Rating:  Summary: The Old Man and the Sea Review: Ernest Hemmingway's The Old Man and the Sea is about an old man, Santiago, who wants to catch a huge fish. The young boy, Manolin, wants to go along, but Santiago does not feel that he needs to take him along. The Old Man and the Sea is just another ordinary book. This book is not the most exciting book I have ever read, although it does have its moments when it does get exciting. For instance one of the most exciting parts of the book is when Santiago hooks the fish and the fish turns around and pulls Santiago out to sea. I my opinion this is where most of the action takes place. Santiago starts to have trouble reeling in the marlin and I think this is when he wishes the boy was there to help him. Another exciting part of the book is when Santiago pulls the marlin in and the sharks can smell the blood so they come to feed on the marlin. Santiago gets furious and starts killing the sharks by stabbing them over and over. He knows that if he lets them eat the marlin he will lose everything that he worked for. These are the two most exciting parts of the book. This proves that this book is not the most exciting book in the world. This book shows that nothing in life is free and everything has its price. Although Santiago has not caught a fish in 85 days he is still determined to catch the biggest fish ever. Santiago is a very persistent man. I think Manolin knows when Santiago is gone for a long time that he has caught the big one. As soon as Santiago's hand starts getting [cramps] and he hasn't been able to eat for a long time he wishes the boy was there to help him. The boy would be a great asset to Santiago at this time. This shows that Santiago was not thinking about the possibilities that could happen out on the water when he left. This book shows that nothing in life is free and everything has a price. I think this book is an okay book. I still don't see how it could win the Pulitzer surprise though.
Rating:  Summary: The Review Review: Ernest Hemmingway's book The Old Man and the Sea has a very good message and can be read by many people of all ages and reading levels. This book is inspirational and uplifting, however it is boring. Although this book is slow and repetitive, the story has an inspiring and uplifting message. Throughout the book The Old Man and the Sea, there were many parts I liked and some I disliked. A part of the book I disliked was when the sharks came and started eating the marlin Santiago caught. To me this was heartbreaking and somewhat painful to read because I felt bad for Santiago. My favorite part was when Manolin wants to fish and help Santiago, even though his parents don't allow him to. It was neat to see Manolin care for the old man and his fishing as much as he did. The part most inspiring to me was when Manolin believed in Santiago even though he was unlucky. There were many parts of this story that were both uplifting and devastating. People of all ages would like this book but mainly those who like slow, simple, uneventful books. For example, the word choice Hemmingway uses is quite simple. I like this because it makes the book flow better and doesn't make you think too hard about the words. This is also good because little kids can read and understand what is being said. I would recommend this book because it has more than words but also a good message. The message is uplifting and inspirational with all the struggles Santiago overcomes. I think by having a good message more people will read it and be touched. This book is great for people of all ages and reading levels. Hemmingway's book was very touching and inspirational to me. It gave me a sense of hope when reading. I am now more secure with what I believe, and I know that anything is possible.
