Rating:  Summary: HEROIC EXPOSE Review: This a belated review.. I read the book several weeks ago, but its power remains a tenacious aura of truth for our awakening. Mr. Goldberg's book is akin to Betty Friedan's "Feminine Mystique", Rachel Carlsen's "Silent Spring, and Constance Cumby's "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow". All these books, for better or worse, effected pivitol change in the history of our society. Over the last several years there have been numerous efforts to expose and characterize the media liberal left bias, but each and every time there seemed to be a little headway a big TV "open" discussion was flaunted. Those sessions were conducted primarily by the media elite themselves, (which included no serious critics of their blatant bias) and, of course, they discredited any and all such dissention with smooth pseudo-intellectual rhetoric. But FINALLY, someone squirted out of their midst and blew the whistle on the disgusting hypocricy that blatantly permeates the media. Mr. Goldberg deservs a medal for heorism, but moreso for his obvious sense of honesty and fairmindedness. After all, he admits to being a Democrat himself, and that is scary close to a liberal. Our country is rapidly becoming unmanageable because of the fool hardy liberal, socialistic, humanistic, etc., experimentation of the 60's which failed miserably and is now the heartbeat of America. The leftists will not admit (except David Horowitz and his ilk - including me!!) they [wronged] our country and they continue to come up with more and more hair brained schemes to try anything to keep us from reinstituting the proven values that made this the greatest country that has ever existed. Their politically correct garbage is rapidly turning us into another society who embraces abortion, homosexuallity, violence and open promiscuity with a virtual worship of anything sexual. All such societies of the past crumbled and we are on the same slope headed for the same abyss if we don't change our ways and listen to people like Mr. Goldberg. The pages of his book give clear insight as to the institutional deceit that drives our "system" and makes the deadly hypocricy clearly obvious. The rest is up to us at the ballot box.... Denounce the Humanism they support in our schools, the repugnant vulgarity they support in our entertainment industry (and call it art), and the most deadly of all; the lying deception of liberal politicians of the Clinton (both of them) variety. Thank God for Mr. Goldberg's ability and courage to bring this proven message to the public. We are in dire need of a new "drummer". Obviously, I HIGHLY recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: The truth really hurts--if you are allowed to tell it . . . Review: This telling disclosure of the liberal bias in news media comes from the inside, and that is why it stings so badly. The truth surrounding this issue is why CBS invited Goldberg to take a flying leap, and why he has never been asked by the major networks to discuss liberal media bias on the air. These facts alone prove his case. Hard facts, like those presented in the AIDS section and the plight of the homeless, back up Goldberg's assertions. One example that Goldberg cites is the number of times stories on the homeless ran before Clinton was elected, then number of stories during the Clinton presidency (the issue seemingly disappeared, only to be resurrected when the younger Bush was elected). This is standard fare; however, it was nice to have concrete, objective numbers attached to the accusations. Goldberg documents his assertions well, and the facts surrounding liberal media bias are irrefutable. Most troubling to me is the reality that major network news is infotainment-junk, and it is piped into millions of homes per day. Is there a reason why the American public knows more about Joey Buttafuco, Tonya Harding, and the JonBenet Ramsey case than real, pressing issues of the day, such as the growing societal consequences of absentee parents, social issues that devalue stay-at-home moms, and the real causes of radical Islamic hatred? Goldberg asserts that there is, as news has become entertainment, and the only factor that matters to news executives is not truth, but ratings. Goldberg acted bravely and suffered the consequences of his honesty--losing friends and a career at CBS--by taking on an establishment that considers itself immune from criticism. I sincerely hope this movement continues to generate healthy discussions and profound change in the way we digest the information coming from 'trustworthy' sources.
Rating:  Summary: The insight is powerful, but so is the animosity. Review: Bernard Goldberg, a twenty-plus year veteran of the news media, made an observation and turned it into a conviction. Throughout the course of his book, Mr. Goldberg proves time and again that a liberal bias in the media does indeed exist and this bias is damaging the legitimacy of journalism, both in print and on television. However, Mr. Goldberg does not blame the media entirely for this biased reporting, but instead places the blame more on a society that has become so concerned with being politically correct, that is has failed to accept some of the stark realities that are indeed factual, honest, albeit frightening. Goldberg's book was filled with interesting examples of ways in which network television news twists and turns their reporting in order to convey a specific, biased, message, and ultimately mask the stark realities noted above. One aspect of the book that grew wearisome was Goldberg's personal attacks against the network news organizations, and in particular their major anchormen. Mr. Goldberg's animosities are obvious, and probably justified, but these attacks began to draw away from Goldberg's message and gave the impression that the book was retribution for his poor treatment by CBS rather than a voice citing a wrong.
