Rating:  Summary: Ever wished you could be a princess? Becareful what you wish Review: In the book the princess diaries, mia thermopalis is a not so normal freshman in highschool.Mias parents are divorced and she lives with her mom in an old fire station that her mom uses as an art studio. now at school Mia's goal is to be invisible and she is pretty good at it too espessialy when she is around josh a very popular senior who she is obsessed with. the most popular girl in school, Lana also likes josh but she's not quite as invisible to him as mia is. like I said Lana is the most popular girl in the school, unlike Mia, lana has long soft shiny blonde hair unlike Mia's frizzy brown hair,and Lana has tons of frinds Mia has one lilly.in fact the only thing they have in comman is josh. During a debate meet Mia gets sick when trying to speak and runs out of the room , Mia's mother goes in for a parent teacher conference and comes out with a date. Mia finds this totally humiliateing and to top it all of shes flunking algebra! mia's mother is going to make Mias day even better when she tells her that her grandmother has come to talk with her all the way from Genovia. So Mia gose to speak with her grandmother and finds out she is a princess! Her grandmother now has to teach her how to sit ,stand, walk, talk, eat, drink and everthing else so that she may be a proper princess, but Mia's not sure if she can handel it! I highly recomend this book to every one who can get there hands on it. It gives you a chance to become 14 again in this funny captavateing exiteing book!
Rating:  Summary: be fourteen again! sweet, witty, unique, wildly fantastic Review: High school freshman Mia Thermopolis is given a journal to release her "inner rage" and be self-assertive. Mia, like any other teen, wishes to attain self-actualization - oh, and go out with the hottest guy in school (or at least get asked out once), have bigger breasts, a passing grade in Algebra, and that her 25-pound cat wouldn't eat socks. She's pretty well-adjusted, though, living in Greenwich Village with her artist mother, summering with her European dad, making public access TV shows with her best friend Lilly, Algebra tutoring with Michael, Lilly's brother, watching movies of the week, and trying to save the environment. All peachy until her father comes to NYC to tell her she must be his heir to the throne of Genovia, a tiny country in Europe.To which Mia says, "Thanks. Thanks a *whole* lot," because being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be. Her scary Grandmere comes to give her daily princess lessons, she has to have a Glock-carrying bodyguard with her at all times, and worst of all, she can't tell anyone because she's already a 5-foot-9, chestless freak with yield-sign-shaped hair at Albert Einstein High whose mother is dating her Algebra teacher. Even though Mia tries to keep the embarrassing princess thing secret, the stress of it all leads to a fight with Lilly, an ice cream stabbing, and a visit to the principal's office. Then her story gets leaked to a major newspaper! Now, who would ask a girl like that to the Cultural Diversity Dance????? Mia thinks her life is over. O-V-E-R. It's been a while since I was fourteen, but this book took me right back. I guess in a few years this book will become dated like the Judy Blumes of my generation, but it's endearing and funny, especially for all the kids who weren't jocks or drunks or brains. Of course, I'd venture to say *none* of us will find out we are royal princesses, but Mia's traumas and dramas are very relatable. Adolescence is all about identity crises, and hers is a big one. Can she be Her Royal Highness Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo and still be future-Greenpeace-representative Mia Thermopolis? Despite the strong empathy I felt for Mia, she isn't perfect. I liked Mia, but I didn't admire her (why does she have to be stereotypically flunking math). Lilly is much more interesting in that respect. Still, Mia is a good kid. She's modest, cute, and conscientious and her voice is thoroughly entertaining. A strong beginning for a lovely series, Meg Cabot's style will capture many young-at-hearts. Note: the movie took many liberties with the story, so be warned - this is the real thing and much, much more original.
