Rating:  Summary: greatness Review: If a certain felatio addicted president had only done his presidential duty after the first attack on the world trade center perhaps less people would have needlessly died.
Liberalism is indeed evil.
Rating:  Summary: Take me to the height of abuse and arousal! Review: In Treason, Ann Coulter finally shows the world what makes her the CRUDEST, RUDEST HARLOT IN AMERICA. But I loved her for that long before she became a household name.
I remember first meeting Ann back in Manhattan in 1993. She would meet me at the Affinia Beekman Tower Hotel, tie me to the bed, then verbally and physically abuse me, and I assisted in financing her living arrangement for it. This literary dominatrix may not be one of the smartest people in the room, and yes, she has the body of Estelle Getty, but no one - NO ONE abuses as good as her. If you take delight in the mindless, thoughtless ridicule and abuse of yourself and others, this is the book for you! I love this hateful b**ch, and so will you!
Rating:  Summary: Fascistic sludge Review: Is this woman insane or just a fembot? Either way this book is hateful and wrong. Tell me which is more patriotic: to believe and defend the right to speak out and dissent? or the belief that liberals are treasonous? Liberals are treasonous!!!?????? Gees....I thought I lived in a free democratic society. Hmmm...guess Ann has set me straight.
Rating:  Summary: Straw men Review: It is incredible that - over, and over, and over, the likes of Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, Ingraham on radio, books and TV make a very nice living through their blatant use of the "straw man". It's their bread and butter and accounts - easily, for 75% of the content they create, regardless of media. If you've never heard of this term, here's a nice definition I've found (emphasis, mine)..."Straw man. Another way to stack the deck against the opposition is to draw a false picture of the opposing argument. Then it is easy to say, "This should be rejected because this (exaggerated and distorted) picture of it is wrong." The name of the fallacy comes from the idea that if you set up a straw man, he is easier to knock down than a real man. And that is exactly the way this fallacy works: set 'em up and knock 'em down. ->It is argument by caricature. It avoids dealing with the real issues by changing the opposition's views." <-(Geisler N.L. & Brooks R.M, "Come, Let Us Reason: An Introduction to Logical Thinking," 1990, p101) The next time you see a sentence that reads along the lines of, "Liberals think that...", written by one of these conservative infotainers, rest assured they are building their liberal straw man, soon to be easily pummeled Use of a Straw man in an argument is dismissable on its face, as are these conservative screeds in their entirety.
Rating:  Summary: From a Usenet post... Review: Liberals are the Jews of the contemporary Right-wing. The Right has tried -- with a great deal of success -- to tar "Liberals" as the source of every societal problem, real or imaginary, while simultanerously pursuing policies that are dead against the interests of the demented fools they've managed to recruit through lies and repetition. Limbaugh, Coulter, and to a lesser extent, Hannity, constantly drum this dogmatic nonsense into the heads of their listeners. Those listeners,unhappy and fearful, absorb it all and try to regurgitate it, although most don't quite get it right. Those listeners, that anxious corps of clerks and tradesmen, ever uneasy in their jobs, up to their hips in mortgage and car payments, in constant stress in a work enviornment that perpetually calls for doing more with less, unhappy and angry, hear this stuff, identify an enemy, a scapegoat, the "Liberal," and buy into every lie and fantasy propagated by the huge Right-wing machine. So, enviornmentalists become enviro-terrorists and tree-huggers, feminists become femi-nazis, war is peace, genuine heros are traitors while cowards and draft-dodgers are patriots, and Liberals are used to replace the old Hobgoblin, the Jew, as the source of societal evil, the degeneration of morals, and the enemy of American civilization. This is really pretty dangerous stuff. We're not so bad off economically that outright fascism would play in politics, but give us a real economic slide and the drumbeat will grow stronger. Hannity already condemns opposing political speech as "irresponsible," and, thanks to the ever vicious Anne Coulter, it's become fashionable among these ignorant fools to call Liberals -- and all Democrats, for that matter -- traitors. What's next, condemning "Liberal" speech and calling for a massive round-up and imprisonment of "Liberals?" Nothing is too far out for the far Right.