Rating:  Summary: An inspiriational book Review: Enlightening and inspirational, both words, of which, remind me of the novel by Ernest Hemmingway, The Old Man in The Sea. This novel was inspirational and enlightening because it tells you never to give up and always believe in things even when others doubt and always to have confidence in yourself and others. The main character, Santiago, is inspirational because even during the toughest times he refused to give up. For example Santiago said, " But he cannot pull this skiff forever, no matter how great he is,"p.52. Santiago is determined and courageous. More than most men are for a fish. Most men would give up after an hour or more, but not Santiago. He stayed with that fish in the middle of the Cuban waters no matter how tired or painful the harsh mission for food was. For instance, " For an hour the old man had black spots before his eyes and sweat salted in his eyes and salted the cut over his eye and on his forehead," p.87. Even when Santiago was suffering he kept on tugging that line. Although, he was doing great by himself, he longed for the boy, Manolin, to be by his side. Manolin was inspirational too because even when the other fishermen and town's people doubted Santiago about how lucky he was and that Santiago was bad luck, Manolin knew all along that Santiago was indeed, lucky. For example, the night before the 84th day without fish, in which Santiago knew he was lucky on that day, Manolin gave Santiago some of his best bait to help reel in the future feast. Ever since Manolin was forced to stop working with Santiago, Manolin had tried his very best to help Santiago when he had time. I thought that what Manolin did for the old man was very generous, amoungst the other helpful details Manolin did to make Santiago happy. Manolin is still a young boy and already he has learned to look past the gossip and rumors and into the real story. The young boy inspired many people in this book to not believe rumors and the outward appearance of someone, because when they thought Santiago was unlucky, he really wasn't. Ernest Hemmingway's novel, The Old Man in the Sea is a superb and motivating fishing story about an old man who takes no regard to what others say, and goes fishing in the sea off the Cuban coast for the biggest and best fish he could find, on his 84th day without any fish. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys adventure. Anyone who reads this about Santiago's fishing escapade won't be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Just Another Fish In the Sea Review: Stories that win awards, especially the Pulitzer, usually cause people to have high expectations when reading them. This can lead them to be disappointed in the writings. I believe this is the case with the story: The Old Man and the Sea. The book is very interesting, but it lacks the ability to make the reader empathize and there is an absence of evenly distributed action and excitement. Because of this I don't believe this story deserves the Pulitzer. While reading The Old Man and the Sea, I did not share or experience the suffering that Santiago felt. For example, Santiago felt a large amount of pain, but it was not expressed in a way that the reader could feel it. When the reader can not feel what the protagonist or any other character is feeling, it makes it very hard to connect with the writing. After reading a story where little or no connection is made, I feel empty and unsatisfied with the story. For instance, when Santiago's hand is cramping, all he states is that his hand hurts. The author should have used figurative language to bring the reader in to the story. This would have made the pain seem more real. The Old Man and the Sea provides the reader with some excellent writing, but the emotions are not portrayed with much detail. This story lacks action and excitement to bring the story to life. Fishing is not a very popular event in the current age. And most of the story revolves around Santiago playing the fish. Only a select few that truly enjoy fishing find the story exciting. Furthermore, there is one instance where the author could have brought a pinch of action into the story to liven it up (102-106), however the encounter with the sharks is very brief and short lived. The story needs to have more action spread throughout it's pages. A little bit of excitement, and a tad bit of action, could make this story much more interesting and fun to read. While I was reading this book, I did not feel compelled to turn the pages or continue with the story. I would still recommend reading it because it is shows a young writer, or reader, how to write a realistic piece. I would not recommend this book for a light read, or for entertainment purpose. The Old Man and the Sea is a simplistic story that drives one to think very deeply and comprehend the little things in life.
Rating:  Summary: The Story "The Old Man In The Sea" was inspriational Review: The Story "The Old Man In The Sea" was enjoyable to me because it was so inspirational to me. Something to Inspire someone is to make someone want to so what they believe in. To tell others not to give up, not let others say that it can't be done, and most important, always have a good attitude about the goal. With the words of negativity, there isn't much to be done. But even when things aren't looking so good, just try to ignore it, and use their words to build off of to make the goal wanted to be reached even more. And in the end, it will be. That is an inspiration, just like the story. The old man was an inspiration because he never gave up on anything that he wanted to do, no matter what anybody would say. If people let what others say to them then how could anyone do anything that they tried to accomplish? The old man didn't listen to anyone who had anything bad to say. Although if there was something good to be said, then he'd say it right back, and inspire that person to do what they wanted. The environment that the old man was living in wasn't good for his self esteem, but its very easy to beat when they have a friend right their side. One of the main characters in the story is the boy Manlio. He helps the old man with getting food, and just being his friend. To me, that can help anyone the most just by letting them know that they care, even when things are tough and there isn't much to spare. When the old man had nothing, he still had his young friend with him. People would tell the boy that the old man was unlucky and that he was a waste of time to hangout with. Nonetheless, the young boy would still stand by his side and help the old man with whatever that he needed. He would help the old man bring in his equipment, and sit on the boat with him and give him comfort and friendship. And that right there is enough to inspire anyone to do anything. I can relate to the story very well when you want something so bad and just to prove it to others that you can when noone believes it. But then if the feeling of inspitration is there, the person will be able to get it together and do it. So then thoughts of seeing the goal being reached will make it come true, and then those who doubted, will see in the end that anyone can do anything with a little inspiration. The old man eventually did what he set out to do. With a little help from his friend, and lots of pep talks, he did exactly what everyone said he couldn't do. Just like what was said before, if there is a friend that will inspire someone, then that person will have some inspiration, and accomplish their goal, no problem. So if a person has hope, and lives in a somewhat good encouraging environment, then that person can do it. And it has been proven in this essay that even if you don't have all of those requirements, you can still achieve the goal. I would recommend this person who is having a hard time in their lives and need some inspiration. It'd make them think twice about giving up on their goal.
