Rating:  Summary: Nice book, Movie is better though... Review: The first four chapters are excellent. Great writing i must say. To see how you can churn out a n even better movie than the book, you must watch the movie.Robert redford's done an excellent job i must add. Then read the book. you will enjoy it better...
Rating:  Summary: One of the best portrayals of today's modern day cowboy. Review: I would rank THE HORSE WHISPERER a close second behind Jim McBride's HORSETHIEF MOON as an accurate portrayal of today's modern cowboy. THE HORSE WHISPERER touches your heart. It brings tears to your eyes and joy to your soul.
Rating:  Summary: The Horse Whisperer Review: Nicholas Evans captures the essence of a society that still relies on it's roots into the past to solve modern problems.But like in all dramas the modern baggage comes along with. If anything about this book is true, it's good. Not a must read but one if you have the time. Kudos to Nick.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: I really thought it was terrible. When I bought this book, it actually sounded good. I don't know what I was thinking...but I never judge a book by it's cover. At the end of the reading, I just felt, like, ...how many more old romance stories must be told repetively over and over? Bluntly put, I don't see how this book is very different from any of those trash books that any english teacher would abhor. So basically, to sum it up what I didn't like was the same scenario: bored ambitious career woman in the Eastcoast somehow decides that because her life with her husband isn't fulfilling she goes and have an affair with some ranch hand guy who psychologically treats horses. BORING. I actually didn't like the heroine character very much either--she was too 2-D-ish. the book scared me too much to wanna see the movie. So I didn't. But somehow I ended up with the The Horse Whisperer Cd....and it's actually pretty good. =)
Rating:  Summary: The Horse Whisperer Review: The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans has 323 pages. The most important characters are Annie, Robert, and Grace Graves. This family has a horse named Pilgrim, Tom brookes is also a very important character. The time frame is during the 1980s'. There are two settings the city and the farms, like New York, and Montana. Starting with an awful tragety. The Graves try to get their lives back on track. After Roberts and Annies daugter gets runover by a truck with her horse, they try to regain Grace and Pilgrims strengths. Grace was well taken care of , but Pilgrim suffered a lot. The only person that could help Pilgrim was Tom Brooker, Who was what the people called a "horse whisperer". This heart breaking story of a family in stress takes many turns and changes. The cover of this story has a horse, because in the story there is a great horse that overcomes great odds. The tittle of the book is The Horse Whisperer, because there is a man in the story who is a 'horse whisperer", who helps horses and has great impact on them.This book has many great lines but one that I remember the most and thaought was funny is."Boy meets girl,boy eats girls."On a scale of 1-5, 1being the worst, 5 being the best I gave it a 5. I recommend this book to those people who like descriptive storis, that tell you things about each persons past. Becaose this book describes mostly everything with very good show not tell.
Rating:  Summary: Don't see the movie...Read the Book Review: The biggest problem that a "big impact" book like this has, is living up to the hype. Reviews of this book before the movie came out were incredibly positive. After the movie and the hype of how good the book was, the reviews started to go downhill. Presumably, you are reading this review because you are interested in the book. Trust me, it is very high quality. The characters are multi-dimensional, the story is compelling, and it is easy to absorb yourself within the pages. The sex scenes are certainly not too graphic. Whoever thought so on other reviews hasn't read too many books of any genres. If you are looking for a down-right good novel, read this one. It will even compete for the coveted Goochie Award this year! You won't regret spending time with this one!
Rating:  Summary: A Favorite Review: People who watch a movie first and then read a book need to remember that the movie is based on the book! Reading the book first, I couldn't wait to see the movie. Looking over the sexually explicit scenes in the book, I was glad that the movie cut them; though all in all, I was dissapointed with the movie. The book was truly amazing. I was 14 when it was first published and couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Being an avid teenage rider and horse owner, I shared many interests with Grace and understood all of her feelings for Pilgrim. However . . . also being a teenager I could see how Annie would choose Tom over Robert. An earthly, attractive man over her city boy. Who wouldn't? Plus, who really wants a PERFECT story anyways? I honestly think that the drama in the end added immensly to the writing.
Rating:  Summary: Saw the movie, could not get through the book Review: I really liked the movie and wanted to learn more about the inner lives of the characters. The movie also cut out all the sex in the book. I was disppointed and disgusted with the book since, the beautiful story of wounded girl and her horse and the people who loved them enough to not let them go, was marred by awful, graphic sex scenes and loose sexual morals. If I wanted to read about someone's personal sex life, I would read the proper material for that. The sex was very unnecessary. However, Mr. Evans writes beautiful descriptions of the human heart and the natural landscape.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: The first part of the book was well written. The accident scene was compelling and horrific. I had to read it several times over just to immerse myself in the feelings of panic. I couldn't wait to get to the part where the Horse Whisperer was introduced. But that ended up being the weak part of this story. The characterization of Tom made me think that the author wrote the story with Robert Redford in mind, and that, somehow, rang false with me. Then the part throwing Tom and Annie together didn't ring true either. There wasn't enough development of Tom to make me believe that he would have been attracted to Annie. And the sex scenes seemed like they were added just to be there for prurient interest. I almost felt like I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. The attraction seemed unbelievable and the sex shallow. Then I happened to notice on the book sleeve that the author was a former screenwriter - and that sums up my review - everything was written for how it would look on screen. What started out to be great literature, ended up a cheesy screenplay.
Rating:  Summary: Um, It was okay Review: The book was awesome, very descriptive (though in some parts we didn't that full detail! ) My concern if for Pilgrum. That horse suffered and went through hell for Annie. Grace was in the right of mind saying he should be put down. No horse should have to go through that, ever. As some of you said about Annie- "She was a hero for not putting the horse down" No, she wasn't, she was a monster. That horse suffered beyond belief. Though it may not seem like it, think of being there though, and seeing the horse in pain. The hell he went through will never be made up to him, all because of SNOBBIE Annie. I did not like her, and I found her much less than a hero. I liked Grace and Tom, the twins and the other boy...forget his name. Anyways I recommend the book, but Annie should have thought in Pilgrums best intrest, not her own. Over all, Awesome movie and book. Anyone at all can e-mail me with their comments (LuvTBracin@aol.com or Dani82985@aol.com)