Rating:  Summary: Hooked On Bud! Review: Bud, not Buddy quickly catapulted to the top of my all time phenomenal list. My first encounter was a silent one that transformed into giggles, chuckles and side slapping laughter. The second time around I miniaturized myself and entered the pages. My fifth grade students were hooked. There I was running around the room with my Oscar-worthy performance. Bud became a discipline technique, a hollywood film starring me as Bud and everybody else. If I needed to get my students quiet for ANYTHING, I would say, "You know, if you keep on talking, we'll miss Bud, not Buddy." Little did they know that I was probably more excited than they. They begged me, sometimes on bended knee, to read- all during the day, on the yard and in the classroom. I have never witnessed this kind of enthusiasm about any piece of literature from any man, woman or child. Read it silently, but really get your "laugh on" by reading it aloud. And by all means read it with and to a child.
Rating:  Summary: DIRT BIKE RACER Review: I realy enjoyed this book.If you like dirtbikes, youwill probably like this book. It is about a boy that is 12 years old,and he lives on a lake.The boys name is Ronnie,and he is nice,adventurouse,and enerjetic.He always wanted a motorcycle because some of his friends had them. One day Ronnie found a motorcycle at the bottom of the lake while scuba-diving with his friends. After finding a job with MR.Parker,to buy the new parts for his dirt bike,he started racing. Mr. Parker is an old blind man that use to race motorcycles. Ronnie finds that him and MR. Parker have a lot in common. They become very close friends, and Ronnie goes over to his house almost every day. This book is very exiting,dangerouse,and sad all at the same time. I would recomend this book to kids ages 12-14.
Rating:  Summary: A very sad and suspensful book Review: Bud Cadwell is on the run from his foster home to catch a train going west where he wants to find his father and have adventures. He thinks he finds his father when he sees a band play, and believes that he has finally found his home when he learns some interesting facts about his so-called father. I think this book was sad in a way, but needs to have more action in it. I would recommend this book to anybody who like lots of adventure and likes to read sad books.
Rating:  Summary: Bud, Not Buddy, Not one to Miss Review: I'm a teacher and I read this book during my Christmas vacation. I thought that the book was really good. I gives children a chance to read the story about Bud and learn about what it was like to be black, poor, and parentless during the 30's. There is a wonderful ending to the story when Bud finds out were he belongs and that everything in his like will be fine. Curtis doesn't base this story on anyone that he knows but he does place characteristics about two grandfathers into the story. Children would love this book because it is action fill and keeps their attention.
Rating:  Summary: Bud Not Buddy Review: Bud Caldwell had just been put in a temporary Foster home. They had a son named Toddy who was just two years older than Bud. They thought he was still a baby and they made him sleep on plastic sheeets. He was ten. Did they honestly want him to believe tha he was going to wet the bed. The first morning he was there Todd stuck a pencil up Bud's noes and his noes started bleeding. Then he socked Todd one but it was going to be a brutal fight that he didn't have much chance of winning. Todd then went into a asthma attack and his mother thought it was all his fault. Can you beleive that? Bud got in big trouble. He had to apoligize to everyone for something Todd started. They then locked him in their shed and took away Bud's treasured suitcase which had all the things his beloved mother had given him before she died. What nerve!! Bud got cut by razor-sharp teeth of a fishhead and was stung by bees. Afterwards Bud made Todd pea the bed and he ran away to find his father. Ladies and gentlemen I invite and encourage you to read Bud Not buddy by Cristopher Paul Curtis and find out more about Bud and where Bud runs away to.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This is about a kid named Bud who was left in orphanages after his mother died (hid dad went away.) He is sent to the Amoses who were being paid to watch him. He runs away and tries to hop on a train to go west but misses it. I would definitely get this book and read the WHOLE thing. On a scale from 1-10, this a 11. It's fantastic. Ignore anybody who thinks it's bad. 101% great.
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: This is one of my all time favorite books! This is about a boy on the search for his father. Since his mother died, he was in an orphanage, but then he ran away. He meets new people and gets an idea of who is father is from a flyer he keeps with him. Later he decides to go to another town to find his supposed father. While he walks to the other town, a driver picks him up and brings him to his house for the night. Then he takes bud to the next place of where this band that Bud's supposed father plays in will be. It is an excellent book!
