Rating:  Summary: Wonderful 'Family Civil War' Story Review: I thought this was an excellet book. I have only read it once but plan on buying it very soon. Across Five Aprils tells of how young Jethro Creighton and his family cope with the bad and good news duringthe Civil War. The Creightons live in southern Illinois, and their families views on 'rights' are different. GO READ THIS BOOK.......IT IS EXCELLENT......MY FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME!
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aprils Review: I am a fifth grade student at Waldron Mercy Academy (S.R.J.). I think that this book is better than a hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge! Jethro is a 9-year old boy who is devastated when his three brothers, one cousin, and schoolmaster all go off to fight in the Civil War. Even though his family lives in the Union state of Illinois - Jethro's favorite brother, Bill, decides to fight for the Confederacy. All throughout the book Jethro has to deal with townspeople making nasty comments about Bill. Will Jethro every see Bill or his other brothers again?
Rating:  Summary: I don't read, but it inspiered me to read. Read other books! Review: The book Across Five Aprils, by Irene Hunt, is a story about the Civil War. It takes place in the early 1860s in a rural area of Illinois. It is about a young boy named Jethro Creigton. At first, Jethro likes the idea of the war and thinks it is cool. Shortly afterwards he changes his mind about that for a very good reason. Jethro's brothers (Bill and Tom), his cousin (Eb), and his teacher (Shadrach, who Jethro really liked and is romantic with Jethro's sister, Jenny) go off to war. Bad things happen to all of these people in the war. First of all, Bill (who is Jethro's favorite brother), fights for the South. This makes many people angry at the Criegtons, since they lived in Illinois. Tom gets killed in the war. Luckily for the sake of the Criegtons who are not at war, Jethro finds out that it was not Bill who killed him. Later on, Eb runs away from the army. Jetro finds him in the woods, and takes care of him for a little. Then he makes it so it is ok for Eb to go back to the army by writing a letter to the president. In the end of the book, Shardrach gets hurt and Jenny visits him in Washington and marrys him. The war ends, and Jenny and Shadrach go home and live with Jethro. I would never recommend this book to anyone. It was extremely hard to understand, which was partially due to the characters' country grammar. I had to re-read many pages and sentences before I could truly understand what was going on. The plot was very hard to grasp because of this. I found the book to be extremely boring.
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aprils... Review: I read this book and was riveted. I found it really interesting how this one family came to be divided during the cival war. Because they were on the boarder between the north and south their family ended up choosing sides. Two sons went to the north and one went to the south. They were still a family though. I thought the author did an excellent job including old letters and news articles that the family had had.
Rating:  Summary: Please, save some time and do NOT read it Review: I was forced to read this book for my history class, so of course, I wasn't thrilled with reading this book in the first place. But, I keep an open mind when it comes to reading. So I picked it up and began reading it for the assignment and I literally just fell asleep. Across Five Aprils is a historical novel that takes place during the Civil War. The Creighton family, which the story revolves around, has members of the family that are fighting on opposing sides. Even though this may have seemed like and interesting character conflict, it wasn't, ad the characters also became impossible to relate to. I felt like an outsider while reading the book because I continually became confused as to what was happening because of the lack of character detail and description. Please, don't waste your time reading this novel if you can avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: Could've been better, much better! Review: ok I know the civil war was a horrible event in US History but I mean c'mon, need more action and it was just plain boring because every other scene was sad and droning! It was a good book for learning about how life was back in that era!
