Rating:  Summary: The Real Conservative Review: When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just "dime-store economics" - intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don't really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don't. It all gets down to two simple words. "Cheap labor". That's their whole philosophy in a nutshell. Can you really find the "cheap labor" angle in every conservative policy initiative, and every conservative position on any particular issue? Yes, you can. Here is a catalogue of some of the major issues on the national agenda. In every single one of them, the conservative position advances the cause of "cheap labor". I defy any conservative reading this to show me one single conservative position, belief, principle or policy that has any tendency to boost the earning power of labor. 1. DUBYA'S TAX CUTS AND RESULTING BUDGET DEFICITS. Twenty years ago, cheap-labor conservatives claimed that tax cuts would stimulate the economy, and lead to balanced budgets. They don't even bother spouting that crap any more. Now they say that deficits "aren't so bad", they don't drive up interest rates, and they don't create inflationary pressure. Here's the real skinny. The purpose behind tax cuts and budget deficits is to bankrupt the government. 2. OPPOSITION TO EVERY IMPROVEMENT IN WAGES AND WORKING CONDITIONS IN US HISTORY. This is obviously directly related to "cheap labor" and doesn't require much further explanation. In fact, the heading serves as the "One Sentence Response" - and I would stress the "every improvement in US history", all the way back to abolition of slavery, and such obvious reforms as child labor laws. Cheap-labor conservatives have never been the friend of working Americans. Ever 3.OPPOSITION TO ANY SORT OF NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. Health care costs are outrageously expensive, and threaten people with financial ruin. Also, health insurance is primarily provided by employers through "group plans". So if you lose your job, you lose your health coverage. This is not quite as a big a problem, since the passage of COBRA - which was opposed by guess who? That's right, the cheap-labor conservatives 4. SCHOOL VOUCHERS, OPPOSITION TO THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, OPPOSITION TO LOCAL BOND ISSUES, ETC. Way back in the late nineteenth century - where the cheap-labor conservatives are trying to take us - conservatives opposed universal public education. You can go to "Freeper" right now and find cheap-labor conservatives who still oppose it. And the reason is simple. Ignorant and illiterate people have fewer options in life, making them fit subjects for "industrial serfdom". These aren't the only examples of "cheap-labor conservative" policies and positions. While I will be supplementing and expanding this list from time to time, you should be getting the idea. Anytime a cheap-labor conservative takes a position on anything at all, take a look at the details. See if somewhere in those details there isn't some way the wage-earner loses out. I have not yet failed to find the connection. Either the conservative position undermines the bargaining power of the wage earner, limits his economic options, harasses the wage earner in some way, raises his cost of living, increases his economic vulnerability or accomplishes some combination of the above
Rating:  Summary: Glenn Beck is a hypocrite Review: This book wouldn't be half bad if it weren't for the rampant hypocrises. So-called conservatives like Glenn Beck complain about political correctness but are silent when his fellow Republicans denounce disagreement and dissent as unpatriotic. So-called conservatives like Glenn Beck preach about personal responsibility but ignore the responsibility to help the poor and unfortunate parts of our society. so-called conservatives like to talk about morality but become mute when the President engages in an illegal, unjust, and immoral war. They keep talking about morality, but, are suspiciously apologetic when people like Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennent, and George W. Bush are exposed as liars. These are the main contradictions in Glenn Beck's thinking. Instead of calling the book Real America, maybe he should have called it Real Hypocrite. The unintentional ironies abound in this childish and crude excuse for a book.
Rating:  Summary: Witty, truthful, from the man's heart Review: Glen Beck can write on a level that everyone can understand, and hits it out of the park on almost every point. I was mesmerized. Couldn't put it down, and am looking forward to another book by this author. The book has inspired me to find his radio show, which is entertaining as well.