Rating:  Summary: Bud, Not Buddy Review: I was running running for the train I through my bag to Bugs oh,no the train started going faster and faster Bugs through my bag out of the window knowing I could not make it. I gave up now had to go find my farther . I had no home to go home to I was on the lam trying to get out west were bugs and i could get a job and earn some money to live on . I knelt down to my bag trying to catch my breath i waited a little and then decided to live that night so that no body could see me it was only 24 miles there but on the way a old man saw me and bribed me to get in his car so he could take me back to his house bye giving me a bottle of red pop and a sandwich I did so but only of the food and pop . This old guy scared me I pulled out me pocket knife and putt it under my let with the long silver blade out just in case he tried to do anything stupid and was a vampire. He started asking me questions about my family and my i was running from grand rapids and going to Flint I told him that my mother had died and I was going to find my father who played the biggest fiddle you ever saw and I was going to find him even if I had to get a way from this knuckle head on the way back a cop pulled us over and was looking for any body who worked for the rail road because the workers were planing a strike after the cop left lefty Lewis stepped out of the car but stupid of him he left the keys in the car i slid over in to the drivers seat shut and locked the door I turned the car on put it in gear and hit the gas I was off back on the lam not knowing were i was going oh no what was that sound no how could die in me when i needed it the most I looked in the mirror lefty Lewis was running be hind me i unlocked the door and let lefty Lewis back in the car this time i watched him put the car in to gear just in case i had to get away again. The next morning I woke up in lefty Lewis's house he had fallen a sleep in the car on the way back to his house. His daughter had come in and had given me a new pair of close and asked me if i liked sausage I said yes although i did not know what sausage was but they smelled delicious when i got down stairs i found out that lefty Lewis's had two grand children one was younger a little girl that just could not stop talking and one was older a boy a bout 12 and bud was 10 he keep telling his little sister to shut up but she would not listen in till he said that he'd tell there mother that she had a pancake in the pocket of her church dress she shut rite up of course . I think that the book was very good it was fast paced and I could not put it down
Rating:  Summary: Bud, not Buddy Review: Bud, not Buddy is about a little boy who lives in an orphanage. His mother died when he was only a tiny little boy. Before she died, she left a couple things for Bud, including a couple flyers that give clues to where his father is. This is what gave bud he idea to find his father. The orphanage is not too bad, but Bud is determined to find him. He sets out on an adventure to find him with a friend named Bugs. Bugs and Bud are best friends and stand up for each other everyday. When Bud goes to catch a train that will go to where he suspects his father is, Bugs get on the train and Bud is trying as hard as he can but just can't catch up with Bugs, he is left behind only to find a HUGE adventure ahead of him. He meets many interesting people along the way. One stranger even let him stay in his house overnight. He learns about many things about his mother and how she grew up and about his real father. Was this guy, Herman E. Calloway, really his father? He found all his answers in the end and when he put them together, they all made sense. Who was his mother? Who was his father? Who was he? This book was enjoyable. It was very interesting because there were many descriptive details about his trip along one road he was walking on. The characters names of the band that Herman E. Calloway was in really explained their personality. I think that anybody who liked a book with some humor but serious moments would like this book. This book was a Newbery Award Winner. I think this book deserved the award. I could not put this book down. It kept you on the edge of your seat the WHOLE time. The plot was well planned. I can tell that this author put an incredible amount of time on it because the descriptions and the usage of words were so believable. Sometimes Bud would say something like "Yes Ma'am" and it was like wow! He has to call her that?! It a really great story with tons of exciting adventure and exciting people. I would most definetly read it over again.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, heart-warming Review: I have read this book aloud to many of my reading classes. They enjoy the way Bud relates his many adventures and they all laugh in the right places. But at the end, I have many students (even boys) put their heads on their desks or cover their eyes to conceal their tears when I reach the touching ending. This is one book I will continue to read aloud for years to come. Christopher Curtis is a wonderful story-teller.