Rating:  Summary: Don't read this book on public transport Review: Bridget is adorable. She's funny and flawed, proud and helpless and so thoroughly English. If you like English comedy in the Ab Fab vein, you will really enjoy both of the Bridget Jones stories.
Rating:  Summary: Bridget is in all of us! Review: That is why Helen Fielding's 'Bridget' is so accessible. Because she is our most neurotic selves. Helen Fielding has improved upon the Bridget in the initial installment and made her more realistic. How can you not chuckle at her thoughts surrounding Mark Darcy? (Sidebar: having seen the movie starring Rene Zellweger, the character is more alive). Have we not all been in love but not been sure how the other person really feels and so we go around attributing the wrong motives behind our loved ones actions? Helen/Bridget had me wanting more. Hopefully, she will you, too.
Rating:  Summary: Don't say what...say pardon. Review: This book is by far the best I've read in a very long time, and in my opinion is much better than it's prequel "Bridget Jones' diary". After seeing the film starring Rene' Zellwager and the particularly wonderful Colin Firth, I decided that to check out the book would only be fair as it is well known that it is very often better before it is shaped for the big screen. Rather than conforming to everyone else's opinion that this was also true of this novel, I preffered the film. However, after borrowing the "Edge of reason" from a very close friend who demanded that I have it back in her hands within 12 hours I was finally allowed to take it home with me. I found that I couldn't put it down for one moment, and was highly annoyed when my mother called me down for dinner. Other than that one interruption, I read the entire thing from cover to cover and it only took me 8 hours to do so. Of course this took me through to around 3:00am but what the hey? It was worth it. I especially liked the interview between Bridget and Colin Firth...I don't think I have ever laughed so much at a book in my life. Bridget is definately the girl of today, and with some of the things that she came out with in this book I just know that there is a little bit of her in all of us. Absolutely brilliant, and the funniest book I've ever been lucky enough to read. Of course it did help being able to picture Colin Firth in the role of Bridget's boyfriend Mark Darcy...if only!!!
Rating:  Summary: V. Good! Review: This was such a funny and good book. I enjoyed it very much. Bridget Jones's adventures are much more witty and endearing than in the last book, although I do think that the escapade in Thailand was a bit far fetched, but it was all funny and lovable anyway! And I just love Mark Darcy, the man of our dreams right? He was awesome, and totally handled everything, v. cool. And Rebecca, we just want to rip her eyes out, anyway, read this book, better than the first, and definitely more funny!
Rating:  Summary: Bridget uses "Persuasion" . . . Review: Excellent sequel, (although the middle lags, the end makes up for it) esp. if you have read Jane Austen's "Persuasion" - Helen Fielding again uses an Austen framework to great success. NB Mark Darcy's conversation with Rebecca in the shrubbery, Admiral Darcy slipping that a (wrong) Darcy son is getting married, Rebecca jumping and getting hurt, and then falling in love with another invalid, Mark Darcy giving a letter to Bridget, after he "forgets" his pen, etc.
Rating:  Summary: The Edge of Reason Review: The title of this book is a fitting description of the development of Bridget and her world. I thought that some of Bridget's antics in the first book could not be any zanier, but this book shows that there is a very fine line between reason and insanity. Just put yourself in the situation of being arrested for drug possession in Bangkok and facing the prospect of a 10 year sentence. Would it be reasonable to dance around in the jail cell in a Wonderbra singing Madonna songs to the other inmates? Probably not, but Bridget makes it sound as if it's the most normal thing in the world. That's one incident among many, including the hilarious interview with Colin Firth which will make or break her career. If you have read Persuasion, you will be familiar with the parallels in the plot lines. However, Fielding's talent lies in not copying the plot but adapting it to a modern setting with enough changes to truly make it her own. A definite recommendation if you enjoyed the first instalment.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous! Even better than the first! Review: This book is great! I thought it would be impossible to top the first one but it looks like Helen Fielding did! The Edge of Reason is extremely funny and very easy to relate to. I've just started reading again and with books like this, I don't think I'll ever stop!
Rating:  Summary: This book truly made me laugh Review: I picked up this book because I wanted to see the movie, but I hate seeing the movie until I read the book. Anyway, this book made me laugh out loud, a rarity. It's a fast, light read that a woman in her 30's can relate to. Bridget's attempt at dinner parties is great. Her friends are funny and her mother is hysterical. I can't wait to read the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: I MISS HER ALREADY... Review: I've just finished reading this book, and I already miss Bridget and the rest of her crazy friends. This book was a wonderful continuation of Bridget Jones's Diary. It's great 'cause you already know the characters and how they are, so it's like you become a part of their crazy lives and all the crazy things they do. Helen Fielding does a great job with the humor in this book. It's clever and witty, and very enjoyable. I'm hoping she may come out with more Bridget Jones books. But even if she doesn't, I'm sure any other novel she writes will be just as good!
Rating:  Summary: Delightfully amusing sequel Review: Monday 18 June No. of times laughed out loud: Countless (v.g.), No of times wanted to throttle Bridget for not standing up for herself: 6 or 7 (poor), No. of happy endings: 1 (excellent!) 3p.m. Home office The first half of the book had me laughing out loud, what with Bridget's tribulations with unruly scary underthings, her scatterbrained mum's usual chaos, discussions of "active appendages" and such. The story became more and more far-fetched as Rebecca's intentions became obvious and the botched holiday in Thailand. But it was really in good fun. I'm thankful, yet sad ( and envious) that only Bridget experiences this life so full of tumult and chaos.