Rating:  Summary: Autobiographical insight Review: So much of Hemingway's work paralleled his own life, this story is no different. Santiago the old man losing his ability to fish as he did in youth; Hemingway the aging writer without quite the literary prowess of his earlier years. Yet both of them are tied by the unpopular opinion that they have one 'big one' left in them. As the pages turn and the story unfolds, the reader discovers the poorly kept secret that they were both right. A lyrical story of poignance and import. An elegy for our greatest narrator. Well done.
Rating:  Summary: One of my most favorite books Review: This book is absolutely wonderful! To some it may seem like a simple story about an old man that is determined to catch a fish, but its so much more than that! When I read it for the first time, I felt Santiago's (the old man) pain. Every time that he got hurt or when the sharks were attacking his beautiful fish, I felt the weight of his trials and of his dispair at the end of the book. There is so much great symoblism in this book. It's not a weak book because Hemingway really knew what he was talking about and he definately had something to say about man's struggle with nature and human nature itself. This book is good because it takes hold of your emotions and senses, and makes you feel like you are actually there. I think that that's what makes good literature good.
Rating:  Summary: Hemingway is my hero Review: I am ashamed of some of my peers who denounced Hemingway and his Old Man. Within these few pages, Hemingway depicts the struggle of life and the war between man and nature brilliantly. His syntax is by no means "choppy." Hemingway purposefully writes in the manner he does and that is what makes all his material beautiful. Anyone who puts down Hemingway,and especially this story, should be taken to the gallows. If you are young and do not like this, I strongly suggest storing it in your memory and picking it up when you are a little older...that goes for those young'ns who DO like it even...Its definitely a story that takes some experience to appreciate. Overall, this is an amazing book that inspired me to further my reading of all different types of material dealing with "what is life all about, and what is my purpose here?"
Rating:  Summary: A Testament of Man's Will, But Was It Worth A Pulitzer? Review: Granted, this is probably "the" greatest testament to man's inner will to prevail against great odds, but was it really worth a Pulitzer Prize? I'm not entirely convinced that it was. There are only two main characters in this story, one of which is only read of in the beginning and end of the story. The leading character, Santiago, is what makes this story work, and provides a window into the inner thoughts of the lower/peasant class. Only Steinbeck's "The Pearl" goes this far in depicting the peasant class in its daily struggle to make ends meet. Santiago is a determined individual. He is obsessed with gaining a fortune from deep-sea fishing. The story builds up gradually, finally having Santiago gain his ultimate goal, and then see it all wisked away before his very eyes. The element of tragedy, combined with Santiago's hope for a better future provide a bittersweet emotion when compared to the over-all message. This is a great novel, and a classic. But, I feel that it just lacks any real depth. There was no real diversity between characters that is present in Hemingway's other works. Reagardless, this is worth reading, and I encourage anyone interested in classic literature to do so.
Rating:  Summary: a conclusion Review: If you have never read any Hemingway before then I would not recommend that you read this book. I think that it can only be fully appreciated with a consideration of his style and history.He wrote this short novel towards the end of his career and, having read Hemingway novels, you get the sense that this book is the final, undiluted book of fiction from Hemingway. If his life was a learning curve, then perhaps this book is the end result and all of his previous works moulded him to give this conclusion; all plot, love interest, violence is finally surpassed by the raw, inescapable internal struggle that is always present within his characters It is beautiful and very poetic and is pure Hemingway. Unforunately, this probably means that if you don't like Hemingway, you will hate this book as much as I love it.
Rating:  Summary: A metaphor on critics Review: Enough reviewers have already expounded the brilliance (and hatred) of "The Old Man and the Sea." Thus, a possible metaphor for this book should be noted to give it an interesting angle upon reading the material: Kurt Vonnegut stated, in the introduction to his book "Timequake" (1997), that Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" was possibly a metaphor on the fact that the book previous to this was his first in a number of years, and it was widely criticized by the press. The gigantic marlin that the old man (Santiago) catches, and subsequently lashes to his boat, only to lure sharks by dint of its bloody scent, was the creativity that Hemingway put into his last story, only to be "eaten up" by the critics. Not all the characters in the book understand what happened to the old man and his great, big catch--but still, he can dream that he is strong, and will not fail again.
Rating:  Summary: The Old Man and the Sea Review: I believe this book is an excelent fish story that explains the life and struggle of an old man who his just trying to make a living at what he loves to do. This book can be read from many different levels. Young children can read it and love the fish story. Adults can read this story and find many different levels of meaning. I have read this book five times throughout my life, and each time I find a different level of meaning. I am looking foward to reading this book again.
Rating:  Summary: "Submitted to amazon.com" Review: Earnest Hemingway in The Old Man and The Sea illustrates the classic theme of courage in the face of defeat, sometimes stated,"If at first you do not succeed, try, try again." Santiago is a hero that faces overwhelming obstacles: his age, the community's perception of him, and the magnificent force of the sae, which he navigates in "...the flag of permanent defeat"(Hemingway 9). In spite of these staggering odds he persists putting forth a valiant effort and succeeds only to lose. Santiago loses the battle with the sharks and his prize Marlin, but he gains victory for himself beacause he is aware that he fought well and he has the courage to try again.
Rating:  Summary: Forced to read a good book: what a problem! Review: If you stopped and thought about what exactly it is that you are complaining about maybe you wouldn't be complaining at all. Is it the fact that one of the most complete, most respected pieces of work from one of greatest men to ever pick up a pen is not full of flashing lights, hard hitting bass beats, and hot steamy kisses? Is it the fact that you were made to think, that someone cares about your intelligence enough to wrench you away from your Rogue Spear or your Instant Messeging just long enough to see that people could sit, enthrawled and trapped by their lust for something fourty years before CD-ROMs? If you hated reading The Old Man and the Sea, if it was a torturous task indeed, go deep sea fishing for giant marlin with nothing but the same heroism, heart, and primitive tools your ancestors have been using since the creation of man. What do you plan to do? Do you think billions of people will still know your work and still celebrate your birth almost 40 years after you die? In case the cliff's notes didn't say so, Hemingway is still one of the most celebrated creatures to ever walk. So I hope your little brain doesn't ache so badly after being forced to think and contemplate something farther away than a monitor you would have to go 12 hours without jumping back online to pretend you are doing something important. And I certainly hope you will never be forced into such a horrid position, one in which you will be forced to appreciate, or at least tolerate not being flakey and shallow for just long enought to read a 130 page book.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as my fellow teenagers make it seem to be Review: This novel is not my favorite, and it is not(in my opinion) my favorite Hemmingway novel; however, after reading all the worthless reviews by other high school students, I knew I had to make a comment. This novel is a brilliant story about a man's personal victory. It is also an ingeniously analogous to Jesus Christ's struggle. The only reason I gave it four stars is because I got bored the second time I read it. Did you kids even pay attention in your english classes?