Rating:  Summary: Emily Hodge's Book Review Review: I feel wonderful about this book.I think the author did a great job ,and I think the way she made the story mystery like was cool.My favorite part is when Kirsti was telling her mother that the shoes were ugly. I would encourage every person on the face of the earth to read this book. I give this book 5 stars because it inspired me to be so brave.It was great to read.That is what I think of the book.
Rating:  Summary: ... review Review: MY feelings about the book.I like the book very much .It made me feel how they felt .Scared ,sad,and unhappy. That book should tell you something about what they did to the Jews back then .The author did a very good job . She always left us hanging after each chapter so we would read more and more .I would encourage others to read it. Yes I would do you won't to know why . That is so they would know not to go against other people that are not their type.They shouldn't put people in jail they don't like or kill them or take them away.Kirsti is a very energetic girl. I enjoy reading this book at ... School.
Rating:  Summary: ...Review Review: The book is good. I hope Lois Lowry's books are all as good as this one. When I started to read it, it was hard to stop. This is the best book I have every read. I think Annamarie was the best character in this book. I really enjoyed reading this book at (local) Elementary School.
Rating:  Summary: Amber ...'s Review Review: I feel sorry for the people in the book. I liked the way the author left us hanging at the end of each chapter making us want to move on. Yes, I would encourage everybody that comes to sixth grade to read Number the Stars.On a scale of one threw five I would give Number the Stars five.Kirsti was a brave character for standing up to the nazi's. This is a great book you need to read it. I enjoyed reading this book at Davidson Elementary School.Kirsti was a brave character for standing up to the nazis.This was a great book you need to read it.I enjoyed this book ...
Rating:  Summary: Johnathon Holland's Review Review: My feelings about Number the Stars. I think that this book should be read by the whole world.This book is a perfect kids book for all ages.I think the author wrote this book to show people what happend back when she was a kid.I would encourage my whole family to read Number the Stars.I thought all the characters in Number the Stars were very good.I loved reading and doing the activities at Davidson Elementry School.I give this book 5-stars.
Rating:  Summary: Timmy ... Review Review: I think the book is great. The author wrote a very good story. I would encourage others to read it because it has a lot of soldiers and secrets. I give it 5 stars. I think the characters are interesting too. I am glad we read the book in our class ...
Rating:  Summary: Tatianna Doss's Review Review: I think "Number the Stars" is the best book i've ever read.I personally think the author is a great author.Because she keeps you guessing. She also has this way of making you want read another chapter.Yes,I would encourge others to read it,because it's a great book.The author saves you trouble by reading the book to you. If anyone doesn't like "Number the Stars" then, they must not undrestand where the authors feelings are coming from when she wrote this book. Kristy is my favorite character. I enjoy reading this book in my class at Davidsun elemetary school.
Rating:  Summary: Fashionette ... Review Review: My feelings about'' Number the Stars is great".Ilove that book.The author wrote that book really good.When she was ending a chapter,she always made the book interesting to read another chapter.I would encourage others to read the book.I think they would really like the book.I would give this book five stars.Everyone that was in the book did their lines and their actons really good.
Rating:  Summary: ... review Review: We enjoyed reading this book at (local)Elementary.The story is very exciting.It is about a girl,Annemarie,who has to help her freind,Ellen,stay away from the Natzies,because they were looking for Jews and Ellen was a Jew.Kirsti,Annemarie's little sister,is very funny.Ellen's mother and father were taken to saftey and Ellen has to act like a part of Annemarie's family.I think anyone who reads this book will like it.The author did a great job writing it.
Rating:  Summary: Zack ... Reveiw Review: The book ''Number the Stars''inspired me very much.The war with the Nazis is what inspired me. I like Peter and everybody else too. The author makes me realize what a great author Lois Lowry is. She made th book very interesting. I would encourage everybody else to read this book. Some things are true and some things are false.Plus I give this book 5 stars. I'd like to thank my teacher for letting us read the book at school. Some of the charecters names are Ellen,Kirsi,and Peter.