Rating:  Summary: the old man and the sea was not an ellaborate book. Review: The Old Man and the Sea is not a good book. As an interested reader, I came to this book with an open mind and high hopes. But what I got from it was a meaningless lecture on the basic plot of the story. Although Earnest Hemmingway is a brilliant man, this particular story is dull and unimaginative. While reading this book, I often found myself wandering from Hemmingway's words. His tale lacks the adventuresome qualities that usually spark my interest, and shows little enthusiasm in his writing. He relates the entire story to his own experiences, therefore the reader feels lost in his reflection of his life. In fact, Hemmingway's inspiration to this story was that he lived in Key West and was a humble fisherman, much like Santiago. Most readers can relate in no way to his idea of a good story. Especially when they don't know the terms of fishing, which Hemmingway so repetitively uses. I would have enjoyed the book more if I had shared the same interests and experiences as Earnest Hemmingway. My opinion on the book is simply based on my lack of interest, knowledge and experience with this topic. I would not recommend this book to readers my age or younger. Though the book contains a somewhat interesting plot, Hemmingway's style does not serve the topic well. His paragraphs seem to repeat themselves constantly, and the seemingly endless story unfolds slower than glue. He drains the energy from every sentence. This type of book probably appeals to older or more patient people. Hemmingway's writing is brief, factual and organized. He eliminates all clutter, including his imagination. By doing this, the reader becomes bored and uninterested. As a result, the book is not recommended by other readers, so no one reads it anymore. Though he is an honorable writer, Earnest Hemmingway's The Old Man and the Sea is hardly an honorable accomplishment.
Rating:  Summary: The Old Man and the Sea-Terrible Review: Earnest Hemmingway received a special award for this piece The Old Man and the Sea. Although his book was boring and slow, the plot of the story was interesting and sometimes even exciting. Even though Earnest Hemmingway has been recognized for some amazingly written books in the past, this book certainly wasn't one of them. Throughout this story Hemmingway's style of writing is very repetitive. He over-used the phrase "He said, Santiago said, etc." By using such repetitive words and language the reader could become easily bored and may even get annoyed. They might also lose interest in the story, and maybe in the author. However, there were a few things Hemmingway did well. When the story took a turn and got interesting, I quickly became hooked. I think if Hemmingway's writing style was like this throughout the book, it would have been more interesting and more liked by a larger audience. There for although Hemmingway's style was boring, it was simple and easy to follow. Many people would like this book but mainly the younger kids would prefer it. For instance the language used in this story is simple and easy to follow. I think that younger kids would enjoy reading this book because Hemmingway uses easy to understand language younger kids will become fans of his writing. Hemmingway's style of writing is easier for the younger audience to follow. He doesn't go into deep description and details. I think that younger people would prefer this book over adults. Hemmingway is a simple writer. Just because Hemmingway was awarded a special honor for this book doesn't mean it was great. Throughout the story Hemmingway was very repetitive with his word choice. He also used vague and boring language. I personally didn't enjoy the book because of its boring events, but that doesn't mean other people wouldn't feel differently.
