Rating:  Summary: Folks I've got good news and bad news. Review: The good news: This book changed my life. I read her first book "the weigh down diet" and then I read this one and as a result of utilizing many of the principles in them I lost 100lbs in 9 months. There is truth in these books because I struggled with my weight for 20 years and NOTHING worked. I am free from ever being fat again. In addition to the 100lbs I lost 12 inches on my waist. I look and feel like a different person. I actually had to make a scrap book because when I looked in the mirror I didn't recognize myself. More good news: My relationship with God skyrocketed to new heights; I added a second career and my marriage got better because I lost a lot of internal anger with the weight. The Bad news: You have to read these books and think. For me that wasn't a problem but it might be for people looking for all the answers in one place. 2000 years ago all the answers were in one place... Jesus. And unlike Gwen I follow the reformed tradition that believes that Jesus IS God. I think I was able to lose the weight because I applied the truth I found in her book to the truth I already knew. Some of the things she says are wacky and she has some heretical doctrine but that doesn't mean that God didn't give her any truth it just means that she's a sinner like us all. If you look for problems about Gwen you will find them and it won't take long but that's not the point. The point is, can you lose weight if you do what she says in the book? The Point: Get the book. Use your heart, your mind and your spirit and find the truth. Overweight people need the truth because there are a lot of lies out there. Pray for the truth and the truth will set you free. Not Gwen. Not the book. The truth. You will lose weight. I did.
Rating:  Summary: Folks I've got good news and bad news. Review: The good news: This book changed my life. I read her first book "the weigh down diet" and then I read this one and as a result of utilizing many of the principles in them I lost 100lbs in 9 months. There is truth in these books because I struggled with my weight for 20 years and NOTHING worked. I am free from ever being fat again. In addition to the 100lbs I lost 12 inches on my waist. I look and feel like a different person. I actually had to make a scrap book because when I looked in the mirror I didn't recognize myself. More good news: My relationship with God skyrocketed to new heights; I added a second career and my marriage got better because I lost a lot of internal anger with the weight. The Bad news: You have to read these books and think. For me that wasn't a problem but it might be for people looking for all the answers in one place. 2000 years ago all the answers were in one place... Jesus. And unlike Gwen I follow the reformed tradition that believes that Jesus IS God. I think I was able to lose the weight because I applied the truth I found in her book to the truth I already knew. Some of the things she says are wacky and she has some heretical doctrine but that doesn't mean that God didn't give her any truth it just means that she's a sinner like us all. If you look for problems about Gwen you will find them and it won't take long but that's not the point. The point is, can you lose weight if you do what she says in the book? The Point: Get the book. Use your heart, your mind and your spirit and find the truth. Overweight people need the truth because there are a lot of lies out there. Pray for the truth and the truth will set you free. Not Gwen. Not the book. The truth. You will lose weight. I did.
Rating:  Summary: Rise Above Review: This book challenges us to get our focus off the food and onto God! It is written in the same format as Gwen first book, "The Weigh Down Diet". It goes beyond the issues of overeating and reaches into the heart. A must read!
Rating:  Summary: Rise Above Review: This book challenges us to get our focus off the food and onto God! It is written in the same format as Gwen first book, The Weigh Down Diet. It goes beyond the issues of overeating and reaches into the heart. A must read!
Rating:  Summary: some things not fundamentally sound Review: This book has the capacity to change lives. The author had me in the palm of her hand until I came to the part where she said that some medications are necessary (such as insulin) to physiological well-being, but she had to laugh when she heard people say that anti-depressants are necessary. Is not clinical depression often a physiological condition which requires medical help? God gives medical professionals the intelligence and discretion to help all people and to prescribe medication for all conditions. I pray that her comments have not caused anyone to stop anti-depressant medication and then to harm himself or herself. God has given this author charisma and logic, but I feel this section of the book shows irresponsibility. The rest of the book is a gut-wrenching, soul-searching marvelous Bible study.
