Rating:  Summary: I Gave Up Review: Halfway through the book, I gave up. There was nothing in it for me. I'd already been exposed to the rich-people-in-the-city stereotype so there was nothing new or humorous about this book. I don't understand the hype at all. But then, I couldn't understand the hype over Bridget Jones' Diary, either.
Rating:  Summary: Fluff literature Review: I have to say this for "The Nanny Diaries": I finished in two days and I couldn't put it down. Having said that, I will say that anyone who is reading this book for good literature is looking in the wrong place. It is just entertainment, nothing more and nothing less. For entertainment value, this book is a good read. Take it to the beach, relax in front of a fireplace on a lazy Saturday afternoon on a cold night...but don't be looking for Austen or Tolstoy in this novel. The main character of the book is a bit annoying at times (quite a bit of a doormat) and gets into situations that are more her doing that anyone else's. I did not essentially sympathize with her character (although I feel that authors were going for a lot of sympathy) because she does not a have a backbone and had no real, fundamental reason for not having one. Also, the worst part of the book is that the ending is completely missing. The books just stops in the middle- it is as if the authors got bored with the book and said, "okay, let's just stop now, the publishers will take it as it is." In short, if you want a good book that you don't want to take seriously, read this book. If you are looking for something deeper and fulfilling then STAY FAR AWAY!!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I was very excited to read this book but I'm sorry to say I found it a big disappointment. This book was way too sarcastic for me and I thought the characters were too exaggerated and unlikable. Mr. and Mrs. X were horrible people and we were not supposed to like them but I thought I could care for the main character Nanny. I do not believe there is a person in this world who would continue to work for these people with the dedication she had. After receiving Ear Muffs as her Christmas present which Nanny was highly upset over, she searched the apartment late at night with her friends so Mrs. X wouldn't find Mr. X's mistresses unmentionables in her bedroom, she stayed up all night with the kid when he was sick, went on vacation with them and was expected to watch everyone's kids and than we find out that she had to wait for her pay and ask for it. This was too unreal for me and I had no sympathy what so ever for Nanny. I did have sympathy for the child and I wondered how come nobody took this kid to therapy which he obviously was in bad need of. I did give this book 3 stars because I did feel there were a few laughs and it was a fast read but this is not something I would recommend to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Very funny Review: I found this book extremely funny - and I could even picture the characters - but left me with lots of questions: why take everything that the worst couple of humans alive would drop on your shoulders, wasn't "loving Grayer" just a pretext to continue writing about it, why being so negative and complain about what's going on instead of doing something about it, etc etc
Rating:  Summary: Not accurate at all... Review: As a 15 year old who lives on the Upper East Side and has had a nanny all her life, I am very disappointed in this book. It is very sterotypical, and does not portray people from the upper class in NYC fairly. I have lived my life with a nanny and been sent away to boarding school, but that does not mean my mother was a mother like Mrs. X. I expected a book I could relate to, and instead ended up being insulted.
Rating:  Summary: Too predictable Review: 300 pages of tremendously predictable story. I read half the book expecting more, unfortunately the author did not deliver. Again, too predictable.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book I read in 2002! Review: I adored this book! Very witty, very modern and ever-so New York! I delighted in every page and have sent copies to all my girlfriends - even those whom resemble the "villain" mum! Can't wait for The Nanny Diaries Volume 2! Thank-you Emma and Nicola for such a great holiday read.
Rating:  Summary: Funny...for 30 pages Review: This book was funny...for about 30 pages. But after that, the story of these self-centered, materialistic, and shallow people just became repetitive and sad.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Wonderful Review: Never have I felt as though I know exactly what an author it talking about. If you've never nannyed or had a nanny you will still enjoy this fiction tale. Funny and sentimental, it strikes a nerve, and a funny bone, in all of us.
Rating:  Summary: All Too True(I'm afraid) Review: Having worked in child care,I have experienced some the aspects of what is portrayed in this story. The strangeness of parents who want to make their children little extensions of themselves is a sad fact. The authors do make it funny,thank gawd,and the boy seems like a real child,not some wise-cracking sitcom brat. I related to "Nanny's" ambivelent feelings about working so hard and receiving so little apprecation for it.Mostly because she bonded with her small charge and thought maybe,she could get through to his parents that he was desparate for their love,not what they could buy him. A sad/funny story that will make you both laugh and nod in empathy if you've ever worked with children..