Rating:  Summary: An uncapticating story Review: ...Page after page of predictable events leave much to be desired by a reader. When a book wins the Pulitzer Prize, I would expect it to be more detailed and interesting. When I sit down to read a book, I want it to be something that catches my eye, not something that bores me to death from the minute that I begin. The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemmingway, is an uncaptivating story lacking details and excitement. With an ongoing plot of persistence Santiago faces his unexpected fate. For example, Santiago, who hasn't caught a fish in eighty-five days, is confident and keeps trying. Santiago's fish seems to never come. He never gives up, knowing it will work out in the end. When he finally gets his fish, there seems to be a barrier keeping him from his prize. Furthermore, Santiago's fate of persistence does not turn out how he planned. He expects to bring in this glorious fish, but little does he know that fate is trying to stop him. Through the obstacles he faces, he finds that life isn't always how it is expected to be. Santiago's persistence kept the book going, with the same lack of detail in everything that happened. Through Santiago's persistence I can relate this story to my life, though I found it dull and boring. For instance, no matter what happened to Santiago, he stayed positive and persistent. There have been many times I have needed to be persistent to go on. Even if in the end it doesn't turn out how you want it to and you feel as though you have failed. I, like Santiago, have found it is better to have failed trying then to just give up. Moreover, I found the story to be boring and definitely not a page turner. I was not looking forward to reading it, for the simple reason it didn't keep me interested. It seemed like the same events kept occurring and that I have read it before. The lack of details made it hard for me to stay hooked on each moment in this book. Even with relating this book to my life, I still dreaded what was to come next. The Old Man and the Sea is the first, and the last book that I plan to read by Ernest Hemmingway. I would not recommend this book to anyone unless they are looking for a book that would put them to sleep. Going through the book, only anticipating the end is not what I see as excitement. This book just leads to disappointment toward an award winning author with every page that is turned.
Rating:  Summary: Short and Slow Review: If the reader's looking for an adventurous and suspenseful book, then steer away from Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea! It is very slow and short. It starts off with Santiago saying his 85th day of fishing will bring in the mother of all fish. When he finally catches the Marlin it takes time to bring it in. This book is slow and way to short. Because The Old Man and the Sea is so slow, is causes major boredom. For example, it takes Santiago approximately 50 pages out of the 127 page book to catch the Marlin. I think if it took a shorter time, it would keep the story moving. If there was more action and wasn't so much silly talk, it might keep the reader's eye longer. In addition, Hemingway's style of writing doesn't keep me interested. There are no points where I really feel like I want to keep reading. If there is a difficult scene, it is not clear enough and I get lost. The Old Man and the Sea is slow and takes a long time to show progress. The Old Man and the Sea is shorter than the other books I have read. For example, this particular book is only 127 pages long. I am used to reading 300+ page books. I feel like Hemingway can't even finish the book. In addition, the reader may feel lost with the shortness. Many people can't see how they can finish the book successfully. Readers may feel like they have to read it again to understand it. I know I felt that way. The Old Man and the Sea is so short it can make people feel lost thinking "Is there really an ending?" The Old Man and the Sea is good but not a well thought out book. It seems to be written in a hurry. It is slow to get to the point and confuses the reader. The book's shortness can leave the reader extremely lost and might even force them to read it again. I would not recommend this book to anyone who cannot understand what they read the first time. It is for more of an experienced reader. I credit anyone who can read this book successfully.
Rating:  Summary: The Old Man and the Sea Review: The Old Man and the Sea Review Unclear and confusing. These words describe The Old Man and the Sea. It is about an old man, Santiago, who likes to fish. He hasn't caught a fish in 84 days and is very disappointed. He goes out to sea and hooks a Marlin, but runs into trouble. This book uses unfamiliar words and it leaves you lost. The Old Man and the Sea is unclear in the writing. For example, "Bad luck to your mother" is just one of the fragments Ernest Hemingway uses. Fragments leave the reader with an incomplete thought. An author should know not to use fragments in their writing. Authors should also know not to use unfamiliar words. For instance, Hemingway uses the Spanish word "Galanas". He doesn't give a definition or any clue of what the word might mean. A well written book shouldn't use undefined or unusual words. His writing was unclear, but the whole story was puzzling. The overall book was confusing. For example, the ending leaves the reader lost. I wasn't able to tell what the protagonist was felling. It left the reader hanging there. In addition, The Old Man and the Sea has no adventure. I don't enjoy fishing or reading about it. Catching a fish doesn't catch my attention! The entire book was confusing and boring. The Old Man and the Sea was unclear and confusing. It left the reader lost or -with an incomplete thought. The ending ought to be more appealing and adventurous. I would not recommend this book to someone who likes depressing, timid books, because that's what The Old Man and the Sea is.