Rating:  Summary: The Book Of KING. Review: The best part of the book for me has been when paul edgecombe told me about the biggest man that you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams Jhon Coffey. Their are many other parts to this book that i do not whant to give away so you should read this book. the thing that got me was that it was not to hared to read i would give it a 3 on dificulty for reading
Rating:  Summary: Empty shell Review: "He had raped a young girl and killed her, and had then dropped her body behind the apartment house where she lived, doused it with coal-oil, and then set it on fire, hoping in some muddled way to dispose of the evidence of his crime. The fire had spread to the building itself, had engulfed it, and six more people had died, two of them children. It was the only crime he had in him, and now he was just a mild-mannered man with a worried face, a bald pate, and long hair straggling over the back of his shirt-collar. He would sit down with Old Sparky in a little while, and Old Sparky would make an end to him... but whatever it was that had done that awful thing was already gone... In a way, that was the worst; Old Sparky never burned what was inside them, and the drugs they inject them with today don't put it to sleep. It vacates, jumps to someone else, and leaves us to kill husks that aren't really alive anyway." p.16I think this paragraph captures the essence of King's novel. It talks to the frustration and futility of being a head prison guard. To act as an instrument of the state and to be solely responsible for the deaths of dozens of men. In his novel Stephen King put himself in the shoes of head bull goose screw. He imagines the convicted criminals he would have escorted along the last mile. Those men were no more than empty shells of their former selves and the crimes once they committed. From that line of logic King must have conceived of John Coffey. A man, ironically who possessed the power to give life and to offer goodness, but who would also die a husk in the seat of Old Sparky. Who would Coffey's power jump to? How would it live on? King stresses the humanitarian side of convicted felons and shows the insensitivity of capital punishment.
Rating:  Summary: Character Driven Masterpiece Review: If you've seen the movie, you've GOT to get the book. The movie, at three hours plus, stilly only tells half the story. This book is extremely character driven- and somehow Stephen King can bring all these different people to life in such a real, vibrant and interesting way that by the time your end with this book you feel you actually know these people personally. (In some cases that's good, and in some case's that's not so good.) This book has plenty of passages that will make your hair stand on end and give you goose pimples, but it is also the poignant story of a man in the Autumn of his life quietly reflecting. These passages, of this man in the nursing home reminiscing on a life that is nearing an end, are incredibly moving. Especially when he remembers a remarkable man named John Coffee. The story really comes alive when this special man is introduced to us. I loved this wonderful story. I believe it touches every single human emotion!
Rating:  Summary: Wandering and anticlimactic Review: The setting of this book is both a 1930's prison and a 1990's nursing home. It is the story of Paul Edgecombe and and a particular summer where he was a guard on death row, or the Green Mile as that particular prison called it. It is told from the point of view of an old man in a nursing home looking back on that particular time period while he writes his memoirs. King has said that he wrote this as a serial in the same way that we read it. He did not know how it would end and where it would go. I'm afraid this was evident in the direction(s) of the plot. This led to points being introduced and written about in detail that eventually had little to do with the story or characters themselves. Instead of creating complex characters with complex problems, we are treated to simple sketches of personality-types which appear to be crafted for the sole purpose of advancing whichever particularl plot-point is being written about. This created protagonists who were "too good" and antagonists who were "too bad". Worse still was the plot lines that never went anywhere such as the "special mouse that acted to human" which appeared to be significant in the beginning (considering how many times the statement was made that he was intelligent beyond a mouse and even looked "surprised" at one particular point. I like King, I really do. I just wish he had actually written this book in the same way he has written his other books and not like an episode of Twin Peaks with no forethought and direction.
Rating:  Summary: The Green Mile drew sparks in me Review: I really enjoyed reading The Green Mile. I not only read the book, I saw the movie. I believe that this literary book is well worth reading. I did a ten page paper on this book, taking the key points and developing a meaning for everyone. I think what really touches me is how John Coffey is so innocent and helpless throughout the whole story. Yet so guilty. This is a great example of the way it really was in the 1940s and I believe that the time reading this is well worth spent. It's a great book which deals with the bond of friendship and how our society really is. All in all it's a wonderful book to read and even my boyfriend liked it, which is rare. I give it a ten thumbs up, Great job!
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Book Review: This is a great book. I am a 15 year old male and I just loved it. I thought the book had a great story line with great characters. A most read. Great!
Rating:  Summary: This book was terrible Review: This book did not deserve to be written by Stephen King. It was boring and it seemed like he wrote it in a month. Thumbs down]
Rating:  Summary: The best book I've read in a long time. Review: I'll keep this short since a lot of others have reviewed this book already. I'll leave it at this. If you enjoyed the movie, you should read this book. Most everything that happens in the movie happens almost word for word the same in the book. However, There's a ton of great stuff that didn't make it into the movie. There's definetly a lot more character development in the book. The book is told over a much longer period of time. There's much more story involving the Cheif. There's some great stuff about an inmate they called "The President". You just learn a lot more from the book. I should point out that it's the only book that made me cry. So, just to restate. If you enjoyed the movie, get this book!
Rating:  Summary: Is King this era's Dickens? Review: In my view the mantle of Charles Dickens has passed across the pond to Mr King. Of course King doesn't put long socio-economic speeches into the mouths of his characters but in terms of his mastery of the English language and his ability to hold his reading audience captive in his literary palm, he has few equals. This book is probably his crowning work to date and there is little that can fault it. The characters are finely drawn and the atmosphere of the prison and its ghoulish purpose is almost tangible. This title will be hard to better. Don't be put off by the fact that most libraries and bookstores pigeonhole Stephen King into the horror genre. Few authors in my experience have been able to transcend their populist categorization as well as this man. This is not a horror book in the Koontz mould ... it is something far, far better than that. I commend it thoroughly.