Rating:  Summary: What was the point of this book?? Review: After hearing all the buzz on this book I was quite excited to read it.. and once I finished I was wondering why? What was the point of this book! To show how a twenty-something year old woman can be pushed around by a snobby rich woman! I think Nanny is a weak character and I couldn't believe she or anyone would put up with the X family . I kept reading thinking something good would come out of the book, however when the X's made a fuss about her graduation and leaving for vacation etc.. the writers had gone too far! The writers made it seem that Nanny was staying for Grayer, but yet the end could not have been more tragic for him.. leaving in the middle of the night with Grayer screaming for her??? and Nanny takes the puppy?? WHAT? I would not recommend this book to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Nanny Diaries Review: I have not read a book that kept me reading from the moment I started until "The End" in forever! The more I read, the more I kept thinking Auntie Mame at 21. I applaud these authors for their first novel. It is beautifully written, well constructed and if I had a book club, it would be my pick for the month. Thanks to everyone that made it number one so that it could be brought to my attention to read. It is one of the few stories in my life that I would have regretted not reading. I am so glad I did.
Rating:  Summary: Mary Poppins? Not. Nanny the Nanny? Yes. Review: First, here are my complaints about the book: 1) What the hell happened to the ending? Is this a cliffhanger? 2)Why couldn't they give the Nanny a real name? 3)*Nanny* should've quit long before she was fired...and had more *dignity* than she did at the end.With that said, I loved the book. My heart broke for Grover--Grayer. First he had C-A-I-T-L-I-N as a Nanny. She was fired because she had the nerve to ask for a week off (come to find out later, she had a very sick sister that she needed to visit).Then came along *Nanny* as his Nanny (why didn't anyone question this when they heard her name & profession?? I mean, how many Maids do you know with the name Maid? Bizarre.), and Grayer hated her because he lost his former Nanny. She gained his trust rather quickly, though, and gave him the nickname Grover. He grew to love her, she grew to love him. But there was still something missing...the love of his parents. This four year old little boy tries to hug Mrs. X, his Mother, and she pushes him away, like he IS a disease. Mr. X, his Father, rarely looks his way. Throughout the whole book, Mrs. X is trying to get the attention of Mr. X. Grayer is trying to get the attention of the both of them, to no avail. *Nanny* tries to sell the parents on what a great kid they have. They do not seem to care. They have the attitude that if he WEREN'T great there would be something wrong with him...since THEY are so great. *Nanny* is constantly late for her classes, due to Mrs. X's tardiness. *Nanny* complains to her Parents, Grandma, H.H. (her new *Harvard Hottie* boyfriend), her friends, anyone that will listen, how horrible it is being in the X Household. They all tell her that she needs to get out of the situation. She says she can't because Grover needs her. It seems to me that if someone were that unhappy with the way they were being treated, and she was treated very crappy, that they'd at least speak up. *Nanny* is constantly humiliated in front of the X's friends. At one point, Mrs. X tells her not to monopolize the dinner conversation in the future (she had answered some questions of the X's friends...by far NOT monopolizing anything). Mrs. X is clearly insecure, always afraid someone is going to steal her thunder. Okay, I won't give away the ending. However, I can say that it should have gone on for at least a few more pages, for closure. At the end you have tons of questions. This makes me wonder, is there a sequel?? I sure hope so! I honestly did love this book (even with all of my complaints). I was brought to tears a couple of times, from the way Grayer is ignored. I know this is fiction, but it's obviously based on reality. You know there are little ones out there treated the same way, or worse. Sure, they have awesome *things*, but I guarantee they'd give it all up for some *quality time* with their Parents. It made me laugh in a few spots as well. Mrs. X makes an ... out of herself a lot, which makes one feel good. Mr. X is bland. *Nanny* seems to toot her own do-gooder horn at times, when she should've just given Mrs. X a swift kick in her designer clad butt. Other than that, it's an overall good read. It made me think about it after I read it (obviously!), and to me that's a good sign of a good read.
