. In all seriousness, the motivational story, complete with rapid-fire techniques for building a business and getting into real estate is worth the money you'll pay for the book.But...we're not talking about just one book. This is two books in one! If you're very familiar with Robert Allen's books, most of the material in the "How To" portion of the book (the left-side pages) will not be new, but it reinforces his methods and techniques of building a business, buying real estate and using the power of the Internet to get rich. While Michelle is able to achieve millionaire status in 90 days, don't expect to do the same. The How To portion of the book is good, but doesn't contain too many specifics. I believe the intention of the authors was to focus on exposing the mindset of millionaires, not to discuss the specific steps. That aside, you can definitely put the techniques in this book into practice in real life. I myself started the very day I finished reading the book!
Bottom Line: A quick read that is both motivational and filled with enough ideas to get your head spinning toward riches, but the book isn't just about getting rich monetarily. It teaches you the importance of helping others and giving back to charities and your community. An important lesson indeed.
This book makes my Top 15 book list.
Read to Exceed your Limits
Summary: How to accomplish anything
Review: This book isn't just about becoming a millionaire, it brilliantly outlines basic steps to accomplish anything. It covers networking to team building and more. However, as any of these Personal Improvement books are, it takes a lot of effort from the reader to accomplish what the book says you can accomplish.
It is a matter of finding what works for you through gathering knowledge. I highly recommennd this book to assist anyone in that pursuit.
Summary: Making the Most of Your Minutes: A Mindset Awareness...
Review: I liked this book OK. Since I got started with some others in the creation of the Windy City Round Table [URL] I've been reading a lot on personal finance and success. I think the problem I did have with this book is that it is primarily a book on mindset that attempts to incorporate a little too much how-to. The main point (I felt) of the material is to develop a "Millionaire Mindset". Dr. Phil has made a living saying, "Either you 'get it', or you don't". We've experienced the same thing at the Windy City Round Table meetings (called the Nights of the Round Table) every month. There are a lot of people who just plain don't 'get it'. Some of us just were not cut from the go to school, go get a job and hunker down for 40 or 50 years, retire by 'downsizing' your lifestyle and living on less. Many of us have a mindset that cannot be limited or contained by conventional thinking. This book does a reasonable job of opening the door to a different view and for that I give it a more good than bad rating.
(better books in my opinion are the books from the Rich Dad series "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" , "The Cashflow Quadrant" , and "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" all by Robert Kiyosaki and co-authored by Sharon Lecter, CPA. These books describe in better, practical detail the key differences in thinking about money and success and offer at least four different, viable ways to achieve while making a fully informed decision.
Paul Strauss
Summary: A little flowery - but still a good read.
Review: While The 1 Minute Millionaire does come off a little flowery, it is never-the-less a good book for anyone who wants something more than say a $40,000/yr job or less.
I read from this book everyday and play the audio in my car on my way to appointments.
If you are not where you want to be financially (who is???) buy the book and/or the audio and learn the strategies to become a millionaire.
Summary: A fun book with real substance.
Review: I have read several of Robert Allens books in the past including Nothing Down, Creating Wealth and Multiple Streams of Income. And I have several of the Chicken Soup books coauthored by Hansen. Both are outstanding authors who actually deliver with style and substance.
The One Minute Millionaire is actually two books in one The first is motivation mixed with how to on real estate, network marketing, internet and business which runs on the left facing pages.
On the right facing pages runs the 2nd book--this one is a fictional story. To me this part reminded me of a current times version of Og Mandino's books which I have always enjoyed. The fictional part showcases a mother whose husband has died. She loses her house and her children.
This builds the dramatic story of this widowed mother who takes a job as a waitress. As the story unfolds to get her children back, she needs to make a million dollars. The balance of the tale shows her attempt to earn a million dollars with the help of a mentor.
I found the combining of a fictional with a how to book in one book, refreshing and stimulating.
Although the title is a little catchy, there is is much substance. You will learn:
* The 24 principles of the Enlightened Millionaire
* The power of 1 great idea
* The 7 money skills of highly prosperous people
* How to develop multiple streams of income
* The 6 forms of leverage
* The 10 most powerful techniques for buying real estate
with little or no money down
* The essentials of marketing success
And a delightful story about a woman that made it!
The One Minute Millionare will leave you fresh and renewed to pursue your goals and achieve them.
Summary: Use the one minute solutions
Review: I keep this book in my briefcase and read parts of it whenever I can. It is great. Buy it. An if you are a manager, read The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard too. These books put you on the right track in one minute.