Rating:  Summary: WDW program is excellent, but this book is nothing new Review: This book is a continuation and also a repeat of The Weigh Down Diet. Those who have gone through the Weigh Down program at a local church will not find much new here. However, either this book or The Weigh Down Diet is a great place to start if you aren't familiar with Gwen's message or approach. As for the program and her books altoghether, I think Gwen does a fantastic job of helping people to stop obsessing about food and weight, and focus on God instead. I personally took my first Weigh Down class four years ago, lost 28 pounds within a year, and have kept them off. For that, I cannot thank Gwen enough. As for the way she interprets the Bible and understands God, I do not agree with everything that she says. I ignore what I don't agree with (yes, that's right, I ignore it) because I agree with her basic message which is "Focus on God, not the food!" As for Gwen's nutritional advice (eat whatever your body tells you it wants), I agree...to a point. I did lose 28 pounds and have kept them off, but I believe that there is a lot of sound nutritional advice to be had if you research and find out what you need. For example, I have had sever acne and exzema for about 15 years. After trying even the most powerful prescription medicines, I found that the only thing that could cure these symptoms was to supplement my diet with essential fatty acids (EFAs). (See the book "Smart Fats" for more on EFAs.) The standard American diet is very poor in EFAs, so following Gwen's advice to not supplement my diet, I would probably still have acne and exzema to this day. If you're overweight and obsessing about food, read this book, or read "The Weigh Down Diet", or ... contact their headquarters to find a class in your area.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Book! Review: This book is very well written. I purchased it as soon as it hit the shelf and have not been able to put it down! It's so meaningful to the Christian in their walk with God.
Rating:  Summary: Rise Above Review: This is a wonderful book for anyone wanting to be rid of the sin overeating. Gwen shows the path to God and how giving your heart over to Jesus, how he will melt the fat, when you are obedient to the Lord. The book is filled with bible verses and truth of what God has for us. Learn about His great Love for us and be on your way to a new you inside and out. This is a must for anyone hurting from being overweight! If you have tried everything else, why not give this book a try and let God take care of the rest.
Rating:  Summary: Strictly A Matter Of The Heart Review: This is an excellent book! For those in Weigh Down Session's already, and for those comtemplating it! Forget about the skeptics, you will ALWAYS have them when anything is all about God, for God, and run by God's will. The scriptures, and medical information/nutritional advice are sound and Biblical. Remember, science does NOT back up God's way because Science is inferior to God's supreme way. It can not and does not compare to how God wants us to live at all. This is not a man made program, so don't look for or bring your man made doctrines into this. This must be totally looked at from the Heart, not the head and mind of 'man', or what lies we've been told from the time we were a child (including that we NEED vitamins to live and be healthy....hogwash!). You do the evaluation. Start with the Word, start with prayer. Don't let anyone tell you what is and is not for God. Don't let anyone else's interpretation of what God says or does, wants or feels deter you from getting this book. God is love and God is your creator as well as your master, father and friend (yes...friend). So please, don't go by man's doctrines or 'works', but go by your own heart and what God is trying to tell YOU. I would recommend all of Gwen's books and products, and especially the Weigh Down Workshops! Remember, anything for God, there will be millions against it! That's how satan works! So rejoice in what God has given us through Gwen! Get the book! You won't regret it if your approach is with the heart!
Rating:  Summary: Gwen is mean. Review: Well, she is. Most prophets are, or are perceived to be. When I'm getting some unasked for but much needed advice from my best friend, for example, I am filled with snarkiness--because I know how right she is. Truth is something that makes my hair hurt. I keep reading Gwen's books because I'm some kind of masochist. I also read them because truth has a way of cutting a person loose. With Gwen's first book, The Weigh Down Diet, I lost ten pounds. With Rise Above, I lost another ten. The weight has stayed off. I have about, oh, two more books worth to lose, so I hope she keeps writing. I suggest a devotional, a daily shot-in-the-arm type of book that I can refer to daily, and get my fix of mean old truth. Speaking of truth, I heard a line from the movie "The Insider" which reminds me of Gwen's work: "The greater the truth, the greater the damage." It takes a stubborn woman like Gwen to speak to a stubborn woman like me, and Gwen--I'd share a Mallowcup with you. (Within the boundries of hunger and fullness, of course.)