Rating:  Summary: SAD Review: I had heard that this was a funny story about nanny adventures but I found it to be overwhelmingly sad! I had dreams about the little boy in the story. I was not at all amused by the tale. The nanny was pathetic...never standing up for herself. Sure she loved the little boy but that won't do him much good in the long run. Just a totally sad and misguided story.
Rating:  Summary: Bland and Boring Review: This book was really boring. The reviews on the back of the book were misleading. They said the book was funny. The only funny thing about this book is that I bought it. There is nothing about the book that captures the imagination. The writing is very bland and not creative. It's only focus are very rich people who are very depressed and very rude. I was waiting for "Nanny" to tell Mrs. X off for the way she treated her, her son, and others around her. I was very disappointed in "Nanny" as a person. She is very weak. I wanted "Nanny" to come out of this a winner but she never made her move.
Rating:  Summary: If you ever wondered what nannies thought about their....... Review: Sure, they're young and vivacious & seem to really adore their charges at the park. But this book really gives you the lowdown & it's not pretty! Who knew that money, a super-rich husband and adorable kids didn't work for some of the Leona's of Manhattan? If my daughter ever thinks about becoming a nanny, I'll lock her in the attic til middle age. IF Emma & Nicola wrote 1/10th of the truth, every mother who ever hired them owes them a heck of an apology. If it;s all fiction, these ladies deserve major kudos. Loved it!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Funny and enlightening, but heartwrenching. Review: This book was incredibly funny at times, and it was an eye opener as to how the ultra rich might live. Still, as the story ended, I was left feeling overall sadness at the plight of poor Grayer. There is nothing funny about a neglected child. I struggled a little with Nanny's passive behavior in re: to the Xes from the very beginning. She was an enabler. One could only hope that a young Grayer might have benefited somehow from knowing her for 9 months.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Book!! Review: It's hard to believe that people behave like the ones in this book do, but they do! I don't have that much time to read, but I picked this up at my local bookstore for a break from my own writing. It was fabulous! Like the young ones would say, "Totally AWESOME!"
Rating:  Summary: Nanny Knows It All Review: Nanny Knows It All Although I expected this book to be funny, having heard that it delves deep into the quirks of New York's wealthy elite, I was not prepared for the feelings of indignation, dismay and embarrassment it evoked as well. Beneath the simple story line - a twenty something college student works as a nanny to pay the rent - lays a minefield of human dysfunction. There is the mother who can't stand to touch or be with her child for more than a few minutes, and only then if he is completely clean; the father who routinely fails to show up for preplanned family events such as trips to Aspen, Christmas parties and dinner parties; the father's mistress who tries to enlist Nanny in her secret trysts; and the father's secretary who is always covering for her boss. And that's just the immediate family. Things get even more complicated and uncomfortable as Nanny's duties are expanded to include helping the wife shop, run errands and make restaurant reservations. What saves the novel from becoming just another tawdry soap opera is the skillful development of the relationship between Nanny and her 4-year old charge Grayer, and the healthy reality checks provided by Nan's (Nannny) outspoken and eminently practical family. Like all young children, Grayer can be a terror. He bites, he kicks, he refuses to play nicely, and at first he can't stand the sight of Nanny who has come to replace his previous and much loved caretaker, Caitlin. However, as time goes on Grayer and Nanny hammer out a relationship and a routine they both can enjoy. However, as the tension builds between Grayer's parents, becomes clear that a meltdown is inevitable. What makes it almost unbearable is Grayer's vulnerability and Nanny's inability to protect him. Be prepared for humor laced with bitterness and sorrow as The Nanny Diaries proves that in the midst of abundance it is possible to starve from lack of love.
Rating:  Summary: I Couldn't Put This Book Down Review: The Nanny Diaries is well-written, funny and sad at the same time. I really felt as if I were reading a true story, the details and characters in this book ring true. As a mother I wish I had Nanny's creativity with children. My heart breaks for all the children like Grayer who are emotionally neglected and manipulated by their self-absorbed parents. But this book is NOT a downer. I laughed out loud and cheered Nanny on through her tribulations, trying her best to do what was best for the child and somehow start a relationship with her "Harvard Hottie." This is a great read, not to be missed.