Summary: Dont knock it unless you are willing to TRY it for yourself
Review: I listened to the book on tape several times now. Each time I glean something new. You know, I read ALL of the previous reviews on this book and I have a question for those people who wrote the negative reviews. Did did you actually TRY the techniques mentioned before giving the book a bad rap? Please, write the bad reviews only if you have had the opportunity to actually test the ideas presented. If you're not willing to put forth the effort to try and to test the ideas for yourself, please sit down and shut up.
I tried the principles suggested and began my assent up one of the "mountains" listed in the book. No, I am not a millionaire - yet, but I am working on it. In four months time I have made about $2000.00 clear. This may not seem like alot of money, and I had to really focus deep to obtain it, but to me its a great confidence builder. As I learn to continue to climb up my mountain (my new source of income) I believe that within time I can truly reach my ultimate financial goal God willing. Yes, I did find that I had to go out and get a little bit more info on the mountain I chose to climb, but that's o.k. with me. I found a great book from my local "book on wheels" service that was really informative on my chosen muliple source of income.
I believe that the true essence of this book speaks for itself. Perhaps you will not actually earn one million in one minute, but I truly have acquired a millionaires mindset in one minute. Millions start from the inside first and from focused energy and persistence manifests itself into cash.
P.S.: I have cancer and have a limited amount of energy. Imagine what you healthy folks can do in four months time by actually TRYING and APPLYING some of the information presented in this book.
Summary: This book got me off my duff
Review: After reading the 1 Minute Millionaire, I decided to get off my royal America and went to work.
In the last three months, I have set up an internet business, a network marketing business, purchased three rental properties and fired my boss!
I am a big believer in inspiritional books especially the best inspiritional book of all time--The Bible! Sorry Mr. Allen and Mr. Hansen!
The 1 Minute Millionaire is highly recommended for anyone who wants to get the most out of life.
Summary: For Infinite Networkers
Review: If you already work with energy in one way or another and have already seen the power of the universe very much alive in your own life (and have probably fallen into some pitfalls along the way) and want to know how produce postitive results with money using the energy of the universe, than this book is definately for you. You already know the power of the "infinite network" and are looking for more ways to utilize it in your own life.
If words like "intuition" "leap of faith" "I just *knew*" do not jive with you for one reason or another, I would say, you, too, can be a millionaire, but this book may not be the right one for you at this time. However, if these words do not jive with you but you are open to getting in touch with your intuition and allowing it to help you amass wealth, than this book is a good one for you.
There is definately more than one way to become a millionaire. Ideally, this book for people who are already connected to the infinite network and dream big (yet are practical) - and whose desire to become a millionaire matches the size of their dreams.
Summary: The One Minute Millionaire
Review: The authors of "The One Minute Millionaire" repeat many of the ideas found in earlier volumes that have also helped to forever alter my way of thinking: "Think and Grow Rich", "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", and "The Cash Flow Quadrant". But they also introduce a few new and brilliant ideas that I haven't seen anywhere else:"One Minute Marketing Magic"; the advantages to be gained through what they define as "Leverage"; and the concept: "if you want to reach the summit quickly--a million dollar profit in a year or less--you need three things: Dream, Team and Theme."
In addition to the "in a year or less" stipulation cited above, the authors place a few other intriguing rhetorical limits on would be millionaires, such as: "Pursue your dreams as if your life depended on it" and, "Teach the idea(to your dream team members)that there is no other choice."
The visualization activities suggested in the book offer powerful ways to focus one's energies. Following the authors' advice, I write my six major goals on an index card two or three times a week, daily review the short description I have written of my life five years from now, weekly prepare index cards where I make commitments to changing habits limiting my ability to manifest a million dollars, daily read the one minute marketing magic formula, and occasionally go through some of the one minute millionaire manifestations to be found in the book.
I have a few small criticisms. The authors' viewpoints on spirituality fail to resonate with me, some of their millionaire celebrity heroes are less than admirable from my perspective (Rush Limbaugh??), and they make it sound all too easy.
The authors mostly overlook the fact that it nearly always takes a lot of hard work to become a millionaire, and only very rarely so little time as they suggest. The ability to lead is also required along with other specialized skills, especially in the sales and marketing areas; knowledge about specific markets; and the ability to start and run a business.
To accompany "The One Minute Millionaire", I would recommend "Business Plans for Dummies," something of a bible for me during most of the last year, along with "Managing for Dummies" and the other books I mentioned in the first paragraph above.
In spite of its few faults, no other book I have read offers so many potentially life-transforming ideas in one place. "The One Minute Millionaire" is loaded with money-making wisdom and memorable passages I have read again and again. Whether or not your goal is to become a millionaire, "The One Minute Millionaire" can help you change your life, and for those aspiring to millions, this book can show you the way. Others have done it, and so can you.