Rating:  Summary: The Princess Diaries Review: Amelia 2-21-03 The literary device of character is very interesting in the book The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot. The main character, Mia, described by Cabot, is a lower-income girl who eventually finds out that she is a princess. The use of characterization is very helpful to understand how this girl's life had changed drastically. The way that Cabot also describes the other characters is also very interesting and exciting. Mia's grandmother, mother, father, and friends are probably the most typical people in the book because they are very much like people in today's world. I especially like how Cabot make Mia's mother and father foil characters because it gives us, the readers, a better understanding of how life can be like with divorced parents. Mia is a very normal high school girl who likes boys and has a great friendship with her best friend, Lilly. Cabot's description of Lilly is great because she is this great friend to Mia but also had those many flaws that get on Mia's nerves a lot. I like how Cabot made these two friends because they are both just like teenage girls today and it shows girls that friendships are very important in anyone's life. Even though Mia and Lilly have their arguments and fights in the end they realize that they need each other's friendship to get through life. If I were to classify Mia and Lilly I think the best way is to say that they are round characters because they are just like real people today. I think that Meg Cabot wanted to write this book about a typical teenage girl that has this major life changing experience to show girls today that life is a journey that has many obstacles along the way. Mia has t spend all of her afternoons with her grandmother, the queen, for princess lessons. Her grandmother is probably my favorite character because she was a little bit of everything. She is of course royalty so she has to act proper but at the same time she is cruel and snotty in the kindness way possible. She also helps Mia a lot by telling her how life really is. At first Mia does not want to accept this advice because she does not to admit that she has taken advice from her grandmother. In the end Mia finds that her grandmother was right and in turn is very grateful. I think that all of the characters put into perspective that we are all to busy with all of the little things that we do not have the time to look at the bigger picture. I think that many people today could take this advice into their own lives because we live in such a corrupted world. Cabot's choice, of the characters, is one of a view of today's world and how people choose to live it. I think that her use of characterization in this particular book is very appropriate because of how she describes Mia, Lilly, grandmother, mother, and father. I really enjoyed reading this book because I could, at points, relate what was happening in the story to my own life, my friendships, and my family life. I would encourage people to read this book who want to regain their sense of reality and just realize how crazy everyone's lives can become and to take time to realize that everyone's opinion or advice is helpful in hard times.
Rating:  Summary: Have You Ever Longed to Be a Princess? Review: Writing a review for the book The Princess Diaries presented me with a bit of a dilemma. Although I always try to read a book first and then see the movie, in this case I saw the movie first and then read the book. And while I didn't expect the movie and book to be mirror images, I never expected the book to be as angst ridden as it was either. So while I'm tempted to make comparisons between the book and the movie I do realize that isn't fair so this review will concentrate solely on the merits of the book and at another time I'll also review the movie as well. The Princess Diaries is written in the form of a diary written by one Mia Thermopolis, a teenager living in Manhattan. Mia, like many others her age, grapples with adolescent woes. What should she wear to school? Will boys ever like her? Why is her hair so outrageously curly and will she ever understand geometry? But most importantly why is her single mother dating her geometry teacher and exactly what are they doing on their dates? The basic plot of the young, somewhat nerdy, girl finding out that she is a princess is the stuff of dreams that many of us remember from the earliest stories our parents read to us as children. But this book is unlike most fairytales we remember since this book takes place in the year 2000 and Mia Thermopolis is no longer a maid surrounded by two step-sisters and a wicked step-mother but lives in a loft in Greenwich Village with her single mother and cat. Mia attends a private school and spends most of her time with her best friend Lily Moscovitz, pining over Josh Richler, the most popular boy in her class, and trying to pass algebra. Weekends are devoted to directing Lily's on air radio program and hanging out with Lily's brother. And her summers are spent with her father and Grandmama , in Genovia a small principality located in an unidentified area of the world. The fact that Mia has no idea why her father lives there or what he does is one point which I found troubling since in all respects Mia seems to be inquisitive and bright. She is also very comfortable with the fact that her parents never married and she is the product of their college romance. Now comes word that Mia's father cannot have any more children no matter whom he marries. But more shocking than this is news that Mia is a royal princess who will be her father's sole heir and she will now be expected to lead Genovia one day. What ensues next is part My Fair Lady and part Billy Wilder comedy film that finds Mia reluctantly being tutored by her Grandmama for her future role as a Princess. From royal lessons in etiquette and which fork to use for which course to stylish haircuts, to a wardrobe befitting a Princess, to dealing with photographers and reporters covering this breaking story to bodyguards dogging her every step, Mia is at first astounded, miserable and totally confused over her new status and wishes all of this would somehow go away. Most of all she worries if she will ever lead a normal teenage life again or if people will simply like her because she is royalty. How she deals with all that is happening to her is described in this book and so far three successive novels, Princess in the Spotlight,Princess in Love and Meg cabot's newest princess book, Princess in Waiting. And it would appear that the author most likely will continue this series based on the popularity of these books. I enjoyed this book and most likely would have rated it with 5 stars except I really questioned how appropriate some of the subject matter is for the younger side of the young adults generation it was intended for. And since Mia is rather tormented by the revelation of her being a Princess for most of the book, what appears to be humorous antics don't always come across as being all that funny. Still the book had moments that are valuable lessons for those young women that long to be a Princess and adds new meaning to the expression, "Be careful what you wish for."
