Rating:  Summary: Better ones are yet to come! Review: This book is really great if you like fantasy, but it's not my favorite book in the Quartet. It's still good though; definantly gripping!
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Book!!!! Review: Oh my gosh, when this book was recomended to me I didn't think it was going to be good but it ended up being almost better then any book I have read!!! Even though there are 4 books you will finish them quickly and feel really sorry that you did because these are really amazing books!! This book has magic, adventure and a bit of mystery. Tamora Pierce(the author)really put into the character's shoes so you feel like you are actually them!!!NOTE: For those Harry Potter Fans out there (mostly girls)!!! This is a wonderful alternative to read while waiting for the books to come out!!
Rating:  Summary: My Favorite Book! Review: Alanna: The First Adventure is the best book I have ever read! It is funny, exciting, and just wonderful! I would reccomned this book for 4th graders and older, and more for girls. Boys could read it too, but they might not like it as much. Still, this is an absolutly wonderful book!
Rating:  Summary: A Novel to Read Over and Over Again Review: As a girl of sixteen, I, like many other girls, realize how cool and spectacular it is to imagine that one could be someone they may not be like a fairy tale. This book brings life into reading, romance is shown, and adventure is excessive and extraordinary. I would recommend this book to anyone no matter what age because it brings out a story I don't believe any author could write. I would have to say the The Lioness Quartet is the best out of all of Tamora Pierce's writings and frequently go back to the books for pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: the best books i have EVER read in my life! Review: Oh my gosh! I love Tamora's books! I am a write, she's who inspired me. I was reading Alanna the First Adventure, and we were in the car, i felt like i was asleep, but i was really reading the book, not that it was boring. but everything else around me just kind of dissappeared and nothing else mattered. I've read all of her books that have come out so far, and i've read them eight times i think. Anyone who likes adventure, fun, a little love, stubborness (like me) and a few great books should read tamora's books for sure. I know that i'm only 13, but i've read a lot of books, and like i said, these are definitly number one on my list.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I've Ever Read Review: The book Alanna The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce is an astoundingly well written book. In this book, you feel everything that Alanna does as you step into Alanna's shoes and experience the thrilling adventures that she goes through. You can see through her eyes as she disguises herself as her twin brother so that she can go and become a knight. You can feel her strength as she learns the many things a man must learn in order to become a knight. You can feel her sorrow and happiness as she cries and when she laughs. I loved this book and immediately read every one in the series. I loved the feelings that Tamora Pierce makes you feel as Alanna does; the sorrow, the pain, the happiness, and the pure bliss. Along with the feelings that Pierce does such a good job making you feel, Alanna is the most exiting, adventurous, charming character that I have ever read about!!! As Alanna slashes with her sword and leaps onto her horse, she takes your imagination with her. She guides you through fight after fight, guiding you to the end. After I read this book, Alanna was kind of like my role model!!! Along with loving Alanna, I also really liked the setting of this book. This book takes place in the medieval time period. Not only that, but in this book, magic is real!!! So, for all of those people out there who love magic, adventure and a slight taste of mystery, this is the book for you!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Nice tale, but overrated Review: This is a pretty good start to building up an interesting series, however, I have to add that the other reviewers who rave about this book and give it 5 stars, mustn't read very much. I like that the story is focused on the development of a female warrior, however, even in a fantasy novel, I want my character to be believable. I'm sorry, but there could have been more character development for the heroine Alanna. My sympathy for her only remained lukewarm. It was a nice step to mention menarche. That part makes it more 'real' and appealing to preteen girls. But ultimately, that was also a letdown. What I don't like is that the woman who explains menstruation to her simply gives her a "charm" to ward off pregnancy (never mind that the heroine is 12!).... Using a charm to 'ward it off' is a bit simplistic, and even bland, plot-wise. While I believe in being straightforward with kids about sex, sex ed is too complicated of a subject to be included in a fantasy novel by a mediocre writer... Sure, pregnancy is spirited away by some magical charm, but what about our fair heroine contracting nasty STD? What about the virtue of chastity? Someone training to be a knight should, above all, learn some form of self-control. Clearly, the author had an "agenda" in the series that did not include the kind of self-discipline that extends beyond swordsmanship. What about some form of commitment? If you're gonna go into details on the sex ed thing, cover the whole nine yards..... or leave it out. Just don't be half-assed. The writing is simple enough for a 12 or 13 year old, and it's fun tale that many in that age range can sympathize with. This is what earns it 3 stars. However, this is reading/entertainment.... not "fantasy literature." To me, only superior writing, and depth and complexity of plot and chracter can earn a book 5 stars. The characters are not complex at all; they are either good or bad as they are labelled from the onset, with the exception of maybe George, and his character is not developed much. You will find no background, and nothing will be impressed upon you. This is a far better book than the first installment of the "Protector of the Small" series, "First Test," which is even more shallow and uninteresting.
