Rating:  Summary: Hilarously Funny! Better than the first Bridget Jones novel Review: This was a quick, hilarious read. I was laughing so hard I starting snorting! No novel in recent memory has made me laugh so much. The first half of the book is non-stop laughter and Bridget's relationship woes throughout the book are a comic delight. The book becomes a wonderful comedy of errors and misunderstandings that could happen to anyone of us. I will say I was disgusted with the Jed subplot. The Thailand holiday mishap was not only unrealistic, but it brought back memories of a recent movie with the same plot. However, this book is so hilarious it hardly registers.Kudos to Helen Fielding on writing one of the funniest novels in recent years!
Rating:  Summary: A Must-Read for All Single 20-and-30-Something Females Review: This book is hilarious! I laughed out loud at almost every page. Being a single female in her late 20s, I found reading about Bridget Jones and her escapades with dating, work, and friendship totally entertaining and inspiring. This is the first Helen Fielding book I have read and I can't wait to read the prequel. The book is a pretty easy read, perfect if you are ready to relax and enjoy some good laughs.
Rating:  Summary: Like a fine red wine... Review: Oh dear. I thought "Bridget Jones's Diary" was good but now Helen Fielding has topped it spectacularly. We don't really want to know what happens after Cinderella finds her Prince, mostly because we're afraid the Prince will grow a beer gut and watch cricket all day while Cindy is reduced to being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. She'll make cutting remarks about his dwindling manhood in a adenoidal whine, he'll storm out and drown his sorrows in frothy Guinness - it's all too distressing. It's all right. Something that mundane would never happen to Bridget Jones. I started "The Edge of Reason" at bedtime (10pm), was so engrossed that I couldn't even put it down to perform my nightly ablutions (which made things quite awkward), and then sat up reading until 2am. When I read about Bridget's magic mushrooms and the contents of her Christmas cards I had to stuff a pillow into my mouth so that I wouldn't wake anyone with my hysterical gasps of laughter. Singletons will feel an instant, emphatic connection with Miss Jones; Fielding manages to tug the reader's emotions into synchronised sympathy with Bridget's. A poignant encounter between Mark and Bridget in a dark kitchen caused me to shed fat tears of grief onto the same pillow I was gnawing with suppressed mirth 5 minutes before. Books shouldn't be allowed to affect you that way. As always, Fielding's skillful weaving of intimacy and openness makes the reader feel like Bridget's imaginary friend and confidant rather than an intruder perving on a stranger's private musings. So who needs a date on Saturday night? We don't - we've got Bridget Jones.
Rating:  Summary: A great sequel. Review: I was a little apprehensive to read a sequel to one of my favorite books, but this surpassed my expectations. It's too bad the movie failed to capture some of my favorite moments of both of the books, but Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones is often funny (I have laughed so hard I cried in both books), touching, and I'm sure can remind anyone of themselves at some point. If you're normal.
Rating:  Summary: Bridget, you may not believe it, but you improve with age!! Review: You don't know how much I loved this book. I was pissing myself laughing from page one!! I put off reading it, because I didn't think it could live up to its predecessor, but it was better - there was more of a journey to it, more a feeling of being swept along in the chaotic, but wonderful (I think) life of Bridge. It was also sad at a couple of points, but mostly it was side-splittingly, painfully familiarly, hilarious!! I fell in love with Mark Darcy's character. I went and saw the movie of the first book soon after I finished this sequel, and I wanted them to tack part two onto the end of it!! I couldn't stop talking about it. Bridge also shows her vulnerable side a little more in this offering, growing up a little (but don't fret - not too much!) along the way. Her friends Jude and Shazzer also provide us with plenty of laughs, as does her Mum with her new project - an African tribesman!! One of the funniest parts is Bridget's interview with one of her most beloved celebrities. You've gotta read this book! (Read the first one first of course) It's beautiful!
Rating:  Summary: five stars for Bridget Jones Review: I read Bridget Jones' Diary and Edge of Reason one after the other and it's unfair to compare since it's really like one big enjoyable book. It was so sad to see the first one end, but Fielding does such a great job of just continuing where it left off and giving readers more of what they want: Bridget "Caught in the middle of trouble" Jones. Bridget and men; Bridget and her mom; Bridget and her friends and enemies; Bridget and her job; Bridget and her diet; Bridget and her self-help books; and finally, what everyone hoped for from the beginning, Bridget and her success. In terms of comparison, I couldn't help but think of "Sex and the City" while reading both books, and without a doubt Bridget Jones wins hands down. If you miss laughing out loud (not the "lol" kind) pick up both books, a bottle(s) of wine and dig in. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Bridget Gets Better with Age Review: As much as I adored the first one I liked the second incarnation of Bridget even better. It is far funnier and far more focused than the first book.
Rating:  Summary: Yay!! Review: This book is sheer bliss. The second Bridget book is far more focused than the first while even funnier. If you liked the first one you will adore and highly appreciate this book.
Rating:  Summary: Mmmmm, love the lovely Bridge! Review: A superb sequel to a great book. I love series, and Fielding has real potential to extend the hilarious life of Bridget into several more novels (especially considering the movie deal, v.g.). Bridget is every woman-- her blunders, mishaps, and desperation make her just as real as the women you meet every day. We singletons now have a fearless role model-- Bridget, who triumphs over the inevitable screw-ups of every day life! Sit Up Britain? Make that Sit Up World! After the first book, Bridget will become your friend... but after the second she'll become your sister. Buy this book and laugh out loud!
Rating:  Summary: BEYOND HILLARIOUS.... Review: I laughed so much out loud that it was embarrassing! There were pages I shamelessly turned back to just to laugh again. I saw the original Bridget Jones at the movies, then had to read this sequel right away. This book has a wonderful way of making you feel very good about your life, there are things we all need to do, ie.loose 5 lbs. CONSTANTLY, and Bridget admits it!