Rating:  Summary: Is it Really True Can You become a millionaire In one Minute Review: Yes you can do what Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen new book "The One Minute Millionaire" You will not learn that from this report your reading that would not be fair to the authors. However here is a list of what you will find in the book besides how to become a millionaire in one minute.1. The Twenty-Four Principles of the Enlighten Millionaire 2. The Power Of One great Idea 3. The Seven Money Skills Of Extremely Prosperous People 4. How To Develop Multiple Steams of Income 5. The Six Forms Of Leverage 6. The Ten Most Powerful Techniques For Buying Real Estate With Litte Or No Money Down 7. The Essentials of Marketing Success. This is the first book I have found for both Right Brain and Left Brain learners. Since this writer is an accountant the left side of the book was read first. The left-side pages are organized into one-or two pages digest. These form the actual step-by-step guide for becoming an Enlightened Millionaire in a short period of time. The right side of the pages is a story of a person and how she discovers the same principles and applied them to become a millionaire. The bottom line is can you really become "The One Minute Millionaire. I would say yes with a qualification it is not as easy as Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen tell you it is but some have done it. If you are a new be on marketing and business the book is for you. The only this writer learned was the 10 ways to buy Real Estate for Little Or no down payment. I probably knew some of these methos but forgot them over time. Also because I was in real estate a long time ago and had a bad experience it is not one of my favorite money making ideas. But it may be for you. There are only four steps to riches Find a Hugh Market Find A Product Or Service For this Huge Market Put A great Sales System In place Get Backup and Backup products and services for this huge market But Mr. Allen nor Hansen nor anyone else can tell you what is good for you to sell. You have to find YOUR PASSION. And you learn that from the book. That alone probably makes the book good for many people. I hope this report helped you.
Rating:  Summary: I really like it.... Review: I too was eagerly anticipated this book. I have seen Mark Victor Hansen speak and was thoroughly "enlightened"and enchanted. I have been studying his books and tapes and have found the material extremely memorable and helpful. The book is good reading . I am not quite done with the left side and will admit the story portion did have me hooked , however it was a little hokey ............. All in all I still give a 5 and I will be ordering it for friends because it is very fresh and adds something to my mix anyway.
Rating:  Summary: The true purpose of this book Review: From reading a couple of the other reviews, I noticed that some people seemed to be expecting more from this book. But, I think those people missed the true purpose of this book. This is not a step by step of the 4 major ways of making money (real estate, investing, marketing, and Internet). It is a comprehensive course for learning how to become a millionaire. This book does an excellent job of focusing on the most important aspects of becoming a millionaire: accepting the challenge, developing the proper mindset, conditioning the mind, learning the concepts, etc. To understand why this is important, look at people that hit it big in the lottery. Why do so many of them end up broke when they've got the million in their hands? It's because they don't have what it takes to be a millionaire. They don't have the mindset. They don't have the understanding. They don't have the know-how for keeping it and making it grow. This book is exhaustive in this respect. It gives you all of the tools and concepts you need to start, progress, and arrive at a million dollars. Once you understand these essential concepts, you can then get some more specific information on the individual income techiques (Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen would be the next logical step). I highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to learn how to get started on the path to becoming a millionaire.
Rating:  Summary: It all starts in the mind. Review: Like most people, we have been taught to think that being a millionaire was for others, not us. Only lucky people are millionaires, only people with rich parents are millionaires, only people who are smarter than we are millionaires... But this book changed our perception of ourselves. When you start to erase and replace the negative, self-limiting tapes that run in your head with positive, self-affirming messages, wonderful things happen! Those positive messages combined with wealth strategies given in the non-fiction part of The One Minute Millionaire, provide the keys to becoming the enlightened millionaire you were meant to be. We enjoyed the story in the fictional half of the book and could see ourselves in Michelle's place. The references used in Michelle's story to the actual strategies helped us connect to the possibilites available. As we read the strategies that are used by outrageously successful Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, we realized it all starts in the mind. How you think and what you think about DO become your reality. We chose to change our lives in a profound way, and The One Minute Millionaire started us on the path of enlightenment.
Rating:  Summary: WOW it Now to Enlightened Millions Review: WOW! This power-packed book, The One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen gave me permission to dream big and DO Big, instantly. It gave me the feeling that these two mega-millionaire authors were sitting across the kitchen table from me and saying, "Joyce, this is what you need to do, now." Their book is the closest thing to join-the-dots-to-millions that I have ever seen. Plus, the fictional story in the book showed me that when the "Why" is big enough, the answers come! I LOVED IT! I read it nonstop. When I put it down at 3AM, I asked the Universe, "God, what do you want me to do?" The answer (help children) came in a most remarkable way. Since then things have literally popped into place. In a flash an idea came to me along with a mastermind group and an organization to help children find goodness in their lives. It took about ten minutes to incorporate our business and 24 hours for the papers to process. It took less than a day for my son to scan into the computer ten children's books that I wrote 22 years ago when my kids were little. Now, I have a set of e-books, ready to be sold on the Internet and at no production cost. I spent four nights writing two new kid's books, Raefon (no fear) in the Land of WOW and its sequel, Yojlla (all joy) in the Land of WOW. My daughter is typing and editing them, and my artist/partner is illustrating them. One will be finished in a week! It took only 5 minutes to get our domain name, www.wowitnow.com. And my "dream team" is setting up sales systems and constructing our Web site. Amazingly, it has taken me only moments to do all this, because as the authors say, "When the dream is big enough the Universe places in your path all you need to make it happen." Thank you, Mark and Bob, for helping me find my passion, focus and commitment and for your remarkable inspiration, know how and clarity of thought. I highly recommend your new book to everyone interested in enlightenment and millionaire status. See what this book has done for me. . . now, imagine what it can do for you and the world, too. I am putting into practice what these remarkable authors tell the reader to do in their "Wonder Full" book. I never had a team before and that makes all the difference in the world. What great fun, joy and enlightenment - WOW it NOW to abundantly bless millions of kids! ...
