Rating:  Summary: A modern-day "Agnes Grey" Review: The stories are very similar - young woman in need of money takes nanny/governess job with wealthy, respected family only to discover that her job includes being treated with no respect and being blamed for problems arising from the parents' irresponsibility. The ages of the children in the novels are very different, which obviously changes the nanny's relationship with them, but the parental snobbishness and mistreatment is almost the same in the novels. Having read both, I have to say I prefer "Agnes Grey" to "The Nanny Diaries". Both young women stay in situations that are demeaning to them. "The Nanny Diaries" does its best to explain why Nanny stays for the abuse, and yes, it's plausible, but you can't help but think she has other options if she truly wanted out. After all, the way the former nanny is replaced should have set off alarm bells for Nanny at the very beginning. In "Agnes Grey", Agnes's choices are much more limited since there are no other respectable jobs available for women. You can understand why she has to stay. The resolution in "The Nanny Diaries" also frustrated me. I really wanted Nanny to stand up to Mrs. X, but the written ending was in line with the rest of the X's behavior, however frustrating it might be for the reader. Still, I do hope that if this novel is ever made into a movie, the end is changed to one more satisfying. At least Agnes was able to gain a meager independence and marry the man of her dreams in the end.
Rating:  Summary: Sarcastic; funny in a ludicrous way Review: The Nanny Diaries is a novel (hmm...that means it's fiction) authored by former nannies who want to blend in their own experiences in a story. So (to those who gave this book negative reviews) please relax and have fun. I personally find this book a heap of fun to read. It's funny in a ludicrous way. It's ridiculous because things mentioned in this book actually do happen among the high-end families. I believe the book is a collection of nanny experiences as the disclaimer clearly states that the authors have worked for over 30 New York City families. So keep in mind that every little situation in this book attributes not only one but also all of the 30 some families for which the authors work. "Nanny" is looking for money to make her rent while finishing her final year at NYU. Through previous connection and specifically the "Parents League", she gets a job as a nanny looking after Mr. and Mrs. X's son Grayer. She is to replace the predecessor who actually "dared to ask for a week leave to visit her ill sister in Australia." Immediately Nanny is drawn to little Grayer who has been neglected by his parents. Nanny's daily schedule will begin as Grayer wakes up and gets ready for school. Mrs. X, on the other hand, does none of the house chores let alone taking care of her own son. Mrs. X is busy shopping for the haute couture, planning dinner parties (to flaunt her luxurious apartment as well as to hopefully bring her workaholic husband home and spend time with her), and volunteering on serving committees. In addition to the explicit and detailed demands Mrs. X requests of for Grayer, Nanny also busies herself running Mrs. X's errands, which could be anything from dropping off/picking up dry-clean to picking up a heap of stuffs from all over town for an exotic 30-guest house party. After all, Mrs. X has no sense of time as she repeatedly shows up couple hours past the time she says she should be home. Nanny, at one occasion, literally has 15 minutes to get to her thesis exam. OK this is best part of the book if you haven't found it laughable: Nanny escorts Grayer to a Halloween party dressing up as Teletubby. And while taking Grayer to the restroom, Nanny runs into Mr. X who is having a hot quickie with his secretary! To tell (Mrs. X) or not to tell, that is the question! She is left to question whether she should report his infidelity to Mrs. X who has no clue that her husband has been lying to her about working late. As time goes by Grayer dreads seeing his parents and covets their attention. On her days off Nanny would avoid picking up the phone as Mrs. X would call and make her run extra errands. Nanny's phone would incessantly blink as her voice-mail inundates with messages from Mrs. X. Nanny wants to quit but feels obligated for poor little Grayer to whom nobody really has time for let alone caring for him. You should read on when Nanny tells the tale of a family trip that ends in deep frustration. You should read on to see how angry and jealous Mrs. X become when she finds out about Nanny's going out with a guy who lives in the same building. I will not give away the end of the story. Nanny Diaries is certainly a page-turner. It will make you laugh but at the same time sympathize for Nanny, and more deeply little Grayer. It brings forth the concern about how our children should be raised properly. Take it as sarcasm. And no, I don't think all the extremes the authors mention in this novel will happen in just one family. 4.3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Children! Review: Well, I loved this book! Some of these reviewers say that they hated it becuase the chlid was getting neglected. They say they don't find it funny, AT ALL! Being a child of one of these familes when I as growing up, I don't either. I'm not sure the point of the book was SUPPOSE to be funny! I thought some parts were becusae I recognized my own childhood in it. But even though I grew up, and was some what scared of these happenings, and so many different Nannies, I thought this book was wonderful! Nanny's ability to bond with Grayer X, and help him at least enjoy the time she was with him seemed hartening to me. Even though the book had a heart-wrenching ending I liked it and would highly recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Mostly Depressing Review: Although I found myself chuckling at a few situations that Nan was in or phrases she used, I was for the most part saddened at what I read. If this book represents a semi-factual basis of what a nanny and the child he/she cares for has to endure, then it is truly depressing. I was practically in tears seeing how Grayer was so badly neglected and ignored. Maybe a few years ago, I would have found this book more amusing, but after having a child of my own, it's not so funny. I can't imagine hiring someone to look after my child hours and hours on end without me so much as giving a hug. While I appreciate the authors' enlightening the audience on how some of the other half lives, I don't understand how this book has been labeled as "light" and "funny".