Rating:  Summary: All you phony lefty reviewers... Review: Look, I understand that a lot of us review these books (and rate these reviews) based on our pre-conceived notions and political affiliations. But I have never seen a book so unreasonably castigated here at Amazon. The venom spills forth, along with hyperbole and innuendo, regarding why intelligent Americans should not read this book. Only thing missing is: FACTS! ...What exactly has Ann Coulter got so wrong, can one of you bleeding hearts explain to me? (remember, use FACTS!) I have read reviews on this book about Coulter's appearance on the cover, with nasty comments about her perceived personal life. Other reviews state that she makes up stats and references... again, with no FACTS to back it up. In actuality, what Coulter has produced here is a massively researched and meticulously documented treatise on the terrible consequences of allowing liberals to govern in modern America. Quite the contrary to others' claims, I randomly researched a few of Coulter's endnotes, and had no trouble substantiating her references. I guess truth is not a relevant point when you we have a political axe to grind. Ironically, it is exactly this narrow-minded unexamined life that Coulter continually rails against, using modern US political history as a backdrop. And here all you hyperventilating libs are on this site, proving her point! For those on the right, and you "moderates" (ie fence-sitters, undecideds, those above being categorized): get this book. Read it. Yes, Coulter has a biting, sarcastic style... that's who she is. But it just may give you a whole new perspective on the US history that you have been spoon-fed by the liberal establishment (public schools, Hollywood, the media) your whole life. The sections on Joe McCarthy are worth the price of admission alone. Warning: you may be challenged to actually do some thinking, possibly even some follow-up research on this topic, something the left would prefer you not do. For you hopeless lefties: please just go away. I'm sure most of you haven't even read the book. Go back to your Michael Moore movies, and go give Clinton's book 5 stars. Unlike you shrieking lefties, I'm not trying to sabotage that review, I'm just ignoring it. Maybe he'll go away eventually... For all of you reading this who are not here to demagogue, but actually decide whether to read/buy this book, ask yourself this: as you peruse all the drooling and maniacal negative reviews on this book, do you notice the glaring underlying sense of being threatened present? Do all these negative reviews truly convey that this is a "bad book", or rather that some lefty indoctranaire doesn't want you to read it, because they are so threatened by the truth within...? Me thinks they doth protest too much... Now go ahead you shameless lefties... hit me with all your negative feedback. Not because I have failed to write a well thought-out and lucid review, but because you don't agree with my politics.
Rating:  Summary: Ann, mental health is too important to ignore! Review: Miss Coulter is obviously a bitter, hateful revisionist. Others have skillfully pointed out the factual innacuracies of her book and the flaws in her research. Skip this reviw if you want another retelling of the many factual and research gaps in this book, I refuse to bore you by repeating. I have also had the opportunity to hear her speak. She seems to really believe that her distorted right wing opinions are the absolute truth. What I find disturbing is the level of hate and malice she harbors toward those who disagree with her, even when they do so respectfully. She basically argues that critical analysis of the right-wing political agenda is treason. She seems to want only one political voice, and she is on a mission to eliminate those who disagree with her agenda. Remind you of any historic figures? Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin come to mind. In person she seems mentally disturbed and hysterical, especially when responding to someone who challenges her opinions. The professional help of a therapist could only benefit Miss Coulter. By the way for those who are blind followers of Miss Colter, I know your first reaction is to get angry, attack blindly, and accuse me of not reading the book. I read this book (checked it out of my local library) and I still have nightmares. Make no mistake, I don't mind reading a reasoned, well written argument by someone who has different viewpoints. I find that I learn more when I read something that challenges me to think critically about what I believe. If that is what you are seeking this is not the book for you. When I read this book and when I heard Miss Coulter speak it became clear that she has a vendetta against liberals, democrats and everyone who does not share her opinions. She is also clearly willing to trash anyone to defend her opinions no matter how ill conceived and poorly researched they are. If you are seeking the disturbed, extreme rantings of a right-wing wacko then look no further. Congratulations! You have just hit paydirt, happy reading. For those of you who have read her book, feel validated by it and want to live in Ann Coulter's version of America please get a comprehensive mental health evaluation. And for my sake, I pray that you come to think of Chicago as a liberal city and a terrible place to live.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter, auch du bist eingespert Review: Ms. Coulter continues with her thesis that only by being a right-wing dupe can you be a true patriot. Funny, I do not remember any of that in any of the writings of the Founding Fathers, maybe I did not read the McCarthy edition. Ms Coulter has a some fancy degrees, but she does not understand one vital point: she is the darling of the republican establishment because she is a very useful tool. Tools are discarded when they outive their usefulness. She will be in the spotlgiht a few more years, write a few more books; then she will be replaced by a fresh face and removed to the ustbins of history. If she starts complaining her former employers will find out that she was a mythomaniac and a whiner in the first place. She should have learnt from history. The quote above was written on posters in West Germany facing the East German border guards.