Rating:  Summary: Missed the mark Review: First, this is really two books in one. On the right hand page, it tells the story of a woman whose husband dies. So naturally now she needs to become a millionaire. On the left hand page, the first third of the book spends time convincing the reader why one should WANT to become a millionaire. Correct me if I am wrong, but if I'm reading a book with this title, I should think the author could assume that about me. The coverage on the wealth building techniques is kind of glazed over. Of course, after cramming in the story about the widow and all of the convincing they did to make me want to be a millionaire, I guess they ran out of room. Or... just maybe... after writing down the wealth building techniques they had an additional 3/4 of the book to fill with all those other things. Anyway, I think most readers would be better served buying a book on the specific details of the wealth building techniques. I gave the book 2 stars because if someone was COMPLETELY clueless how to proceed along these lines, this book could point them towards the subjects that they would need to read about somewhere else in greater detail. Also, I think the sections on the importance of networking and finding a mentor are useful. I am sure the authors had good intentions. Personally, I think they missed the mark.
Rating:  Summary: One In A Million! Review: This book is the one and only toolkit for all of us who desire to breakthrough the barriers, restrictions, and limits that keep us from living the abundant and prosperous lives that we know are possible. Within days of being exposed to these concepts, my husband and I experienced a positive shift in how we communicate with each other about money. As a result, we are now on our path that has our financial goals aligned with our spiritual ones. I am grateful to Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen for having packed this book full with stories, blueprints, resources, case studies, and affirmations that they and their mentees have successfully used so that I may also become an "enlightened millionaire" -- a servant-leader who creates ever-increasing financial and spiritual wealth in order to give back to the world an ever-greater share of this abundance.
Rating:  Summary: Anthony J. D'Angelo, The Collegiate EmPowerment Coach Review: The One Minute Millionaire is destine to be a classic in the financial self-help action book genre for the 21 century. It will be to the Information Age what Think & Grow Rich was to the Industrial Age. As Napoleon Hill's classic work helped to bring our nation out of the depths of The Great Depression, Mark Victor Hansen's and Robert G. Allen's One Minute Millionaire will no doubt help the resilient American economy reach even greatest levels of prosperity in this new age. Yet unlike, Think & Grow Rich which was a synopsis of Napoleon Hill's anecdotal research of the then industry titans, Hansen & Allen have created a work based on their decades of applied & practical experience as industry titans. Now at in the early days of the 21st century, this collective mastermind by two of the most influential infopreneurs of our time is like having a book written by Thomas Edison & Henry Ford at the dawn of the Industrial Age. This book teaches you how to increase your bottom-line by showing you how to expand your horizons. If you want to live a meager life of poverty and scarcity then don't buy this book, but if you want to live a vibrant life of abundance and prosperity then buy this book today. As a matter of fact, buy multiple copies of this book to give to your associates, customers and loved ones. They will be glad you did and so will you!
Rating:  Summary: Two Proactive Superstars Have Done It Again Review: I was very anxious to get this book and I was not disappointed. In fact, it was even better than I had anticipated. I know that I will treasure this book in my library for a long time. It is destined to become a best-seller because I've already ordered more for friends and I know that others will too. Both Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen have long been favorite authors because of the way that they approach all of life in such a proactive way. They certainly do understand the concept of getting rich, and when you read this book (notice I didn't say "if," but "when"), you will understand that it isn't about getting money, but it's about being qualified to get money. Anybody can get money if they want it bad enough. What is more important in life though, is becoming so good that money wants you!! This book supports my belief that all truly successful people are Proactive Thinkers. Such people take complete control of their minds and are responsible for outcomes in every area of their lives. Both Mark and Bob are suggesting in this book that you practice what I call "Proactive Success: The New Science of Personal Achievement." My new book isn't out yet, so I highly recommend you get this one and get a head start. Everything that I have put into practice that this book recommends has worked. I'm looking forward to trying the many new ideas that they've so eloquently provided. I believe that this is the kind of book that becomes a part of you. Don't hold back - let it happen. In fact, I plan on spending 10 to 15 minutes every morning for the next several days focusing my thoughts on the truths of this book, thereby allowing them to seep deep into my subconscious mind. If you do this too, I guarantee God's wisdom will most assuredly bring you the success and abundance you deserve. Enjoy "The One Minute Millionaire" and your new proactive and successful life! Randy (Dr. Proactive) Gilbert, Best-selling author of "Success Bound" Co-host of "The Inside Success Show" Creator of "Proactive Success: The Amazing New Science of Personal Achievement"
Rating:  Summary: You Can Be A Millionaire Review: The One Minute Millionaire is a beautiful book. It is 379 pages in it's main length, and then it has a well detailed index from pages 383-388. The index is a fine inclusion. The book is comprised of two things (2 books ?) running at the same time. The odd numbered pages (all the right side pages) present the story of a woman who must earn a million dollars in 90 days (or else she will lose her 2 children). The concept is compelling reading. If you HAD to earn a million dollars in ninety days, could you? It raises perspectives for introspection, such as the possibility that, if you have not earned the amount of money that you would like to have, then perhaps you have not made such attainment urgent enough. As for the even numbered pages (all the left side pages) they are nonfiction and give practical strategies and techniques to use in becoming wealthy. "Imagine yourself in conversation five years from now. Try these words on for size: I made my millions in real estate. I made millions by investing in the stock market. I made my millions in business. I made my millions in business. Which one seems right to you." -pg 14 Well, which one does seem right to you?