecute the messenger is another "game" liberals play. Do yourself a big favor, stay informed, read this book, and merge the data with your observations and other inputs.
Rating:  Summary: Biased Mideast coverage Review: Goldberg doesn't claim that the media is "pro-Arab" but rather pro "moral equivalence." The American media dropped the ball on stories like the Palestinian celebrations after Sept. 11, hit songs like "I Hate Israel," Palestinian school books supporting violence, sermons regularly calling for war, Arab journalists "reporting" that Israel was responsible for WTC, etc. Now I understand why we're not seeing these kinds of stories--fear that the Arab world will accuse the American media of being biased and controlled by Jews. Had the press done its job, maybe we would've been more on guard for Sept. 11. Makes me wonder whatever happened to old fashioned tell-it-like-it-is reporting. What else are we not being told?
Rating:  Summary: Now back to reality Review: The media are only as liberal as the conservative businesses that own them.Any questions?
Rating:  Summary: Is he credible? Review: Before you purchase this book consider this. On the Sean Hannity radio talk show, Goldberg said FOXNEWS is NOT biased, unlike the other major networks that are. If you think that is a credible statement, I'm sure you'll think his book is credible.
Rating:  Summary: Change the channel! Review: I now know why I chose several years ago not to use the networks as my main source of news.
Rating:  Summary: Left? Right? UpsideDown? Review: Fascinating. Personally, in my observation & opinion I see most of the news media as conservatively biased. So I'm not sure where all the 5 stars for this kind of book are coming from (conservative bleeding hearts maybe?). I prefer independence to specific issues rather than whether or not it fits "right or left" bias. Just give me the info & I'll decide for myself. Apparently the motivation for this book is that the average person is not capable of that. If you want to waste your time reading "biased material", thats your prerogative. ZERO STARS