Rating:  Summary: bias Review: I consider myself a moderate with more agreement with liberal philosophy. I think the book is right on target, but who cares ,because liberals are usually the more correct.I do believe the news might be less obviously liberal leaning but as long as I agree it's OK! Chuck Hird
Rating:  Summary: Bias does not just apply to the Media Review: BIAS by Bernard Goldberg is a must read. The book brings up so many important issues that are impossible to ignore, as some liberals may want to. I am a 16 year old student, and I feel that what Bernard Goldberg says about the liberal media also applys to what I learn in school. Often, my teachers will teach things that are not entirely true, or told from a liberal view-point. Especially when it is something about AIDs or the war on terrorism, two issues that are important and should be told truthfully, but are also very sensitive to political correctness. While reading BIAS I often felt that words like the "media" and the "news" cound be exchanged with "school", and words like "anchorman" could be interchanged with "teacher". What I am saying is that although this book is about liberal bias in the media, it also applys to many other things, such as school. That is why I would reccommend this book. Becuase not only is bias just in the media, it is in so many other places like the work place and school. The book BIAS is a weapon. A weapon against liberal bias. If you read this book, you will be able to weild its ideas against the liberal bias in our entire society. Although the ideas in Bias are wonderful, the book's writing is a little sloppy, and not always cohesive. I feel that Mr. Goldberg often says too much about certain topics and the reading gets a little repetitive. Even with these flaws, BIAS is a must read. Read it...NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Grateful in Manhattan Review: Thank you, thank you Mr. Goldberg. You have guts. As a graduate of NYU School of Journalism's Master's Program and a freelance writer I can attest, first hand, to his view on the bias of journalists. It begins in j school. As a hispanic, I cringed when Katie Couric said, "Some suggested over the weekend that it's wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami." Another one of 1,000's of examples of media bias. There is enough material for 4 books. but Mr. goldberg already paid the ultimate price for his candor--his job.
Rating:  Summary: 6 Stars Review: Devastating. The intellectually honest will greatly appreciate this book. Those on the left, if they are unable to confront themselves, will hate it. I suspect this is why BIAS does not have a higher rating here on Amazon. This book should become an instant classic in the skeptical library.
Rating:  Summary: I'm not a conservative, but... Review: I have enjoyed Bernie Goldberg's work for many years. This book is a well-written and well-documented case proving the media slant. Goldberg has been a highly respected reporter for many years and there is no reason to think he has all of the sudden gone around the bend. The book is imminently readable and ties together his exile by CBS after he publishes a newspaper editorial on bias in the media with his observations on how this bias comes to be. It is not as agenda-driven as many of the conservative diatribes of todays era, and provides a more balanced view of the media slant, from which he does not exclude himself. Even a hard left-winger would have to concede much of what Goldberg points out in this book, especially his notion that media bias is not intentional; it's just the world view of most who go into journalism.
Rating:  Summary: Liking this depends on your politics & intellectual honesty Review: If you are conservative you will probably like this book. If you are liberal it will disturb you. To those who call the author biased though it should be noted that Bernard Goldberg is more liberal than conservative.
Rating:  Summary: Surprise! This book has no conservative agenda! Review: I always like to read differing opinions and expected this book to be written from a right-wing extreme POV. I have little use for extremists on either side of the fence, but often enjoy reading their diatribes. That was what I expected from this book. Wrong! Surprisingly, Bernard Goldberg actually leans slightly more to the left than the right, and explains such in his book. He simply has a legitimate concern regarding the slant placed on the news by the media. If you expect a book that is going to trash liberal perspectives, you'll not find it here. His concern is not which political perspective is right; it is that the media reports from a born-in liberal bias. He does not claim some huge conspiracy (as I expected that he would) but instead claims that the media is a product of its New York based liberal environment. Since media employees are liberal, surround themselves with other liberals, and live in a liberal community - they come to see extreme liberalism as mainstream. This taints everything they do! BG, on the other hand, believes news should be reported with no bias at all. Neither left nor right. And he is correct. The book is extremely well written and complete with many examples to back up his perspective. Any negative review you may have heard from the press is just that - from the press. The fact that this book was so maligned as having a conservative agenda is put to rest quickly and is a prime example of what BG is writing about! This book opened my eyes to a concern all Americans should have. It is a must read, whether you are conservative, liberal, or middle of the road.