Rating:  Summary: a good book Review: I think this book is really good. I like the characters espically Jethro because hes determined, shy, and outgoing, he likes to help people. this book has also many other interesting characters, you might like, there are also many different parts there are scary, sad, mad, glad, and cheerful. It teachs you different things about the civalwar and racism. And thats why I like this book.
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: My thoughts about the Across Five Aprils book is it had a lot of details and other good things. I liked how they used the country language and the country content.I liked the way they talked about the war.
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aplrils Review: This Book was pretty good but when I was reading it it waas not a realy good page turner to me it was kinda boaring but other than that the language and stuff about the civil war. And when he try to get eb out of trouble it was preety good. Andrew Loper
Rating:  Summary: Across five Apirls Review: Across Five Apirls is a good book .I recommand this book because gave exambles on how life was back then and how wars started and which side won the war.It tell you how poor people live back then.Across Five Apirls is also a sad book becaues some of the people that went to the war never came back
Rating:  Summary: its gettin good to the bood Review: hey this book was great i think every one should read this book and every one should write a review well it was getting good about 2 weeks ago well so it really is its just a little boy and his family with to brothers in the army so thats it i he who ever reads this reads the book its great?!@@$
Rating:  Summary: A boy and his families struggles Review: When you first look at this book you think that it will be super boring, but it is super interesting. This book tells about how a family enters the world war in bad shape and exits gracefully. It has certains things that really made me want to cry, laugh or get mad. It shows alot of emotions. It really proved to me that you can actually do anything that you want to do as long as you try hard enough and believe in yourself and never to quite. I will tell you the truth when you first start to read this book it starts off really really bad but don't let that stop you from reading it because after you get to about the third chapter you start to realize alot of things that you would never believe would be true during 1890's. I can know from experience that once you really get good in this book you will never want to put the book.
Rating:  Summary: okay Review: It was an okay book.I think if you really like how hecks talk and you can understand and than I think this book would be good for you the reason i didnt like it was because I couldnt understand the lanauge. I will tell you some about it the main charcter is jethro and his nine-years old. and he struggles throw differnt things with his brothers and his cousin.
Rating:  Summary: Beautifully Written Review: I was rather disappointed when I saw the three stars as the average customer review. It was a wonderful book. No surprises or sudden actions, it was just neatly written book about a boy and his family's struggles and problems through The War of the States. And the book is based on a true life which makes it even more special. I highly recommend this book to any historical fiction lovers or any reader. It's a story for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aprils is kinda... Review: This book is was very boring to me. I didn't like the diaolge.It was to hard to understand. I say if you want to read this book then be a big fan of the Civil War and times in the 1860's.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Review: At a glance, this book is about the Civil War and how it effected children and families growing up in that time, the sturggles they face and how they triumph when triumph seems impossible, and how love and hope outshine hate, bloodshed and grief. That's enough to make anyone want to read this book, but what really made me like it so much was the patterns of family life woven around all of this. In the story, nine-year-old Jethro Crieghten learns to become the man of the family when his brothers Tom and John and his cousin Eb go off to war. In the parts of the book about them, Irene Hunt draws a relistic picture of what life was like for the families waiting anxiously back home, drawing in death, and desertation into the story. Jethros favorite brother, Bill, leaves the family to serve the south, and when this causes an uproar in the pro-Union town, Jethro must learn to stand up for what and who he believes is write, in the face of his grief and the towns anger. Other characters woven into the fast-paced plot of this story are Jethro's older sister, Jenny, who her father deems to young to marry the schoolmaster, Shadrach, who is Jethro's hero and a fair, thoughtful person. There are Jethros parents, kind and worried Ellen, and Matt who is always questing for what is right. There is his brother John's meek wife, Nancy, who is brought closer to her husbands family by the war, Dave Burdow, a misunderstood town criminal, Ross Milton, a kind editor and friend, and Abraham Lincoln, the presidant who Jethro admires for his abilities to lead the country towards what is right. This book is a wonderful read, full of convinicng characters, and yes, it is very interesting after studying the Civil War, for the battles and the feelings for and against the presidant and the grenerals are well portrayed.