Rating:  Summary: Key to Revelation; key to the Mass Review: Scott Hahn, a former Presbyterian minister, has taken a scholarly topic which has been part of the official teaching of the Catholic Church since the time of the early Church Fathers, but which in recent years has not been part of the common teaching for the faithful, and explained this teaching to the faithful in a profoundly lucid way. No one who understands what Scott is saying could ever again attend Mass or read Revelation without being profoundly affected. It is a masterful treatment of a complex subject that will cause anyone who who reads it, Catholic or otherwise, to seriously question why they are not present at Mass every day of the year. I used this book as the base for an adult education class at our parish with great success. It was a true eyeopener for every participant. James H. Dobbins, Ph.D.
Rating:  Summary: More Scholarly Brilliance from Dr. Hahn Review: Truly a gift to the modern Church, this book is a breath of fresh air for those who are put off by the all too common wild interpretations of Revelations being put forth today by men such as LaHaye and Hunt, and for those who thought they could never hope to understand its language.Though certainly not a new interpretation - in fact, Dr. Hahn shows how ancient this interpretation is - it is probably new to many Catholics, both in the laity and the clergy. It may also serve to shed new light on the Liturgy for non Catholic Christians. For all Catholics who read this, you will never go to Mass with the same attitude again. You will see it in a whole new, beautifully new light. This much is guaranteed. Readers familiar with Rome Sweet Home may be overwhelmed by the "weight" of this book. While not extremely difficult reading, the book's length is misleading. The book does go into great detail, and the reader would do well to pause every now and again to read the relevant passages that Dr. Hahn cites (and there are MANY of them). Rome Sweet Home, while a heartening conversion story, is only that; a conversion story. As such, it was not meant as a theological opus or even a complete explanation of the issues which caused him to convert. For readers wanting to know about the "exciting, innovate discoveries" Dr. Hahn only talks about in passing in his conversion story, here is your granted wish.
Rating:  Summary: No superlatives are too superlative for this masterpiece Review: This book, "Lamb's Supper", is without any doubt on my part the absolutely best and most beautifully descriptive book on my favorite subject, namely the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Dr. Scott Hahn is an 'intellectual brain', but he has a true gift to write simply and beautifully. No amount of 'atta-boys' fully describes my enthusiasm for this masterpiece
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful work by this professor Review: Dr. Scott Hahn discovers, or shall I say, RE-discovers a thesis that the Mass is in fact what is spoken of in the Book of Revelations. He shows that all of the things John sees in his famous vision take place during the Mass. A great book to show non-Catholics the fulfillment of the prophecy in the last book.
Rating:  Summary: Why We Attend Mass Review: Every Catholic......and everyone even considering becoming Catholic....should read this book. It is the most spiritually uplifting, intensely explanatory book on the celebration of the Mass that I have ever read. As Hahn tells us, through the Book of Revelations, we can come to know why we "go to Mass," why it is so essential to our lives, and why it is, indeed, "Heaven on earth." In our constant search for truth, we need look no further as our faith is played out daily on the altar. READ this and believe!
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful digression Review: This is a wonderfully written book on the writer's discovery of the sacramental importance of the Book of Revelation. It is a beautiful and passionate digression that has little to do with the Book of Revelation itself, the eucharistic overtones of which are incredibly sparse. If you want to know something about Rdevelation, purchase a commentary. If you want to know something about Catholic piety, spirituality and creativity, buy Hahn's book.
Rating:  Summary: A co-reading of Mass and the Revelation of St. John Review: The focus of this book is reflecting on the Mass in light of the Revelation of John, or, if you prefer, interpreting the book of Revelation in light of the Mass. He brings together teachings of the early church fathers, Vatican II council, and the most recent Cathechism to show how Mass on earth is one with the heavenly Mass. He does so in non-technical language and persuasive language. Occasionally, as in his discussion on evil in the world, I would disagree with his theology but his theology represents one thread of Catholic theology. Therefore, I suggest that this book be read critically, expecting that you may not agree with him entirely. But even where there is disagreement his arguments are well worth hearing. An example of his thought. Rather than seeing the second coming, the Parousia, as a coming event, he sees Revelation (also translatable as "unveiling") as pointing to parousia perpetually occurring in the Mass. He martials both Scripture and tradition to confirm this point. All in all this book is a very accessible study of Revelation and The Liturgy, that I recommend.
Rating:  Summary: EXPERIENCE HEAVEN WITHOUT DYING Review: Dr. Hahn's best yet. If you are not Catholic, you'll gain insight and a appreciation of what the mass is really about and why it always was a sacrifice. If you are a Catholic, there is no way mass will be the same for you. Truly, a must read. Hahn has a gift of making profound truths easy to understand. An ideal gift for someone, especially your parish priest.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating and convincing Review: As is so often the case, the converts have much to teach the cradle Catholics. Hahn's latest book is an outstanding and intriguing study of the Mass, particularly its relationship to the Book of Revelation. Well-reasoned and demonstrating a solid grasp of Scripture, the Church Fathers, and the varieties of liturgical worship, this book will give you a new view of the Mass and of the often puzzling last book of the Bible. Read this easily-digestible book, and the next time you go to Mass you'll participate in ways you never imagined -- you'll never see the Mass the same way again. Highly recommended for Catholics and non-Catholics!
Rating:  Summary: Wait a Minute - Something Essential is Missing! Review: Dr. Scott Hahn's book on the Holy Eucharist gives an interesting and, in my view, correct view of a dimension of the Holy Eucharist that is often overlooked: The Mass places the Church on earth in the presence of the risen Lord Jesus who adores His Father and intercedes for the Church in Heaven. Hahn notes many texts from the Book of Revelation that highlight this vital component of the Eucharist. HOWEVER, Hahn fails to mention the central-most important component of the Eucharist - the most distinctly Catholic element: In the celebration of the Holy Eucharist the Risen Lord through the Spirit makes present the one sacrifice offered on Calvary for the salvation of the world. Yes, the Mass puts us in touch with the heavenly worship of the Lamb, but it more immediately puts us in touch with the sacrifice on Calvary which becomes present in an "unbloodly manner" in the Eucharist. The sacrificed Lord becomes present so that His Church may offer Him to the Father and be joined to His offering for the salvation of others. Dr. Hahn, please ask dogmatic theologians to read your scriptural ruminations before you race to print. I am amazed that Fr. Benedict Groeschel missed this point. He is usually so orthodox! Readers, read the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Eucharist as Sacrifice and especially #1085. Therein you will discover a fatal flaw in an otherwise worthy book.