Rating:  Summary: Total waste of the human mind Review: She is fighting evil and defending goodness yet she does not know who is who, or where and how to find either. Her thoughts are bizarre and her constant posing on the cover of her books signals narcissism. Some of the bizarre thoughts in her book are as follows:
Chapter 1, "Fifty years of treason", she contends that liberals side with the enemy whenever the nation is attacked from within or without, respect the Third World savages, mock Americans who love their country, demand that the nation treat enemies like friends, lift sanction, pull our troops, and reason with adversaries. She does not explain how such labeling and stereotyping be distinguished from fascism.
Chapter 2, "Alger Hiss, liberal darling" takes the issue of a soviet spy and labels every opponent as disloyal to America.
Chapter 3, "No communist here" attempts to exonerate Joe McCarthy by claiming that he only fought communists loyal to Stalin just like apprehending al-Qaeda associates linked to bin-Laden.
Chapter 4, "The indispensable Joe McCarthy", contends that McCarthy never terrorized people purposelessly but rather was protecting the federal government from soviet sympathizers.
Chapter 5, "Victims of McCarthyism- the liberals' Mayflower" is the third chapter defending McCarthyism and blaming the liberals for inventing the insane "red scare" labeling of him.
Chapter 6, "But were there communists in the State Department" claims that liberals battle for the truth is propaganda and endless brainwash. How many conservative radio anchors profiteering from attacks on liberals 24/7 non-stop?
Chapter 7, "Vietnam: oh, how they miss Saigon" claims that Republicans proceed from American's virtue while Democrats are incompetent in military affairs and that JFK was not tough with the enemy. She does not explain why Nixon did not toughen up and do better job or how the Vietnamese became enemy in the first place. They did not have military power and never trespassed America's territories.
Chapter 8, "How Truman won the Cold war during Reagan administration" contends that Reagan single-handedly vanquished the evil empire that started during Truman's years.
Chapter 9, "Liberals in love: Mash notes to the Kremlin", labels liberals as communists.
Chapter 10, "Cold War epitaph: the Hiss affairs at the end of the Cold war" rehashes the same theme of chapter 2, of stereotyping opponents as enemy of the nation.
Chapter 11, "Neville Chamberlain has his reasons too: trembling in the shadow of Brie" likens Saddam with Hitler and the Democrats with Chamberlain. The author is oblivious to the fact that America allowed Hitler to rise to the top from 1933 till 1940 without the slightest interference in his maniacal politics and that Chamberlain knew that Britain could not face Germany alone. America was able to avert WWII had it not been dominated by right-wing racist isolationists. George W. Bush ran his first campaign on isolation from international affairs. Only after 9/11 and while learning on the job when he shifted his policy abruptly to international engagement. And, what a tragic mistake he made by his arrogant character and inexperience in global issues?
Chapter 12, "North Korea- another opportunity for surrender" contends that the liberals' upset for the "axis of evil" speech by GWB was ludicrous because it is against national security. Thus, any foolish action or arrogant statement by the Republicans should go uncriticized according to this paranoid nut.
Chapter 13, "Celebrity traitors: now that I' am sober I watch a lot of news" is the last chapter of her labeling campaign.
The book conclusion is typical of all right-wing loyalists who seem to get their instructions from a single source of tyranny. It claims that Israel is the only outpost of democracy in the Middle East and ignores the fact that Israel practices democracy by exclusion of the natives of the land. If the Republican Party practices democracy by denying all Democrats the right of citizenship, would that be called democracy? Israel denies the Palestinians their citizenship in their own land. Could any state in America expel citizens based on religion and allow others of specific religion? Israel does that too.
Rating:  Summary: Zzzzzzz Review: Slightly entertaining, in a silly way, in small increments. Otherwise it's a cure for insomnia.