Rating:  Summary: Great Message from Glenn Review: I am a college student in the mid-west and started listening to Glenn in the fall of 2003. I love waking up to his radio show every morning, he provides a great message. So does The Real America. As a student about to enter the "real world," this book provides me with direction and a vision. The Real America is not an abstract concept, it can and will exist if more people understand and implement the key messages of this book: common sense and personal responsibility. This book would be a God send to many college students - it will get them thinking about what it means to live in the Real America and raise their expectations and desires for their life. If you are considering buying this book, buy it! And buy another copy for someone you love. A good friend of mine bought me a copy, had Glenn sign it at one of his tour stops, and she gave it to me for my birthday. I could not be more grateful, I thank her every time I see her!
Rating:  Summary: Chris Belena is an idiot Review: The reviewer(Chris Belana)that gave this book 5 stars is a moron. Chris Belana is either dishonest, brainwashed, or incredibly stupid. People like Chris Belana always resort to lies and than accuse others of lying. Here's a more sober analysis: What distinguishes Liberals from the cheap-labor conservatives? It's simple. Cheap-labor conservatives believe in social hierarchy, inequality and plutocracy. We believe in democracy, social justice and environmental sustainability.
Rating:  Summary: Hey Liberals!! Run for the Hills! Review: You are going to see a lot of "1-star" reviews for this book, but don't be fooled. Glenn Beck -- whose radio show is out of Philly -- is truthful and honest -- which is why the liberals don't like him. The liberals -- many of them wrote those "1-star" reviews -- are starting to get scared. The liberal's theory is this: You are never going to be any better than what you are. You will always be poor and dependent on your government. You are to stupid to know what is best for you and your family so the gov has to show you the way. The Conservative theory is this: You will be better than what you are, however, you have to work for it, just like everybody else does. You and you alone know what is best for your family and the government has no business running your life. Nobody owes you anything; you owe yourself. Give me that theory any day!!! GREAT BOOK and even better talk show!!!! Liberals beware. The conservatives are going to take this country back!!! You can all go to Cuba and China. LONG LIVE GOD, The AMERICAN FLAG, and JUDGE ROY MOORE!!!
Rating:  Summary: A fairy tale Review: Political correctness, personal responsibility, and fake patriotism. These are the themes of Glenn Beck's book. Beck is a Bush apologist with a hyper sense of new age spirituality. He is pretty funny in an adolescent way and some things he says make sense. But, the subtle and not so subtle references to his right-wing ideology slithers up your spine as you read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but, not good either. Review: I found this book in the nonfiction section of the bookstore. After reading the book, I returned to the bookstore and put all the other copies in the children's section. Not to say that this book was bad, it was just to childish and naive. I like some of the things he has to say about Political correctness and the "noise" that gets in the way of Americans becoming real people. Despite all that, Beck has a one-sided view of life and seems to think that the right isn't as guilty as the left in engaging in PC fascism and contributing to the "noise" that is polluting the political, social, and economic process. After reading this book, it is obvious that Glenn Beck is not a good writer, he seems to be trapped in 6th grade prose, however, it displays a 6th grade level idealism that may be appealing to some grownups who love children. Other than that, this book might not be appealing to the world weary, the learned, and more mature segments of society.
Rating:  Summary: Read the chapter "The Enemy Within" to understand reviews Review: (...). As a Glenn Beck fan I will say that the book is not worth the paper it is written on. Not because there is anything wrong with the thoughts presentend in this book, or the structuring of these thoughts. It is that Glenn Beck loves and is gifted in the medium of radio. The only way to appreciate is in the medium he was born for. The audio book is the only way to purchase this book since you get the nuances and humor the way Mr Beck intended it to be. P.S. If you actually read or listen to this book you (even Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, and the "Stay Puff Marshmellow Man" Micheal Moore) will enjoy what Mr Beck has to say about conservative talk radio. Lawyers will despise what Mr Beck has to say about personnal Responsibility and class action lawsuits. BE A REAL AMERICAN and listen to this audio book.
Rating:  Summary: Whiny liberals leave, we know you can't read anyway!!! Review: Well, the whiny liberals are at it again! They somehow think that we believe they would actually *buy* a book by a conservative talks show host, then *read* the whole book, and then *write* a fair review. Yeah, right! If you are a liberal this book will piss you off to no end because it describes the REAL America that is hidden under all your emotional, socialist, and P.C. crap. This book is a must-read for every American who is concerened about their freedom and desires to live a clean, real life.