Rating:  Summary: A Little disappointed! Review: This is a short book. I read it in just over 2 hours. It reads like it was written over a long weekend. Why so many reviews mention Bobo is odd, since Bobo isn't mentioned in the book. Get over it people, it was just a cheap publicity stunt to sell books that got the results Glenn wanted - along with an incredible amount of incomprehensible PETA fury. Too bad he had to come up with that feeble "lesson" at the last minute to try to justify it. Nevertheless there is nothing un-Beck like here. Anyone who has listened to his talk show has heard it before. Unlike Rush, Hannity, and Savage, Glenn isn't weighed down by the far rightwing ideology that makes the other yappers sound so stupid, he actually makes sense, especially when he discusses moral issues. Though I still can't understand his continual admiration of the Bush cabal - I think he will eventually see what a bunch of insane hypocrites they are and just how incompetent GWB is - but I still understand what he hopes for America and the future of our country, and I couldn't agree more, we just disagree on how to get there. To those idiots who reviewed this book and criticized his "fifties" view of what family should be, too bad you weren't really paying attention to the message, which is that today we are moving in a direction that no longer has any respect for the kind of family life that was the backbone of how this country became the most amazingly wonderful place to grow up in. Love, then marriage, then children is still, and always has been the best enviornment to raise and teach children to be good, moral and decent people. Sometimes, oddly, change is not always progress. Think about it!
Rating:  Summary: Gotcher bedwettin' liberal whinin' R-I-I-I-I-I-IGHT here!!! Review: I laughed, I cried. I laughed till I cried, I cried till I coughed. I coughed till I puked. I puked till, oh, I don't know, at least 3:30 am. Then I laughed again - no, wait - let's see, laughed/cried/coughed/puked... or was it puked then coughed???? No matter - Glenn's book is a 5 Star tour-de-force of bodily functions.One more thing, before my head explodes - if I read one more (serious) review from some idiot expressing their disgust at Glenn's "tactics" for trying to sell his book, or that I should go to a local animal shelter so I'll realize killing dogs isn't a joke, I'm gonna.... ARRRRRGHHH!!! Quick, pass the duct tape!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, as an avid listener who never misses a minute of any of Glenn's broadcasts, I can honestly say, "Who the hell is BoBo???"
Rating:  Summary: Great book Glenn... Review: Don't listen to all of these left wing bigoted hatemongers with one star reviews who obviously didn't even read the book. They obvously have no repect for human life and would like to see the judges force the death of Terri Schindler-Schiavo. They have no respect for human life! If you like the show you'll like the book. God Bless.
Rating:  Summary: Glenn BOULDERS Review: To say this book 'rocks' just doesn't give it the credit it deserves.... boulders is more accurate. Glenn once again uses his wit and insight to drill down and give the nitty gritty on a topic....and, of course, he's right!! A must read.... REALLY!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Real America Review: This is a great book. I've always liked Glen Beck's radio show but now I have even more respect for him. He explains what he belives and why. He doesn't preach he just tells what he thinks and why. Great guy.
Rating:  Summary: Does Amazon censor these reviews? Review: What Glenn Beck represents is free speech on non-pc topics like: -Why are pols looking away from illegal immigration that is destroying our country (or not - make your argument) -the use of charges of racism as a war against white people in the US etc. OK - I posted a critique on Amazon of a pc book about Islam that portrayed Islam as a misunderstood, peace-loving religion, as I remember. My review was pulled after a few days due to back-room censoring. What an eye-opener! Anyway, what I am saying is that Beck and his ilk are our white knights tilting at a fortress of leftist schemes carried out by the schools, the demonrats, the media, and yes, the republocrats. Now we sit and neither Bush nor the demoncats say or do anything about our borders, our poor, our loss of jobs, the collapse of our economy. Go Beck! Lets get ugly!
Rating:  Summary: #1 New York Times Bestselling Author loved this book Review: I've never written an online review for any book--even one of my own. But reading Glenn's new book was a wonderful roller coaster ride--from laughing out loud to silently weeping. If you only read one chapter, please read chapter two. I honestly wish every American--especially High School students--would read that chapter. It's only 31 pages long but gives one of life's most profound lessons. You may not agree with all that Glenn says in this book. Probably some of what he says will infuriate you. But Chapter Two is worth its weight in gold.
Rating:  Summary: Very Bad book Review: This is a poorly written book, which is why it fell off of the best seller list. His writing is elementar. If the font wasn't so big, and it was spaced so big, it would only be about 30 pages long. I cannot recommend this book. If you want to read it just go to your local book store, buy a coffee and sit for about 30-45 mins a read it.
Rating:  Summary: Bobo story Review: I loved Glenn's book. Now about Bobo. Bobo was not a joke, it was a lesson. It is just too bad that some people are unable to learn. It was meant to show that people will rally around the life of an animal, but fail to rally around the life of a human being. Are not human's as important as animals? There is a woman who's husband is trying to take away her feeding tube so that she will die. Her name is Terri Schiavo. Her husband insists that she is in a coma, yet she responds to the nurses and her parents when they are in her room. He has refused to allow her to have any kind of therapy. At the present time he is living with another woman and they have a child together. I don't know how much he is paying the judge on the case, but the judge is agreeing with the husband even though there is testimony to the contrary from many people. Why don't all you people who are so excited about saving a make believe dog, get on the bandwagon for Terri Schiavo. Maybe you could really make a difference in someones life like Glenn has made a difference in so many lives.
Rating:  Summary: Great read for everyone, conservative and liberal alike Review: The best thing about Glenn (besides his talent as an entertainer) is that he will make you think. Whatever your political views are, and whether you will end up in agreement with him or not, Beck presents ideas that will challenge you to think and examine your own views. In my opinion, those who don't challenge their views every so often (even if they don't wind up changing them) aren't growing as people. So if you want to be entertained and intellectually stimulated, check out this book. Plus its funny.