Rating:  Summary: very fine book on spirituality . . . for baby boomers Review: After finishing Ronald Rolheiser's latest, I asked myself, "What new insight did I get from his very excellent presentation of authentic Christian spirituality?" As much as I thought about it, I couldn't find one. I found myself agreeing with 95% of what Rolheiser said, and I particularly found the first three chapters to be insightful with respect to spirituality's relation to our "eros" or natural energy for passion, and in defining spirituality in general and outlining the important pillars of a Christian spirituality. After that, however, it seemed as though Rolheiser started repeating himself a lot, as if he were running out of things to say. It seemed, that, except for a few thoughts, no new ground was broken here. At times, I also found an "air of superiority" in the text that annoyed me (as in his oft used phrase, "If this is true, AND IT IS ...," as if he needed to reinforce an idea he has already sold us on in the last 3 and a half pages!).It also seemed that this book and its reflections were geared toward the baby boom generation. A Gen Xer myself, I found myself constantly noticing that, while his commentary on spirituality is valid for all ages, he was most focused on getting baby boomers, raised in an era of a more restrictive church, to now own a more adult spirituality that is indicative of the more open church of the last half of the last century. Thus, while it was good to be reminded of the important components of such an authentic Christian spirituality, I found that I was already well aware of these things, and that most Xers are as well, at least the ones that are spiritually engaged in some way. Perhaps, Rolheiser could have added some commentary on how the current up-and-coming generation is, in many ways, more spiritually mature than its predecessors, because they have discovered the authentic spirituality he speaks of. All in all, though this is a very fine book and deserves the high praise it has received. It makes an excellent gift for the baby boomer Christian in search of their own authentic spirituality within their own tradition.
Rating:  Summary: Good--But __The Broken Lantern__Is Better Review: After reading _The Broken Lantern_, I was eager to read this book as well. It offers some valuable insights, and I think Rolheiser's discussion of the need to accept what might be called "the tension of the unresolved" in human experience is especially beneficial. However, when Rolheiser tries to apply this idea to human sexuality, it doesn't quite ring true--and borders on the prudish. Rolheiser spends a great deal of time in this book talking about sex, so I feel the need to respond to this issue more directly. While I would never question an individual call to celebicy, I cannot see (unless such a special call has been placed upon your life) that a valiant fight to resist the sexual urge and live with the (I would think, extreme) tension this produces to be especially enobling to the average person. It almost seems a kind of spiritual arrogance and a denial of one's humanity. We are creatures of the earth. Why has this aspect of our earthiness been singled out by the church as an obstacle to spiritual growth? While casual sex, promiscuity, and sexual addiction are problematic, and sex is to be approached with a high degree of respect and accountability, it seems to me that sex should be regarded--not only as some unearthly yet physical attempt to achieve spiritual unity with another--but also as a very earthy physical outlet--a brief moment of release, if you will--for the inevitable tension that the spiritually mature person must accept in other areas of his or her life. Restricting our sexual choices to marriage or celibacy seems downright Puritanical to me. These rules might have made sense in an earlier time (perhaps they still make sense to the Catholic church, which for some odd reason bans birth control), but I think it is possible for a spiritually mature person to have a healthy sex life outside of marriage. And I see no especial spiritual benefit to setting out for the sun with our wax-sealed wings, for we shall only find ourselves firmly planted on the earth again (as the story of the priest's struggle with masturbation illustrates). To be human is to be sexual. If you wish to get in touch with your spirit, you must first embrace your humanity. On another note, Rolheiser's repeated use of the phrase "if this is true, and it is..." seems cute at first but becomes downright annoying by the end of the book. Criticisms aside, this book does have a lot to offer; and I benefitted greatly from reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Good--But __The Broken Lantern__Is Better Review: After reading _The Broken Lantern_, I was eager to read this book as well. It offers some valuable insights, and I think Rolheiser's discussion of the need to accept what might be called "the tension of the unresolved" in human experience is especially beneficial. However, when Rolheiser tries to apply this idea to human sexuality, it doesn't quite ring true--and borders on the prudish. Rolheiser spends a great deal of time in this book talking about sex, so I feel the need to respond to this issue more directly. While I would never question an individual call to celebicy, I cannot see (unless such a special call has been placed upon your life) that a valiant fight to resist the sexual urge and live with the (I would think, extreme) tension this produces to be especially enobling to the average person. It almost seems a kind of spiritual arrogance and a denial of one's humanity. We are creatures of the earth. Why has this aspect of our earthiness been singled out by the church as an obstacle to spiritual growth? While casual sex, promiscuity, and sexual addiction are problematic, and sex is to be approached with a high degree of respect and accountability, it seems to me that sex should be regarded--not only as some unearthly yet physical attempt to achieve spiritual unity with another--but also as a very earthy physical outlet--a brief moment of release, if you will--for the inevitable tension that the spiritually mature person must accept in other areas of his or her life. Restricting our sexual choices to marriage or celibacy seems downright Puritanical to me. These rules might have made sense in an earlier time (perhaps they still make sense to the Catholic church, which for some odd reason bans birth control), but I think it is possible for a spiritually mature person to have a healthy sex life outside of marriage. And I see no especial spiritual benefit to setting out for the sun with our wax-sealed wings, for we shall only find ourselves firmly planted on the earth again (as the story of the priest's struggle with masturbation illustrates). To be human is to be sexual. If you wish to get in touch with your spirit, you must first embrace your humanity. On another note, Rolheiser's repeated use of the phrase "if this is true, and it is..." seems cute at first but becomes downright annoying by the end of the book. Criticisms aside, this book does have a lot to offer; and I benefitted greatly from reading it.
