Rating:  Summary: GOOD FOR SOME, BUT NOT FOR EVERYONE Review: I agree in principle with much of what the author has to say in this book, providing one has an adequate supply of disposable income to even consider a financial plan in the first place. If all one's money is going out the door for the basic necessities of life and very little, if any, is coming in, you are not going to retire young or retire rich! While everyone should have some sort of plan, even if it is a monthly budget, there are far too many people living below the poverty line who could not even consider investing for their future. They simply have nothing to invest but time, frustration and worry. The part of me who is a business management consultant, counsellor and teacher agrees with the author that yes, we all need a financial plan of some description; however, as one who also counsels in behavioural psychology and life skills, I have seen far too many individuals in my office, particularly single parents, who could only dream of a financial plan for their future. Their biggest concern is where the money is going to come from to pay the rent that is inevitably past due, where the money will come from to pay for Johnny's medicine, or how they are going to put food on the table when there are four hungry children at home and daddy cannot find work. Yes, there is merit to the book if, and only if, one is in a financially secure position to implement that long-term plan in the first place. The title of the book leads one to believe it might be for everyone while clearly it is not. For some it may only serve as a reminder that financial freedom and security are two critical aspects of life that become reality only in dreams. Even with all the author's good words of advice, there is still no guarantee we will all "retire young...or retire rich!"
Rating:  Summary: Another winner from "our Rich Dad" Review: Just got the book (on order since June!)and I dived in to it straight away. If you liked the other books in the "Rich Dad" series, you are going to love this one. At first I was worried that it would be a rehash of the other books, but my fears were quickly put aside as I read on. "Retire Young" adds a new dimension to the information already shared in the other 3 key "Rich Dad" books by going in to more of the psychology of being rich. Robert shares more insights of his life - adding new levels of details to te stories we heard in the first books, plus new information on the way he and his wife have developed their fortunes from the time that they had zero. This book is a MUST READ for anyone wanting to get the full impact of the "Rich Dad" way of being. You are left in no doubt of the things you have to stop doing -- or do more of -- in your own life in order to retire young and retire rich.
Rating:  Summary: Very relieving Review: What a relief it is to realize that I will never have to depend on social (in) security, a company pension, a 401 (k) (just glorified savings accounts or that whopping .50% return in a bank savings account or 1%-2% on cd's to retire on. I feel sad when I see people who were planning on a great retirement and believing in some or all of the above, having to go back to work when reality set in. Kiyosaki offers a better way. His Rich Dad taught him a better way and now Kiyosaki so kindly and humbly offers the advice to the rest of us.
Rating:  Summary: Yes you can get rich quicker today Review: I have to agree with the review that precedes mine indicating that it is not possible to get rich easier than ever before. The speed at which people like Michael Dell and Steve Chase have become billionaires is incredible. But keep in mind that these two gentlemen made their fortunes over a decade ago...it's even easier today. What I like about book like Retire Young Retire Rich is that it blows past self induced limitations about wealth or even the ability to retire. If you follow conventional methods, you'll be lucky to retire at all. Retire Young Retire Rich is must reading for anyone who wants to create wealth early and quick enough to enjoy it. Some parts are similiar to his other books and other parts are completely new. Interesting how many unhelpful votes that CPA who wrote a very nice review here is getting (presumably from 1 star reviewers) Isn't it funny how some people have nothing better to do with their but attack successful people like Robert Kiyosaki who so kindly and humbly want to help the rest of us, discredit the guy and when someone of note comes along, they blitz that person with so many unhelpful votes? If you ask me, I think their actions are driving more people towards Kiyosaki, not away. Book sales are increasing not decreasing. And more and more people are becoming more successful than ever before. This is an excellent book for anyone who wants to get rich quicker in todays world.
Rating:  Summary: Another Great Book by Robert Review: True to the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, this is another book you have to read if you want to become rich and to enjoy life.
Yes money can't buy happiness but it can buy you the TIME you need to do the things you really want to do. In that sense time is truly worth more than gold.
This is one of the books that will open up possibilities in your head, which is very important because if in you cannot imagine becoming a millionaire in the future then you will prove yourself right.
I see a lot of people (some of them my friends) wasting their time on useless, directionless, completely wasteful activities and then they wonder why nothing is happening to them. My advice is to follow Rich Dad's Three Paths to great wealth.
1. Increase your business skills
2. Increase your money management skills
3. Increase your investment skills
If the word investment or the other items above sounds technical and intimidating for you then this book is a big help because it is an easy and fun read.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't worth a penny Review: This guy remember me that OLD true story Of a man who promised to make gold but nerver did, and others gave him tons of money, in the hope he was going to make gold FOR THEM, through some special talent, but acttualy it waS A TRAP TO STEAL OTHERS MONEY. That is a huge fraud.
He shows no proof that he is as rich as he says and that he does all the transactions he claims in his book.
As an Administration student i feel sick when i remember i gave this guy and his crowd my money by buing one of his books.
Rating:  Summary: good book. Review: this book really marked a turning point. after reading it i started trading in options and investing in real estate. its has a lot of good advice, but like his other books has no real steps you can implement. for that you'll need to look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Good as the others Review: Kiyosaki is an excellent author. For anyone in search of wealth, this is definitely the place to start. The lessons found in the Rich Dad series are important concepts that anyone can learn from. Apply these concepts to your own life and the possibilities are endless. I also recommend Stop Working by Rohan Hall which guides one through building cash flow and becoming a "B" and an "I".
Rating:  Summary: Good for the fundamental fundamentals Review: Read any of the 5 star reviews, and that's what I'm saying. But I only give it 4 stars for two reasons.
1) RK says one of the things to do on the road to riches is to hire a personal bookeeper. Say what? Right now, I am in the E quadrant. I have one income from one job comprised of one paycheck, with no car payment, no credit card debt, and no kids. I'd be a fool to think that everything in this book applied directly to me . . . , but a bookeeper? Why? What is he talking about? I pay my few bills, I save what I can, I think about how I'm going to graduate to the B and I quadrants. Even when I am operating in those quadrants, I will take advantage of the services of an accountant, not some mysterious bookeeper.
2) And this is the major one-- RK likes Network Marketing. Now, anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together knows that Network Marketing and MLMs and pyramid schemes are cruel, corrupt, flagrant, fraudulent, cultish scams. Everybody knows this. Everybody, including the MLMers themselves. They know this, and, protecting their Golden Calf, they lie lie lie about it. I am disappointed Mr. Kiyosaki advocates them. He should know better.
Beyond these two issues, this a great book, deliberately light on hard numbers, facts, and techniques. This is about changing the way you look at things, yourself, the world, so you can then later use the numbers, facts, and techniques to your best advantage.
Rating:  Summary: Get Rich Quickly?-Keep on dreaming! Review: This book is definitely an easy, motivating but shallow read.
A typical but unrealistic self-help book, I guess it is more likely to win the lottery than getting rich and stay rich with the advice of "Rich Dad".
Nevertheless, bearing this in mind, recommendable for motivational purposes as it certainly will force you to shift your personal paradigm on financial matters.