Rating:  Summary: This Book Changed My Life Review: I see a lot of reviewers here saying that they didn't get the 'secrets' to wealth in this book or other similar books and that they're disappointed. I think some of them may have slightly missed the point. "The One Minute Millionaire" is supposed to give you a perspective, and I think it does a darn good job of it. It's point is to get you dreaming big, understanding that you have to want something hard enough. It's not up to Robert and Mark to give away all their secrets.... They're giving you seeds.When I read this book, I planted those seeds. As soon as I was finished, I started searching the internet for every person I could find associated with the Enlightened Millionaire way of thinking. That was less than a month ago. I've talked with three millionaires who each made a million in a year or less with the Enlightened Millionaire program and they are each now mentoring me to do the same. For free. The book is just the beginning guys. If you get it, run with it. If you don't get it (cause this isn't for everyone, we all work different ways), then keep looking till you find a strategy that works for you. Good luck!
Rating:  Summary: Feel Good Reading. Not For Experienced Business People. Review: I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to review "The One Minute Millionaire." I'm not sure if it's fair to classify it as a business book, or if it's designed as a pure feel-good, self-help book. The book is divided into two parts. Half is non-fiction advice about creating wealth. The other half is a fictional story about creating wealth. I didn't read the fictional story. (The fictional story is printed in purple with big purple margins. I half expected Barney The Dinosaur to pop out.) I skimmed through most of the non-fiction material. First, the butterfly on the cover. It's not that some printer messed up and put the cover design for a poetry book on this get-rich-quick book (and somewhere out there is a book of poetry with a dollar sign on its cover!) Rather, Hanson and Allen borrowed from the idea of physics chaos, where the flapping wings of a butterfly in one part of the world can affect the weather patterns in another part of the world. The authors write "... we believe you can accomplish amazing things with your life--even become a millionaire--using a carefully designed system of focused actions delivered in 60-second increments. We call each of these million-dollar flutters a Millionaire Minute." The authors argue that by making small changes in your attitude toward wealth you can become much more successful. The authors write: "Ben Feldman, known to many as the world's greatest insurance salesman, once taught Mark that the difference between earning $100,000 per year and a million dollars per year was effectively one zero." In physics, we call that one zero an order of magnitude. In business, it's no small matter to improve sales performance by an order of magnitude. Tell any entrepreneur with a company with sales of $2 million that it's only one zero to get to $20 million in sales sometime. He'll/she'll get a kick out of that! The authors say the goal of this book is to create more millionaires so these millionaires can give their money away and make the world a better place. I didn't quite buy that. Hanson and Allen write: "The Enlightened Millionaire knows that giving money actually expands in the spiritual dimension (100% x 10% = 1,000%. This is spiritual math...." Spiritual math? The book does have some good advice sprinkled among the silly stuff. For example, the authors point out that "the size of the question determines the size of the result." Asking yourself "How can I earn $40,000?" is very different from asking "How can I earn $400,000?" It's not just one zero, but you'll need to qualitatively come up with different options for the more ambitious goal (Most jobs offer $40,000 per year. Few jobs offer $400,000 per year. You'll need to think beyond typical employment.). The book says you should network and build a personal dream team. Seek a good mentor. That's good advice. The authors also say you should use other people's experience (OPE). Try to get to know people who can help you, and if that's not possible, read their books or attend their seminars. The one-page discussion of "Rocky" is great. We're told Sylvestor Stallone was a struggling screenwriter and actor when he wrote "Rocky." He was offered $300,000 for the script, but they didn't want Stallone to act in it. Stallone insisted he act in Rocky and received far less money than if another actor had taken the role. But, Stallone went on to make a series that generated over a billion dollars, and it made his career. It's difficult to image a better person to play Rocky. So, sticking to his demand of acting in it was a crucial move in Stallone's life. The lesson: Follow Your Gut. Believe in yourself, and don't sell out too cheaply. The book briefly discusses real estate and entrepreneurship. Allen is also the author of the popular book "Nothing Down" about real estate. I'm not into real estate, but I know any reputable lender isn't going to leverage a property 100% (at least, not without a personal guarantee and collateral). The risk of default is too great (This is one reason PMI exists. People with less than 20% down represent high-risk to the lender). So, a deal like this will probably only come about as the result of "educating" (as Allen calls it) a seller about the advantages of a "nothing down" deal. It sounds like he's implying you find someone really stupid and trick them into giving you property for a vague promise to pay. Or, find an already-wealthy person who'll cosign the borrowing. The book fails to point out the risks involved in using high leverage. High leverage means that even a slight burp in the real estate market or the inability to find renters could easily toss you (or your company) into bankruptcy. That should put butterflies in your stomach. The book says your business should market to addicts. The authors write: "Everyone of us is positively addicted to something--exercise, weight lifting, golf, sports, Beanie Babies, food, hobbies, ..., money, prayer, pregnant mothers (pregnant mothers?), video games, Starbucks." Hmm... I get it.... sell something. The book ends by showing how the authors could hypothetically earn $1 million dollars in one minute by blasting out "a million e-mails with an irresistible offer." People with significant entrepreneurial and/or investing experience probably won't gain much from this book.