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Fun! Review: I do not understand some of the reviewer's reactions to this book (the 1 and 2 star reviews). This book is tons of fun! Lighten up people! Of course the characters and situations are over the top--it's not "literature." Good grief--you would think this was an autobiography, the way some of the criticisms have come down! It's fiction based on the authors' experiences. The authors have taken a lot of liberties to make this entertaining. Loved it--can't wait for the movie!
Rating:  Summary: can't finish it Review: Unfortunately, I bought this book and was extremely excited. The problem I have with it is that I do not find neglecting a child entertaining or the least bit funny. AT ALL.
Rating:  Summary: A Joy Review: This is a delightful book filled with wit and soul. Emma McLaughlin insightfully nails the pretense of parenting among the rich, where children are mere status symbols. McLaughlin also sees the irony of the world of work, especially the world of work when it deals with children. Anybody who has ever been a teacher, a little league coach, or a Boy Scout Leader can relate to this book. I highly recommend it. That reminds me, I should also recommend Lenny Castellaneta's "No One's Even Bleeding." His book recounts being a substitute teacher in L.A. He too has the same sense of irony. The absurdity of parenting in America is ripe for ridicule.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful read!! Review: Meet Nanny- a part time student, part time babysitter, and full time youth trying to have a good time in life while trying also to perform a great balancing act with all the tasks she must fulfill. When Nanny enters he competitive world of baby-sitting, she is sought out amongst foreigers up for the job to take care of Grayer X. The X family consists of Grayer- the three year old smart mouth, Mrs. X- the mother who is oblivious to the world around her unless it has a Prada label on it, and Mr. X- the provider of the family who seldom shows his face. Even to a 21 year old colege student, it seems quite clear to Nanny that something is going on in their household. In fact, the only one who doesn't suspect anything is Grayer, who spends his days in the sandbox. As things start to go downhill for Mrs. X, they get even worse for Nanny while she spends more and more time with Grayer. All during this, Mrs. X spends HER time running away from the truth about her husband. Will Nanny be able to perform her great balancing act while constantly adding new items to it? The chances seem slim. The Nanny Diaries is a wonderful read. The authors created such a twisting plot line that I often wondered what unexpected event would happen next. The comments added to the story by Grayer, the youngest character, make the story a lot more enjoyable. I would reccommend this book to any teenager because some of the language is a little strong. Also, many of the sarcastic remarks made in the book would not be enjoyed by a younger audience. The Nanny Diaries is a comical account of a baby-sitting experience that Nanny will surely never forget.
Rating:  Summary: Deceiving advertising Review: This book was very disappointing to me. It is advertised as humerous, but I did not find anything funny about it and I can't imagine who would. It is a sad, frustrating story that leaves you very unsettled. The authors make you fall in love with the little boy in the book and does not provide any resolution for his horrible situation. You also get so frustrated with Nanny and what she puts up with. The ending was very abrupt and unsatisfying. Not an enjoyable read.
Rating:  Summary: Quick, easy, light read. Review: This book was a very quick and easy read, not a lot of details to get bogged down in, or sub-plots. For some that is not an issue, but it left me wanting more. For one thing, the mother - Mrs. X - is more of a caricature than a character. Not being associated that much with upper-class Manhattan society, I'm not sure this is an accurate portrayal or not, but it really came across as an over-exaggeration of a lot of 'worst-case scenarios'. The only little bits of humanity you see from her is when her marriage falls in shambles. The Nanny, referred to only as Nanny, also seems a little too sugar-sweet after awhile. Her lack of ability to stand up for herself until the very end got very annoying. At first, I thought it was clever using names such as Mrs. X and Nanny, but after awhile it got a bit tiresome, I felt like I was playing the old board game 'Scotland Yard' and was more distanced from the characters. The other improvement that could be made with this book is to spend a bit more time on the subplots - she meets a cute boy but that relationship isn't fully developed, her roomate kicks her out of the apartment, and there's no resolution on that story line at the end of the novel, she is able to complete her thesis in a 48 hour period. On one hand, these truncated sub-plots are indicative of how much her nanny job overtakes the rest of her life, yet at the same time, I really wanted to see her in a better, more positive light instead of seeing her as a voiceless girl who is being walked all over.