Rating:  Summary: Mia and her Princess Life Review: This book, Princess Diaries, is a very interesting book written by Meg Cabot. This story is about a girl named Mia who lives with her mom in. She is a normal and nice girl. She is sad because she misses her dad because he passed away sometime ago. Then, Mia's grandmother comes to visit Mia and tells her that she is a princess. Mia is so shocked and now, she is mad at her mother because her mother new that she was a princess this whole time and she didn't even bother to mention anything. There are a few things that I like about this book. I like the setting, characters, and the background. What I like most are the characters. I like them because they are really emotional. They are emotional in many ways in this book. For example, Mia attends a dinner at her grandmother's house, so, she eats ice cream, and she puts a whole spoonful of it in her mouth, and she has a brain freeze. So, everyone around her did the same thing. What is so funny about this book? Well...the most funniest thing in this book is when Mia has to get ready for her grandmother's party. So, she goes to her grandmother's house, and gets a total makeover. Her hair is not a frizz ball anymore, her eyebrows are thinner, and she is more prettier. Before she got this makeover, she looked very awful, especially with her hair. I got to admit, I thought she had two cats on her head. After this makeover, everyone at school were very jealous of Mia. This is why I like this story and why I picked these parts.
Rating:  Summary: A Must-Read Book! Review: This was one of the best books I've laid my eyes on! It's about Mia, a normal, ordinary teenage girl (or so she thought!) living in Manhatten. (I know I spelled it wrong!) One day her father tells her that he is the prince of Genovia, a small European country, and Mia is a princess. Mia is shocked to learn this, and the rest of the story is basically about her experiences as a princess. It was funny, heartwarming, and interesting at the same time. I thought it was much better and more detailed then the movie. Great book!
Rating:  Summary: Now I want to see the movie! Review: This is such an awesome book! Meg Cabot has created a very entertaining story and a wonderful main character in 14-year-old Mia Thermopolis. Her supporting characters - especially Mia's best friend, Lilly Moscovitz - are great as well. You can tell that a whole lot of thought was put into the project. Once you pick it up, you will not want to put it down until you've finished - and perhaps not even then.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh Out Loud Review: I thought the book was a very funny well written book. It allows the reader to become one with the main charcter. Feel everything she feels and can transport you into the middle of high school were not everybody is part of the "IN" crowd. Also lets you see that the people that you sometimes think you have nothing in common with are the ones you can truely trust.
Rating:  Summary: My Book Review Review: I think the Princess Diaries was the best book I have ever read. The book begins with an odinary girl named Mia Thermolis. She goes to Albert Einstien High school in Manhattan and her best friend is Lilly. Everything bad happens to Mia,first Mia's mother tells her that she is dating her algebra teacher. Mia thinks this is really bad because she will be humilliated if anybody found out. Then her dad is in town and Mia goes to visit him at the plaza where he is staying.Her dad tells her that he is the Prince of Genovia. Next her grandmother is in town and she says she has to take princess lessons. So Mia is so mad but she has to take the lessons.She hates her life. Now she has to get a complete makeover.It looks like she dosn't have a date for the Cultural Diverssity Dance.The next day when she goes to school there are thousands of reporters there with flashbulbs going off everywhere. It was a nightmare. She then finds out that her grandmother told the press about her. Then everything goes wrong. So read the book to find out what happens next.
Rating:  Summary: Laci's Review Review: I love the book. I though it was geat ti tells alot about a gir who just found out she was a prencess.And how she really likes this guy at her scholl and the only reason why he want to go out with her because she was a princess. So i think more people should read it.It was a fun book to read.I could not put it down.And that is my book review.