Rating:  Summary: If you believe it you can do it Review: The concept of combining a non-fiction "how to" book with a novel gives you two great ways to learn. The story of Michelle may not make literary history but it is fun to read and carries a powerful message. If you really want something enough and follow proven action steps, you will achieve it. You will be able to identify with this story if you allow yourself to be free of limited, conventional thinking. Don't bother to share it with people who want to prove that life has to be the way it always has been. Find people who want to believe in big dreams and share it with them. Then ask them to join your team to make your own millions.
Rating:  Summary: Every minute makes a difference Review: As a business owner and frequent traveler, I find myself delayed in airports, buying lots of books at full retail! Most are a waste of time and money, but not this one. These famous authors have created a very interesting presentation: novel on the right side and short informative essays on the left. Their messages are profound. My favorite paraprhased.... Every minute of the day, we make choices and do things that impact our future and the future of those around us. We choose to become millionaires or to struggle due to our thoughts and actions. Great book. I strongly recommend it. Like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, this book contains real strategies to put into action, but equally important, it focuses on the role of self talk.
Rating:  Summary: Allen rehashes old material one more time. Review: If you have already read a Robert G Allen book or heard one of his audio tapes there's no need to buy this one. It's the same material from Nothing Down and Streams of Income rehashed to make another million for Allen. Unless you really want to hear how he spammed a couple hundred thousand people to make money on the Internet, you won't find any new material of interest. Just reread your old books and save the money.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic...HIGH MARKS. Review: Changing the way I look at the world. I love the book and the priciples it teaches. I would highly recomend it to all.
Rating:  Summary: Read between the lines Review: I was once again left with the feeling that Robert Allen has taken me for a sucker, once again. As in his other self-promoting books, he leaves a lot of detail out. In his Multiple Streams of Internet Income, he fails to stress all the seeding and prep work that went into his achieving his outrageous goal or hoax. Mr. Allen is truly a genius when it comes to getting money out of your pocket, and convincing you that you just came out ahead. Let's look at some of the foundation that supports this book and it's claims. Convince others to give you money if you can achieve some impossible task. Set it all up before hand and make it look so easy that people just have to join in and shell out the cash. How about Multi-Level Marketing, with USANA? Expensive suppliments, expensive ongoing monthly purchases, flaking downlines, etc. AMWAY at it's finast! I have yet to read anything by Mr. Allen that didn't have a catch. He is more like the guy running a shell game or 3 card monty. Robert Allen and his travelling medicine show. Yes, he is rich! Yes, his money did come from real estate. Yes, his books are an addition stream or residual income. Follow your heart. Do the right thing and value your ethics. Leave this book and the other hook-line-and-sinker books and opportunities promoted by Mr. Allen for suckers who can afford to throw more money at the already rich. There are hundreds of great, ethical books that provide incredible guidance to wealth and happiness. Be a role model. On a positive side. Mr. Allen once again exposes himself for what he is!
Rating:  Summary: I want to read it again Review: Since I have already read all of Robert Allen's Books and many of Mark Victor Hansen's books; I was just expecting a rewrite of their previous material. I couldn't have been more wrong. It took a little while to get use to this unique format of 2 books combined into one. (One designed for the left brain and one for the right brian.) But now I am so engrossed in both books that I can't wait to finish them so I can read them again to see what I missed the first time.
Rating:  Summary: A book for wallets, minds and hearts Review: This beautiful book offers two books in one, a lovely touching story about a woman who risks losing her children, and a how-to guide for personal and financial growth. Both are immensely nourishing to the spirit and potentially to the wallet as well. How powerful to have both in one book! At a time when we hear too many stories of corrupt millionaires, it is healing and reassuring to know of some with decent values! So far I have read this book twice, and will do so again even though my reading time is scarce indeed! This has been my gift to everyone this holiday season, and I wish all my gifts over the years had given as much as this one. For anyone who has been taught that money is only for a lucky few or is not spiritual, welcome to a new era. Abundance is a natural progression of spiritual growth. Let yourself have it! Money is God's green energy, so enjoy yours and use it wisely and well.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I read this book. It's filled with interesting info, but I don't know if it'll make me a millionaire. But let me try this; let me ask you to buy MY book, "No One's Even Bleeding", in hopes THAT will make me a millionaire. (Or at least make me enough money to buy a new pair of tennis shoes.)