Rating:  Summary: 'The Holy Longing' Review: As I found this book to be quite liberal and "cafeterial Catholic" in presentation, I stopped reading it after page 94!!
Rating:  Summary: At times a 5 at times a 1 Review: Fr. Rolheiser explains at the beginning of this book that he is anot about to answer profound questions, but in a simple manner describe spirituality from a Christian point of view. This is he does. Along the way he does raise profound issues, causing both argument and agreement. But at all times opportunities for reflection. His chapter on eccclesiology expresses the traditional Roman Catholic perspective that one ought to attend Mass on Sundays. He does not let off on anything personal: prayer, morality, or even relationship to God. But his reasoning and allegories cause one to reflect if staying away from Sunday Mass is really in one's best interest. Catholics used to be told that they had to do certain things because the hierarchy in the Church knew better. Rolheiser does not write in this manner. His arguments are simple and based in human experience. The chapter on sexuality reaches grandiose debate at times. One can sense his overreaching, especially when he tries to describe what sexuality is by numerous examples, such as a young man just having a drowning person. He is trying to demonstrate how sexuality is an integrated part of ourselves, apart from genital sexuality, which is sexual intercourse. He may actually reach vulnerable places for some readers, not this one. He writes of the meaning of incarnation in one's life. Prayer, in this regard, he writes, is made through Christ. In other words, one cannot pray for something if one is not already involved in bringing it about. He speaks of prayer as shared existence with others, thus he argues prayer cannot remain only private. The Paschal Mystery involves death, resurrection, a Forty Day grieving period, an ascension of letting go and a pentecost to be filled with the Spirit or the renewal of life. Rolheiser demonstrates how this works in our natural lives. This is the strongest chapter of the book as it is the most applicable. At times this book is infuriating, as Rolheiszer likes to write: if this is true, and it is. . . . At other times this book challenges one to reflect on how one is living and if perhaps changes might make one happier and closer to God.
Rating:  Summary: At times a 5 at times a 1 Review: Fr. Rolheiser explains at the beginning of this book that he is anot about to answer profound questions, but in a simple manner describe spirituality from a Christian point of view. This is he does. Along the way he does raise profound issues, causing both argument and agreement. But at all times opportunities for reflection. His chapter on eccclesiology expresses the traditional Roman Catholic perspective that one ought to attend Mass on Sundays. He does not let off on anything personal: prayer, morality, or even relationship to God. But his reasoning and allegories cause one to reflect if staying away from Sunday Mass is really in one's best interest. Catholics used to be told that they had to do certain things because the hierarchy in the Church knew better. Rolheiser does not write in this manner. His arguments are simple and based in human experience. The chapter on sexuality reaches grandiose debate at times. One can sense his overreaching, especially when he tries to describe what sexuality is by numerous examples, such as a young man just having a drowning person. He is trying to demonstrate how sexuality is an integrated part of ourselves, apart from genital sexuality, which is sexual intercourse. He may actually reach vulnerable places for some readers, not this one. He writes of the meaning of incarnation in one's life. Prayer, in this regard, he writes, is made through Christ. In other words, one cannot pray for something if one is not already involved in bringing it about. He speaks of prayer as shared existence with others, thus he argues prayer cannot remain only private. The Paschal Mystery involves death, resurrection, a Forty Day grieving period, an ascension of letting go and a pentecost to be filled with the Spirit or the renewal of life. Rolheiser demonstrates how this works in our natural lives. This is the strongest chapter of the book as it is the most applicable. At times this book is infuriating, as Rolheiszer likes to write: if this is true, and it is. . . . At other times this book challenges one to reflect on how one is living and if perhaps changes might make one happier and closer to God.
Rating:  Summary: A Healing Book Review: Fr. Rolheiser is one of my favorite authors. This is one of my favorite books. I am so shocked at the poor reviews this book has received. Fr. Ron will enlighten your mind and take you places spiritually that are very healing and freeing. I was so trapped in my negative thoughts but Fr. Ron helps the reader to see their questions in a new light. It will bring the reader peace and understanding, freeing a person spiritually to love others and respond in new a better ways. This book and all of Fr. Ron's writings are exceptional. I've recommended the book to others who thank me over and over for recommending this book.
Rating:  Summary: If your spirit is hungry, this is soul food Review: Hey, we all struggle with spirituality. That's the point, what makes it dynamic. I savor this book in the same way I enjoyed both the distilled eclectic teachings of Joe Campbell in Power of Myth, and the philosophical treatise on Quality in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. What separates Holy Longing is the individual challenge and intensely personal struggle of at-one-ment in embracing the God within. It's plain-spoken, matter-of-fact and in your face. If the soul is an unquenchable fire, this book throws gasoline on it and fans the flames. Loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Reconnecting with spirituality Review: I am a former Christian and have been on a spiritual journey for some time. I have been looking for a way to redefine my faith, to recommit to at least some of the Christian tenets I rejected years ago. Nothing I read helped me; authors (including C.S. Lewis, among others) all seem to assume that their readers share their faith. But in Rolheiser's book his first line says it all: "This is a book for you if you are struggling spiritually." I was struggling before I read the book, and I still am, but Rolheiser has helped me understand what the struggle is about. This is a book that can be read with benefit by believers and nonbelievers alike.
Rating:  Summary: loosey-goosey religious mush, a disappointment Review: I came across this book in my search for religious truth. It is a profound disappointment. Trying so hard to be au courant, RR elevates religious experience over divine truth. The result is religious mush, rather than transcendental meaning. Best suited perhaps for aging liberal Catholics striving to retain fragments of a lost or dying faith. Not for earnest seekers under fifty.