Rating:  Summary: HATE IT Review: I HATE THIS BOOK!!! I couldn't stand it when I first picked it up, I couldn't get into it, and Alanna whined too much, the characters where so unreal. But then again I accidentally picked it up, when I dropped my library books, and never intended on reading it. I was also in a fowl mood when I started it because of having a broken leg and a million other things that where going threw my mind when I was 13. Yet I kept on finding myself taking it out again and again from the library, trying to read it until one day I did. I have never been so happy with a series or an Author. I found that at the age I was, I could relate to Alanna, I found that situations she faced could be learnt from in situations I faced. And as corny as that sounds its true, a teenage girl going threw puberty and a tomboy is no different then a medieval teenage girl being a knight. The story is enchanting and strong willed. At the end of the 4 books I found I didn't want to read any more of her work. That I would loose what I liked about Alanna and these books and they wouldn't be special to me that easily changed. Now that I'm older I admit I don't read all 12 of her books that I have a month. But for people or teen age girls that are looking for a great story, and a great set of character this is not only the book for you, it is the writer for you.
Rating:  Summary: Smashing Good Book Review: Wow, this book is really good. You should read it, really. Alanna really wants to be a knight, but she can't. She and her brother switch places, and she trains to be a knight. Alanna has to keep her secret that she is a girl when she goes into training, and it must be really hard since she makes a lot of friends. Imagine having to lie to the King! Many people forsee great danger for Alanna . . . Can Alanna prove that she's just as good as any guy? Read and find out!
Rating:  Summary: It was just too predictable Review: Er...sorry for this embarassingly similar review. I don't like repeating myself for giggles...I just wasn't very familar with the amazon reviw system yet. I thought my computer had spazzed so i wrote a second one thinking the first one I'd written was lost. Sorry. Thought I'd clear that up. The plot and characters were too predictable: the classic bully torments the heroine until she finally defeats the bully to the cheers of her friends; she manages to amaze and awe her superiors time and time again with her wit, latent powers and skill; healers glimpse her future and warns her-- in wide eyed awe--of her difficult and great destiny; she manages to find a sword that, incidentally, was reserved just for her; she gets the horse of her dreams. The heroine's supposed faults just make her more "endearing." The good guys are good to the core, charming and courageous and honest. The bad guys are rotten to the core, decietful and selfish and cowardly among the stronger good. All the good guys like the heroine. All the bad guys hate her. In short, this book lacks originality. It romanticizes too much. Its a mary-sue. The characters are so predicatble, I would almost say they were two dimensional. Despite these faults, I couldn't help but be charmed by the equally predictable but charming King Of Theives, George: he's the classic, handsome, dangerous and honorable theif who befriends the heroine. I couldn't stop reading, even though the formulaic nature of the story left a bad taste in my mouth. Lets face it: it has no depth or the slightest hint of originality, but it's great mindless fun. It's perfect for shameless romantics and preteens.