Rating:  Summary: More of the same -- and that's good Review: This one picks up shortly after the end of the first book, and continues on the same vein. Our heroine is still tallying all the previous day's good deeds, bad indulgences, and justifying how all of this falls into her master plan. I'm not positive, but I don't think she makes it to the gym once in the sequel.But Bridget does find a way to lose lots of pounds during the book. While on a trip overseas, she is falsely imprisoned for several weeks, and is forced on the diet she can't discipline herself to do on her own. Upon her release, she's proud of her weight, and is determined to keep it off. Can she do it? Well, can she at least keep it off until the holiday season? If I were a real journalist, I'd dig more into the timeline of when this book was written, and when the movie was being made. As those who have seen the movie know, Colin Firth played Mark Darcy. Well, the actual Colin Firth is a character in this sequel, and Bridget's interview with him is as hilarious as you can imagine. Now, which came first, the making of the movie or the writing of the second book? Did one influence the other, or is it coincidence? Actually, I'm not staying awake nights not knowing this, but the question occasionally pops up in my mind. Anyway, good stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good As The First Review: "Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason" picks up 4 weeks after "Bridget Jones's Diary" left off. Bridget is now in a relationship, but the honeymoon is definitely over, and they're with each other. Bridget is still concerned with her weight, and is whining just as much as usual. While this was a good book, I enjoyed the first one much more.
Rating:  Summary: Bloody Well Loved It Review: No. of laughs: 1 million (v.g.), Average hours per day spent reading: 4 (am turning into obsessive bookworm in manner of Belle in Sleeping Beauty or similar), Moments found relating surprisingly well to Bridget: 4,000 and counting, No. of other books have enjoyed nearly as much: 0 (well, not counting Brigdet Jones's Diary, that is). 5:26 pm. My flat. Hurrah! Helen Fielding is bloody genious. Knew it would be just as good as original, knew it. Have not been quite as well entertained since was young child and watched Care Bears until mother was ready to rip her head off and eat it. Such an honest portrayal of life has never come round 'til now. Have found endless stories of Bridget shagging, calling 1471, ranting with Shazzer and Jude, obsessing over Mark Darcy, worrying about Mentionitis and evilness of the dreaded Smug Marrieds, and the trilling and the irking antics of gigolo-hiring mother to be much more amusing than any John Grisham. If you pass this book up (disaster), you're bloody well missing out.
Rating:  Summary: If you liked the origial Bridget, this is even better! Review: If you loved Bridget round one and have a special place in your heart for Colin Firth, you too will love this book. The Bridget duet became a quick way of life as I started to see aspects of her life in mine. From the mundane to the absurd, Helen Fielding nows how to tap into the crazy, aways hectic lifestyle of late twentysomethings and thirtysomethings. Treat yourself to a weekend of indulgent laughter, great foods and best of all, one of the best chick books I've ever read. I'd also highly recommend a weekend of Pride and Predjuice with Colin Firth. What great eye candy! Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Times reread "Edge of Reason" 3 (v.g.) Review: Excellent sequel, have missed Bridget and her outrageous and hillarious life. Fields excells as a comic novelist. I can see our Singleton era being studied one hundred years down the road using literature like Edge of Reason and Bridget Jones's diary as textbooks! From Bridget's hillarious and realistic struggle against rebecca, to innocently getting high on magic mushrooms, getting "famous" among prostitutes in prison, and writing some rather "excess" christmas cards (process involving alcohol) Bridget Jones holds the attention of her reader hostage from page one. Although I was a little bit disappointed of her failure to properly reconcile with poor Daniel Cleaver, I enjoyed very much this 'monumental' work of fiction, which makes the reader doubt whether or not this is fiction at all! Read it Read it Read it!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Bridget Jones Part II - yes, it's as good as the original Review: Having read the first Bridget Jones novel some two years ago I thought I'd go out on a limb and be one of the few guys in this world to read both in the series. True, they are very much 'girlie books'. But in this genre they are rather polished pieces. In 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' we have Bridget struggling with the man (Mark Darcy) she won in the first book. A predatory femme fatale plus Bridget's unwarrented paranoia places this relationship in jeopardy. Of course catty gossip and bizarre interludes (including a strange vacation to Thailand) makes this a funny yet harmless (and, alas, ultimately forgettable) read. Bottom line: Helen Fielding decomposes the modern Brit 'chick' with panache. Even guys can like this kind of book.
Rating:  Summary: Still fantastic Review: Just not *quite* as good as the original - but I still loved it. Every single girl ofer 20 will devour it.
Rating:  Summary: Bridget Jones, The Sequel... Review: Bridget Jones is back with a vengeance! She is just as hilarious as ever! Bridget is the ultimate single woman. She wants a perfect body, a successful career, and the man of her dreams, that's all! In this book, like the first, she learns a little more about herself with each adventure. Bridget has grown up in some ways but she's still the lovable, clueless bachelorette. Helen Fielding has certainly created an exemplary character in Bridget Jones.
Rating:  Summary: A Cliché-But Not As Good As The Original! Review: I've just finished reading Helen Fielding's second Bridget Jones book and my initial reaction to it was it took quite an effort for me to go through right to the end of this book.I mean I loved the original-it's freshness,it's wit and her whole approach.Best of all was the Bridget Jones character herself who displays all the simple faults of us humans,all the normal insecurities we may have-but best of all is the way she bounces back from adversity time and again.It's all the same in this book-well I suppose if your dealing with the same character she can't really undergo a complete character metamorphisis-but I just found her sayings and mannerisms became sort of boring after a while.This book is like the classic comic movie sequel-you know it's never as funny as the original.There are some great scenes,her interview with the real Colin Firth was classic Bridget Jones and it's a hoot.But some of it becomes so far-fetched that it almost defies comic licence-especially the ending of her trip to Thailand and her encounters with an inept builder called Gary.I also found the other characters really irritating.Mark Darcy is a complete and utter wet blanket-I mean he's always so politcally correct,always says the right thing,is always in the right place-I mean there is nobody in this world who could be so perfect?Her parents begin to verge on the ridiculous-especially her mother's patronising adoption of a Tanzanian in his mid-20's and the phonecalls to her parents which always adopts the same style as both parents interupt each other and we always have two totally different conversations going on in the one phonecall-like yeah it was funny the first time!Some of the rotary club evenings are quite humorous though.Basically this book is fine for reading on a beach or on a long flight-it's mildly entertaining and it may pass the time.But it certainly is far from memorable!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely hilarious Review: This book was a laugh riot! I read Bridget Jones's Diary, and finished it craving more. When I opened Bridget Jones edge of reason I couldn't put it down. She is always getting into something, or trying to get out of something. I love this book, and hope that there will be more to come from Helen Fielding.