Rating:  Summary: A story from the Civil War Review: This book is about a boy named Jethro. He was the youngest in the family and his mother favored him. He lived in a small farm in southern Illinois. The Civil War was going on and lots of Jethro's brothers were in the war. One of his brothers joined the Confederate army. He became mature during the years of the war. One of his brothers died in the war and one was held as a prisoner. He considered President Abraham Lincoln as a friend while many of the farmers hated him. He really hoped the chaos would end and live in peace. My favorite part of the book is when Shad and Jenny married. Jenny was Jethro's sister and Shad was Jethro's schoolmaster. Jenny loved Shad for a long time, but her parents refuse them to get marry. When Shad was hurt badly in the war, Jenny's parents decided to let them marry. Jenny was very happy to be the wife of Shad. I like this book because it gives us information about the Civil War in the United States. It also showed you how the people that time think of Abraham Lincoln and how a family lived during such hard times. When you read this book, it feels like you went back through time and experienced the war yourself. I recommend this book to anyone that is interested in the Civil War.
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aprils - Jay Sheth - Historical Fiction Review: Time of this book is during the Civil War when a family called the Crieghtons are going through hard times. They are on the Northern side with Abe Lincoln, so many of the men of the house and family list into the army. However, one family member is on the opposite side and the town is against him while another one dies in the war. After a while the North was able to escape with the victory after the town comes to togther to help the family. The reason I'm reading this book is because it has been picked for me for a group book by Mrs. Shea my english teacher. My favorite part is the whole thing because it is the first book I have read with so many emotions. It makes you want to cry, laugh, smile, and frown. The family's problems and jokes never end. Once one does another one starts all over again. This made me feel like i was watching a TV show. Altough I didn't like the book that I recommend it to people who enjoy history.
Rating:  Summary: A Boy During the Civil War Review: Life during the civil war is hard, especially for a 9-year-old boy and his family. His brothers, Bill, John, and Tom, and cousin, Eb Carron, had to leave home and join the arm; now, since all his older brothers have gone to war, Jethro Creighton has to make up the work for them. A few years later, the Matt and Ellen heard some terrible news - Tom was dead. In March 1863 finds Eb, now considered a deserter, hiding in the woods near their home, and Jethro does all he can do to help, even writing to the president. After four years of hardship and pain, the war is finally over. However, to everyone's disappointment, the president, Mr. Abraham Lincoln and been murdered in the fifth and last April of the war. I started reading this book because it was the book literature group was assigned to. I didn't want to read it, but I didn't have a choice. So, I just read 15 pages every night and did the homework assignment. However, as I got farther into the book, I started to read more than I needed to. I thought this book was a little boring because it was only about a 9-year-old peasant's life through the Civil War, but there were still parts of the story I enjoyed reading. My favorite part in this book was when Guy Wortman and his friends broke into Sam Gardiner's store. Sam had pretended to go on a business trip to St. Louise, but he was really hiding in his store. He had hit Guy right where he wanted to with buckshot, and held a lamp for the doctor.
Rating:  Summary: Across Five Aprils Review: I recently read a book titled Across Five Aprils; it's about a young boy named Jethro from Illinois. He is a farm boy who was of age when the Civil War broke out. He and his family worry about the war and if he would be able to dodge having to go. Young Jethro has to grow up faster than most adolescents and he learns to take on huge responsibilities. He gets up early in the mornings to help his mother in the field's he helps with the dishes. The community does not back up the Creighton family because Jethro's brothers join the Confederacy. The Confederacy is against having slaves. This causes problems for the whole family. To get through it the Creighton family sticks together and finds a way through this miserable Hardship. I started reading this book because my English Teacher, Mrs. Shea, recommended it to me. When I saw the cover of the book I didn't want to have anything to do with the book. It looked boring; it looked like something someone old would read. It seemed like a waste of time, but I had to read it. So I read on. At the begging of the book it didn't seem worthwhile to read, but then it got interesting. My favorite part of the book was the opening of every event that happened. Every time he mentioned the fields you could feel the heat of the fields. When he mentioned the murder of someone you could hear the gunshots and the horses gallop. At the dinner table when they all gathered and someone said something that they shouldn't have, you could feel the awkwardness. Irene Hunt did a great job with the descriptions and with the feeling within the whole entire book. This was an extravagant heart-pounding book and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys books about Hardships wars, or excitement.