Rating:  Summary: "Can't put it down for anything" classic! Review: The book The Old Man and the Sea is a dramatic, devestating, exciting, detailed book. Hemingway's short novel is of an old man named Santiago who goes out on a small fishing boat in hopes of finding the biggest fish. His hopes get very high on his 85th day of fising. The first 40 days a little boy was with him but after 40 days his parents didn't want him away with the old man anymore. To tell you anymore about the book would ruin Hemingway's purpose for writing it. To read the book yourself order it right now. It is definately a "can't put it down for anything" classic. I suggest that you get this book in your hot little hands as soon as possible so you can read it as soon as possible.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Well Written Novella Review: I thought this book was well written because it was descriptive. Some parts of the book were boring because he droned on and on about one topic. Overall, this book was genuine and original. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes descriptive novels.
Rating:  Summary: One of Hemingway's best Novels Review: The Old Man and The Sea was a good book all in all. Ernest Hemingway's style of writing is very detailed, you would know that if you read some of his other books. The book starts off talking about the old man named Santiago, and how he hasn't cought a fish in 84-days, but one day when he goes out to fish, he ends up catching a giant marlin that starts dragging him out to sea. I don't want to give the rest of the story away, so I'm not going to tell you anything more about this book. I can tell you this is one of Hemingway's best books that I've read.
Rating:  Summary: Wild ride Review: Ok, this is the first Hemingway I've read so I'm by no means plugged into his body of work. I will say that the tale is incredibly delightful. It somehow manages to be an epic complete with hero in a novella's length. It is a tall tale that is quite realistic. It has a tragic yet triumphant ending. The book shows the reader what is possible with your life and should be required reading in order to inspire people to live up to Santiago. I can't wait to explore Papa Hemingway some more!
Rating:  Summary: Hemmingway's Excellent Usage of Symbolism Review: No matter what happens to you right now while reading this book review, you will always have your memories. Memories of when you were younger, strived for more, were stronger and more talented. Even at a very old age, one can think back and "live off his past". The prevailing message in The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway that is true now and forever is that a man can keep his faith in tomorrow by remembering yesterday. The lion in Santiago's (the old man's) dream was an example of how a man has fond memories from his previous years. In my opinion, the lion was a symbol of Santiago himself as he used to be. A lion possesses the same characteristics as a good fisherman like Santiago, and more so how Santiago was when he was young. Both a lion and a good fisherman must be strong and courageous. Santiago also displays feeling of affection and connection when he says on page twenty-five, "He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish... He only dreamed of places now and of lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them just as he loved the boy." The lions remind Santiago of his current weakness as well as his previous strength. He sees how he was compared to how he is which depresses him but it also helps him keep faith for tomorrow. The boy that was once Santiago's helper symbolizes the faith in tomorrow that Santiago has. The boy used to go out with Santiago to sea everyday and helped him until they lost all luck and didn't catch any fish for months and months. The boy was forced to leave Santiago and help another fisherman. Throughout the novel, the boy had a spark of inspiration for Santiago and always had hope. Even though Santiago and the boy's father constantly recommended the boy not to go out with Santiago, he always wanted to. Even at the end when Santiago returns from his battle for the Marlin, the boy attempts to take care of the old man, convinced that everything will be alright. Santiago's dreams about the lions and the boy that once helped Santiago are both examples of how The Old Man and The Sea demonstrates the importance of memories and the strive for happiness in tomorrow. The reader is made sure to differentiate and assimilate between the two key examples on page twenty five when it states, "...He loved them as he loved the boy. He never dreamed about the boy." Overall, this very figurative and inspirational novel was a pleasure to read because of it's simplicity and relaxed tone. I would recommend this book to anyone who believes in symbolism and that things happen for a reason.
Rating:  Summary: Good, yet understated Review: Behind the big three (Farewell to Arms, Sun Also Rises, and For Whom the Bell Tolls) this is Hemingway's best work. The man character, a peasant fisherman, is written as simple, old-fashioned, and quaintly charming in an adroit manner that is neither stupid nor cliched. His battles with the sea seem very realistic. The story is basically a parable, man vs. the world. The old man is happy, he has led a good life, and he has found a struggle worth giving his life up for: perhaps the biggest fish ever caught. Unlike other ethnocentric Hemingway works, Hemingway shows a more deft sensitivity here, even deigning to give the fish a soul, if you can believe such a thing. Check this one out. It's short, and definitely worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Life's struggles should never get you down... Review: This book left me feeling - no matter what, I should never get down about life's struggles. The old man in this book struggled for days to get the big marlin, only to lose it on the way back home. He hoped the marlin would bring him success and fame - however in the end he realized that was not the point of his mission. It was a great book to put my life back in perspective! Better than any self help book...
Rating:  Summary: A Good Novella Review: This is a great story about an old fisherman that tries to capture a huge marlin on the coast of Havana, Cuba. It is surprising that he an catch a fish of that size on such a small boat, and with litte strength. This is a great book for a class to read.
Rating:  Summary: A hero of Hemingway Review: I read this book in Chinese,and I plan to read it in English again.(Maybe something that I am writting is not good translation from Chinese to English)I think the best way to understand a novel is to read it in its original language.Hemingway is one of my favorite authors.I like his style."Less is more."He uses the words that are not hard for me to understand,and they express his thoughts as well as the big words.In The Old Man and the Sea,Hemingway tells us a story about an old fisherman's experience on the sea.The part I like best is after the old man's way home after he finally catches the big fish,but he doesn't have enough strength to protect his victory from the sharks.He is all tried thirsty and hungry.Unfortunately,the sharks eat his fish bit by bit.So when he gets home,the fresh of the fish is gone,only the bone left there.Hemingway uses symbols a lot.For example,the old man's dreams of lions play on the beach represent the old man's youth and power.The old man is a hero that Hemingway creates successfully.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book Review: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is a great short novel. Hemingway's vividly describes every aspect of the book from the setting to the thoughts of the Old Man. The story begins with the man ending a day of fishing in the gulf off of Cuba. This day was just like the last 84 days for the man, he had not caught a single fish. The man went out the next day with the same intentions as the as the day before and the day before that. He hoped to catch a large marlin that he might find in the deep waters of the gulf. He didn't know that he was to embark on the most significant fishing trip of his life. The main character Santiago is the old man that battles nature. The boy that assists the old man is the only important in the beginning and end of the book and not the climax. The book is short and goes into great detail about the old man's struggle against nature.