Rating:  Summary: There Are Lots of Smart Conservatives -- She Isn't One Review: There are any number of intelligent conservative voices. Ann Coulter isn't one of them. I'm a moderate Democrat, pro-military, in favor (with reservations) of this war. I'm open to Republican arguments on a broad range of topics. I suffer from that endemic weakness of moderates: an open mind. But Ms. Coulter offers nothing of interest to anyone with an open mind -- or any other variety of mind. She's a liar and a tiresome one at that. She is a living, breathing reproach ... not to Democrats or Liberals, but to Republicans. Republicans can't possibly be stupid enough to buy this desperate wanna-be pundit's drivel. Can they? My many Republican friends share nothing in common with this sad, silly woman.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing propaganda Review: This book, and others like it from both the conservative and liberal sides (whatever those terms now mean) should be studied as professional propaganda. The formula is well-known. Ann Coulter knows what she's doing. Whether she actually believes what she's writing may be irrelevant at this point. As long as it appears she is presenting serious and factual information about how liberals are, in fact, guilty of treason, then her point is made. What must be admired in a demented way is her total dedication to the cause. That is the mark of a true professional, after all, and she is a professional cheerleader for the far right wing. According to Ann, the left, and liberals, and Democrats (all conveniently lumped together) have been consistently wrong about every single issue for at least fifty or sixty years now, they hate America, they want to destroy America, and Bill Clinton is evil and is responsible for many of the ills now facing America. This is her schtick, in a nutshell. So half the country is guilty of treason. I'm guessing that after this nasty portion of the population is liquidated, America can be safe for people like Ann Coulter: rich, white, overly opinionated, and full of hatred (most notably for herself) and absolute contempt for people, including those who would buy her book. A good sampling of Coulter quotes is enough to tell you what this book is about and what she is about. Go ahead, crack this one open and indulge for a bit. Then put it down, and go on with your treasonous self!
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Belief... Review: This is the worst book I have ever read. I had high expectations of finding an intelligent book oriented toward conservatism. What a joke. The publisher should give refunds.
Rating:  Summary: you liberal whackos Review: To the liberal whacko "reviewer" trying to smear Coulter as an anti-Semite because this said "reviewer" decided to substitute "Jew" for "liberal" in some of her quotes: you are missing the whole point buddy. If it DID say "Jew" she would indeed be wrong, and a hopeless racist, anti-semite, judging fellow Americans on superficialities such as religion, skin color, etc. But that ISN'T what she said... she said "liberal", not Jew... "liberal" actually makes her statements TRUE, and not anti-semitic in the least... the modern-day intonation of the term "liberal" (in case some of you out there are not aware) refers NOT to such a superficiality as skin color or gender, but rather a VOLUNTARY ideology... the way you choose to see the world- ie, government is always the solution, cradle-to-grave, no one is responsible for the actions they take... In this sense, she is 100% correct when she states that liberals are consistently on the wrong side of history... usually the anti-US, anti-freedom side!... Nice try, go back to the drawing board you LIBERAL (not "Jew") demagogues!
Rating:  Summary: TERRIBLE --- NO CITATIONS>NO FOOTNOTES - NO RESEARCH Review: Totally falacous and untrue. full of partisan hatred and venim from a JEW HATING, chain smoking chardonnay-binge drinking AIRHEAD... did i mention she once said to a wounded vietnam veteran that it was people like them that lost us the war...
Rating:  Summary: Not a Book For Both Sides Review: Whether or not one will enjoy this book rides primarily on one question: are they already firmly seated on the Conservative Republican side of the political spectrum, or aren't they? Since I am such a person, I enjoyed this book quite a bit. Ann Coulter brought up many points of history I certainly never learned about in school (the exclusion of which was quite interesting, given givens--it's not that anything she said contradicted what I'd learned; it's that no teacher or textbook had ever bothered going into detail about McCarthy, Alger Hiss, or Watergate at all), and her constant citing made it seem likely that much of what she said--leaving out the parts that were opinion or personal judgment--was historically accurate. That's not to say she couldn't possibly have cherry-picked which facts she presented or didn't speak with bias. I suspect she did in the former case, and the latter is obvious. That doesn't mean, to me, that _Treason_ is valueless as far as historical insights go; it means that it shows one side of the story. In that respect, it seems neither more nor less useful than some textbooks I've seen. The problem is, this is a book for die-hard conservatives only. If you're liberal, moderate, or sitting on the fence as yet? Don't even bother. What _Treason_ has to say might be factually valuable, but it's rife with insults and zingers aimed at everything left-wing. As a conservative, I admit that I enjoyed this aspect of it--I've seen my party and my creeds regularly insulted offhand by people all over the media and Internet, and I did get a certain pleasure out of seeing the favor returned. That's not nice, but what the hey. However, if I'd been a liberal or anything *but* a die-hard conservative, I probably would've been offended out the wazoo by Coulter's openly venemous snarkery. She doesn't mince words when it comes to her opinions, nor couch things in any remotely diplomatic fashion. And that, I think, is the main problem the book has. It does not and cannot speak to both sides, not really; not when it takes a potshot at liberals every few breaths. It's not likely to win converts to the conservative viewpoint, either. One might argue that this isn't its purpose--and for all I know, that's true--but then I have to wonder what the point is, since that would mean she's preaching to the choir. Maybe she only wanted to educate young, ignorant conservatives about certain points in history; I'm not sure. It seems a waste of potential if so: this book could have had things to say to more people than just the solid right wing, if it didn't go out of its way to alienate anyone with leftist leanings. Of course, if it weren't so vicious, it probably wouldn't be so controversial or receive so much attention, and it would probably be a much heavier and slower read. (She *can* be pretty funny, if you happen to share her bias, and that makes the book more palatable IMHO than if it had been a dry and personality-free accounting.) This may be why she took the tack she did, and I can understand it if so; still, it's sort of a shame. In short: if you're already conservative and would like to read something that has plenty of interesting historical tidbits and a great deal of vilification of liberals? By all means, pick this up. You'll probably have fun with it. If you're a liberal, though, this will probably (and understandably) tick you off too much to do anything for you. If you're someone of any party who doesn't care for rampant snarking, give this a pass. And if you're somewhere inbetween... well, you could give it a try, but go into it knowing that the left-bashing is extremely heavy and may well offend.
Rating:  Summary: Read it before you rate it!! Review: Who are these idiots who keep giving books one-star ratings without having even read them?! "Treason" is an excellent read. Ann Coulter shows us that the liberals in the country have an uncanny knack for being on the wrong side of history, whether it be by siding with Communists during the Cold War, or by siding against America during the War on Terror (Those who say we deserved to be attacked on 9-11-01.). It's okay for the Libs to savagely attack and criticize America, but when anyone tries to call them on it, these drama queens scream "McCarthyism!" (That myth is debunked here, too.) Nearly a decade after the declassification of the Venona cables, American liberals continue to insist that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were innocent! Yes, this book has become the target of a lot of rage and hate from the al-Quaida cheering section (a.k.a. the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and the Hollywood Left.), but Coulter should be thanked, not despised, for shedding the light of truth on these people.