Rating:  Summary: Great read!!!!!! Review: This is a GREAT book. I recommend it to anyone. It is one of King's best, if not his best.
Rating:  Summary: TRULY ENGROSSING Review: I can hardly put into words how the Green Mile made me feel during and after reading it. I couldn't put it down. I think I read it in one day. I was literally sobbing by the end. It was very emotional and engaging. It really makes you think about a lot of things. Especially life. This book is a must read for everyone. It's a definite keeper and I share my copy with everyone I know.
Rating:  Summary: King's finest. Period Review: When you think of death row, you normally think of hardened criminals, eagerly awaiting death-after reading this book, however, that's will change. King makes the reader realize that no matter what the crime, the men on death row are every bit as fragile and sensitive as we are. A must read for anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Not your normal Stephen King book. Review: At first I didn't know what to expect when I first started The Green Mile. Friends had told me that it wasn't like most of his other gory novels and that it stood out as one of his best works. I was pleasantly surprised with The Green Mile. I stayed up many nights (often until 3 am) devouring the pages. This novel really plays with your emotions, and I found that I had to choke down a lump in my throat after the final scene with Old Sparky. The Green Mile deserves 10 stars, but I guess 5 will have to do it justice.
Rating:  Summary: Great book, didnt think I'd like it from premis but I did Review: I had never read a Steven King book so I went to drug store because I couldn't get any further to a mall to find a good book so i picked the only thing they had even tho by reading back cover I didn't think I'd like it. Im glad I bought it It was great!! Like everyone says it was hard to put down. The book was interesting on several notes. One, of course the suspense and horror aspect. Two, It really made me think of older people you see on the street or in nursing homes and thinking of what kind of life they may have had. Paul in the nursing may seem to be just another tired old geezer but the man has lived through alot and seen alot. His experiences has had alot of impact on his life as well as the other guards. This aspect made remember to appriciate the older and wiser citizens around us our family, friends and what they have been through. Three, it made me think of capital punishment and how cruel it can be espeically if the wrong person is being executed.
Rating:  Summary: King takes the completely mundane and makes it wondrous! Review: I was delighted to see the entire novel on the book shelf. I became a bit frustrated with the six-part series, stopping after the first two. I could barely stand waiting for the next to come out! It was worth the wait.The setting is the Cold Mountain Penitentiary E block, otherwise known as death row, to King readers, The Green Mile. The novel is set in the early 1930s, a truly scary time period for a novel taking place in a prison on death row,considering the scum of society could still be electrocuted to death. Mundane, every day goings ons slowly turn to the unexplainable. The arrival of "Mr. Jingles" on the mile seems to foreshadow the beginning of strange, but oddly pleasant events to follow. When John Coffey, a giant of a man with the mind of a child, arrives, Paul Edgecombe, head guard on E block, begins to doubt his guilt. The man is completely oblivious to the world around him and seemingly unable to commit the incredibly deranged and violent crime he has been accused of. And also, as Edgecombe and the other guards soon find, seemingly possessed of an unexplainable ability. The plot revs up as Percy Wetmore, an extremely self-important guard, begins to perform heinous, and in the end unspeakable acts against one of the inmates, Eduard Delacroix. The true nature of man is prominent in this book. From the extremely evil and dark, to the saintly. It will change how you feel about your faith and question your beliefs. As always with Stephen King, I could not put it down. As long as he keeps writing them, we'll keep reading them-and being truly amazed and terrifed that such a mind exists.
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King produces another amazing book Review: "The Green Mile" starts out to be a pretty slow and uneventful book, but you will find yourself drawn to it because of King's mysterious and unique style. Once the plot begins to thicken and the secrets of the book are revealed, you won't be able to put it down. "The Green Mile" takes you into the horrors of one of the most controversial places in society, death row. The narrator is the head guard of the row, and the stories that Stephen King tells through him are nothing short of amazing. This book mixes King's awesome talents of horror writing with a twist of whodunnit in a creepy but all too realistic story. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good dark, macabre tale.
Rating:  Summary: King's best book in a LONG time Review: Frankly, I had just about decided King's work was permanently deteriorating. The Green Mile was a big surprise! (and a pleasant one I might add) The best thing about King is the way he creates characters that are so real. He makes you believe in them and feel what they feel. The mystery of Coffey was excellent and the plot developments were superb! I would rate this book as a 4.6 stars out of five. Thank you Stephen King!
Rating:  Summary: King's best fantasy in years! Review: At last, after several tries, King has got fantasy right! The way Stephen King writes he resources to horrorful imagery, but this time around he isn't aiming to scare us to death. This time he is trying to enchant us, to guide us through a story of magic and heartache. What helps sell the story is the restraint he shows with the fantastic elements. Just a little hint here and there of a supernatural reality, and a straight-face depiction of magic. Labeling it as "Horror" seems wrong. This is closer to dark fantasy or magical realism. Mr. King plays an original tune here, and he plays like a master.
Rating:  Summary: One of the better King books-- Review: Stephen King may well be the late twentieth-century author future generations will read most. Does that sound strange? Often popular authors disappear, as they should. King at his best rises above the "popular author" tag. The Green Mile suffers a bit from King's having to include detail in one segment to remind readers of something in an earlier segment. I hope someday King will do a rewrite to smooth out the transitions. But he has seldom written better, and I was enormously surprised. Yes, he can be uselessly crude, and he is here. But his characters walk and talk and think and fear, here as almost always. I have been disappointed in much of King in the past several years; most of his writer-centered stuff just doesn't seem to work. The Green Mile works on a number of levels, artistic, intellectual, and emotional. It's not his best work, but it's very close.