Rating:  Summary: Glenn beck is a great American Review: Glenn is a fine American. He stands for all the values of white America. All you negreos and towel heads who gave Glenn one star need to get out of our country. Glenn is a great American and stands up for what he believes in. America was founded by whites and is for whites only. All you demon-crats need to move to russia. God Bless America and no one else.
Rating:  Summary: Corporate [*] Review: Glenn beck are what makes America feel like fascist italy.Enron dictating domestic policy...Haliburton dictation foreign policy. Wars fought for oil...John Ashcroft turning America into a police state... And all the while, we have these filthy scum bags like Glen Beck apologizing for the Bush Crime family.
Rating:  Summary: Moronic Review: Glenn Beck is just another right-wing thug among the parade of rignt-wing scumbags that have been poluting the airwaves.
Rating:  Summary: Glenn Beck is a liar Review: This book is a wonderful book on how to lie. Great for thugs who want to learn the art of lying.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book!! Review: I've been listening to Glenn for about a year now. I attended his final Rally for America in Huntington, WV this past summer. Glenn is someone who loves America. He has an incredible affection for every member of our Armed Forces. I have come to respect his honesty and his sense of humor. His book was just as honest and just as funny. To all those pinheads that gave this book one star, I have some advice for you. READ THE BOOK BEFORE REVIEWING IT!! And for the love of everything holy, get over the 2000 election. This is America, and we are all free to voice our opinions. We are also free to be morons. I'm glad to see that so many people have made use of that freedom. God Bless America And a merry RamaHanuKwanzMas!
Rating:  Summary: Scary Review: Elitist, bordering on racist. Another man who perceives his world as changing for the worse, in comparison to some mythological golden age in which everything was right. I dont know when that existed or what age that would be, but im sure that the near-violent outburts of many regression-minded people (conservatives) prefer to stamp out any expressions of individuality, including the given right to criticize the government. Those who do so do not want to leave, they want to fix what is broken. When complacency of the people sets in, the government is no longer held accountable. The same people who nabbed Nixon and Clinton for their wrong doings must increase their efforts to ensure the power remains in the hands of the people and that their representatives be truly representative in mind and spirit of the people. Conservatives who wish to squash such voices like Moore and Franken are no better than liberals who wish to silence Limbaugh. Whether either is actually "right" is debatable, however the declaration that Moore is a communist or a socialist is ignorant on so many levels, that they really ought to find an unbiased source on what communism and socialism really were. This guy can say whatever he wants and hopefully nobody except poor sales will stop him, but as to his message, i wholeheartdely disagree. P.S. whoever referred to the Republican party as the party of the abolitionists is not correct on a number of levels. First of all, the things each party stands for today differs entirely from those of the day of Lincoln. For example, the Democratic party used to dominate the South and the rural communitiesin votes and ideals, whereas today the Democrats largely gain votes from the North and the urban areas. In other words, the parties have flopped constituencies. Also, the motives of the abolitionists were not neccessarily pure to a man. Some felt that free slave labor kept white men from getting jobs and in fact were themselves racist. Finally, the point is not relevant due to the passage of time and the context of two wholly separate time periods. Keep up to date on your basic history and this won't be a problem in the future i hope.
Rating:  Summary: White Boy World Review: This book is a white boys fantasy. In the hood, we have a different reality and the real America is nothing like what Glenn Beck describes it as. White boyz like Glenn Beck need to go out more and experience what it is really like. He instead has a worldview that is straight from a comic book.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals Are Jerks!!! Review: The moral of the story is that you should do what is right for your country, not, what is right for your political party. Just remember, during the Cival War, who the Abolishionists were.CLUE: it was not the democratic party. People listen to Glenn because he represents the viewpoints of a very broad cross-section of American citizens
Rating:  Summary: Send his opinions to an abortion clinic and fast! Review: Its beginning to look a lot like 1984. If we want a ''developing nation'' we must not live in the past. I think this guy gets off thinking about liberal domination. You know he's a closeted liberal who would love to see the national guard over ran by homosexuals and the Nation of Islam. I do not see how anyone would WANT to read a book with a title like ''The Real America: Messages From The Heart and Heartland'' but I guess "real" Americans do. Dont let this propaganda fool you. In reading this and other books of conservative and liberal hooplah, Im beginning to wonder where our people go for enlightenment. Its interesting to see books like these go on bestseller lists. In that fact, I would like to see everybody think for themselves instead of letting morons like Glenn Beck, Michael Moore, or whoever tell them right from wrong. Now that, my friends, is the humble problem with American society today.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly lightweight and a bit confusing Review: I enjoy Glenn Beck, his show and his message for the most part. But I found this book a little confusing. After a few pages, you get the impression that Beck is a humble and sometimes self-deprecating guy. Yet, he includes a bunch of photos of himself (some with famous people) that really don't have much to do with the book. It smacks of name-dropping. A lot of the book comes across as being lightweight fluff (especially the "chapter" on partisan politics) - why even have a chapter if you're just going to fill it with "blah blah blah blah." Beck oversimplifies some things, and this is probably the worst example. I think he would have done better to make his point in a more intelligent fashion, at least in this instance. On the other hand, not all is lost here. He spins a few heartwarming tales, but there simply aren't enough of these moments to offset the weaker bits. Borrow this one from the library like I did.