Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Book Review: A Long Way from Chicago is a hilarious book filled with funny, side-aching adventures that take place at these children's grandmother's house. Every summer Richard Peck takes the reader (adult or child) to Joe's and Mary Alice's grandma's house in St. Louis. At the start of the book Joe is 9 and Mary Alice is 7. One summer they had a dead man in their house named Shotgun Cheatham. Then he comes back alive so grandma has to go to drastic measures. Every summer they go to grandma's house and they have some wild adventure and then they go home. They trespass on private property and meet a drunken sheriff. Later in the book Joe wants to learn how to drive, but it costs two dollars for the lessons and two dollars back in the 1930's was a lot so he has to get the money some how. At the end Joe wants to get in World War II. I like how Richard Peck writes because he makes it funny and he makes sure that you don't want to put the book down. He makes it somewhat fantasy, but on some levels it's realistic. He also, puts just enough details to let you know the important ideas, but he leaves out some parts so your mind can wonder. This is a great and wonderful book and whoever loves witty books should read this book for sure!
Rating:  Summary: A Long Way From Chicago Review: A real side splitter! I read this book as part of a literature class and loved it. Grandma Dowdel is always up to something and many times it's just a little outside of the law. My son, a very reluctant reader, read it and loved it. The grandkids learn it is not near as boring in the country as they imagined when they first came down from Chicago.
Rating:  Summary: Leaving Chicago Review: A Long Way From Chicago by Richard Peck is about a girl who has to go live with her grandma during the Great Depression. They go to a party and her grandma makes a cake and switches the same cake and loses in a best cake compition. I think everyone from the ages 12 and up should read this.
Rating:  Summary: A Long Way From Chicago Review: A Long Way From Chicago: Book review Publisher: Scholastic Incorporation By; RosemaryWouldn't it be something if EVERY summer you got to go on the time of your life type of adventure? Well if you want to find out about this type of adventure then you should most definitely read A Long Way From Chicago written by Richard Peck. In this book you will find stories you would never expect to discover. Mary Alice and Joey go every summer to their Grandma's house. Joey and Mary Alice would not exactly describe these trips as something to cherish, but when they get older they think that they were absolutely insane to not cherish these moments. But for now the two vividly don't ever want to hop on the train to visit Grandma for the whole summer. Joey and Mary Alice learn all of the ways of how to survive on your own and believe me they definitely will remember because Grandma has this way of pasting these small survival tips onto your brain and they just never go away. Now let me tell you this, Grandma is a hard working old woman and you should not ever get in a conflict with her because she is the size of the door frame for her front door and she gets back at you if she gets annoyed. And let me tell you she really gets back at you. The two kids grow up so fast, and now when they go to visit Grandma they have an attitude just like her. Mary Alice and Joey want to win first prize in all of the really important contests for the 100th year of Grandma's town, but will they? Okay, here is where I am going to leave you hanging. Now that Mary Alice and Joey are older will they still go to visit their Grandma? Or maybe what will happen in their future? Read this book to answer my questions and to fill your brain with excitement. I recommend this book to children and adults ages 10 years old and up because there is some very precise and strong vocabulary that might confuse small children.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as I expected it to be Review: Well i would just like to say that i dont think you should read this book because it was hard to get into and once i finished it was just kind of dull and i was glad to be done
Rating:  Summary: couldn't be better Review: -well written; some of it is laugh-out-loud funny. Colin bladewriter.com
Rating:  Summary: Getting boys to read Review: All four of my sons, ages 12, 10, 8 and 6, enjoyed this book. It is so difficult to find good books which children will read and enjoy - this is one of those books. The story is a tender portrayal of the relationship between two children and their grandmother, with enough irreverence thrown in to keep the kids interested. Read this aloud to your kids.
Rating:  Summary: average Review: I didn't like the book as much as the rest of my class. I thought it was hard to understand sometimes. It takes place a long time ago so maybe I'll like it when I'm older.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book Review: A Long Way From Chicago is a good book for all ages. It is a funny book. Most of the book I liked but there were some parts that I thought were boring.
Rating:  Summary: Appeals to Adult Review: I read this book as an assignment in my college Children's Literature Class. I completed the assignment, never expecting to fall in love with this book. The characters are interesting, Grandma is a hoot and seeing the ways that the relationship between the children and their grandmother evolves is a delight. I have found that books labeled "Children's Literature" is often extremely enjoyable reading for adults and this book is no exception. I have recommended it to many people and enjoyed the sequel "A Year Down Yonder" almost as much as I enjoyed this book.