Rating:  Summary: An outstanding book by an upstanding man. Review: Glenn Beck is a premier example of a thoughtful and compassionate conservative who cares deeply for the glorious country that brought him up and can not only admit it but also can defend it with the fervor that it deserves. Beck's Real America is the America that far too many people have been raised to believe is hackneyed - the love of mom, apple pie and the stars and stripes waving in the breeze over a summer baseball game. If you love your country you'll love this book.WARNING: Since Glenn Beck's radio program and book can convert liberals into conservatives - a traumatic psychological metamorphosis that I've literally seen with my own eyes - I recommend that liberals listen and read in short doses of perhaps ten minutes no more than three times a week. If you find yourself agreeing with Glenn, discontinue listening and reading immediately and reread your Michael Moore collection. On the other hand, if you want to feel a genuine love for your country and learn to stop hating yourself, increase the dosage slowly over time. And, uh... Buy this book. Bobo
Rating:  Summary: Responsibility. Faithful Insight. Happy Enlightenment. Review: I've read all of the 1-Star reviews. It's sad that those that write these have so much hate for conservatives, repulicans or others who don't share your political views. If you must attack, attack policy, not principles. Glenn is the kind of guy you just want to go and have lunch with so you can sit and pick his brain. With his from-the-heart sincerity and mind of a true teacher he opens our eyes to the true American life of the past and the hope we can have for the future. Glenn has inspired me to be a better parent, a better husband and a better friend. Listen and learn from this man and you to can become a Real American. We can learn to be good people without political correctness, and WITH personal accountability. It's all about common sense, shame and love. Things we have somehow lost over time that we must now revisit. Glenn opens our eyes to all these things and does it with a stellar sense of humor and a supporting cast of brilliance. Read/Listen-to Glenn's book with an open mind and open heart. It's pure, real, heartfelt, thought provoking education. I'm what you call a Glenn Beck insider. I pay $8/mo to hear Glenn give insite into life, advice, personal experiences, hope, love, family, morality, responsibility, politics and money. It's the best $96/yr I could spend. Glenn gives bang for your buck. I recommend you read this book, listen to the show and check out his website http://www.glennbeck.com. It's changed my life for the better and can do so for you.
Rating:  Summary: Number of Reviews Review: Noticed Saun Hannity's Amazon book review site has over 350 reviews in the first week the book was released vs. 162 in several months since Glenn Beck released his book. Interesting comparison.
Rating:  Summary: I dont get it Review: (...)This was a great book it tells how he dealt with the many different problems that he has faced in his live. One of them being alcoholism and the book talks about many other different topics. he has a dream to make America as good as it was years ago.
Rating:  Summary: unfunny and cheaply made Review: Beck is just a rightwing version of every unfunny disc jockey that you've had to endure on an FM station. And this book is as bad his show. I had it removed from our waiting room when I saw just how bigoted it was. Beck attacks anyone who disagrees with him as not being a "real american". avoid at all costs
Rating:  Summary: Not bad for a talk show host, but do we need another? Review: Glenn Beck seems like a decent guy. As a conservative talk radio guy he is not not a homophobe or a racist, which means he may not last long with the Clear Channel radio network which already has Hannity, Rush, and Coulter in it's stable. Clear Channel likes their conservatives angry and abrasive, so Beck might be the odd man out. I hope he lands on his feet. Beck may have more intelligence and talent than the others, but he is utterly lacking in originality. I've caught his show a few times while travelling and it's clear that he's ripping off Phil Hendrie's schtick. Phil knows about this and to his credit (Phil is Clear Channel's token moderate liberal) he's pretty cool about it. Anyway, if it weren't for Phil Hendrie then Beck would still be writing ad copy. I gave Beck's book a skim at Hastings. It's certainly better writing than O'Reilly, Hannity, and Coulter. On that basis I'm tempted to give him three stars, but lets face it: when it comes right down to it the world has too many radio jock authors. These guys earn six figures to sit on their ass and vent their spleen. Do I want lessons in life from a guy like that? Beck isn't even a star or anything, so I assume the only reason he has a book on the shelves is because the media wing of the Republican party is trying to prime the minions for the November elections (Hmm, maybe Beck's book will help win the critical Rust Belt states if we put "Heartland" in the title). Anyway, in this book we have all about Glenn becoming a mormon and Glenn recovering from alcoholism, and other touching homilies. It may be inspirational for some but if you are looking to a conservative radio jock for wisdom and inspiration then you have the kind of issues that Glenn Beck could never help you with.
Rating:  Summary: Hastily Written Review: Glenn Beck is a talented and quite frankly, hilarious radio talk show host. Though I lived in the Midwest, I had never heard of him until I was on a road trip and heard him on the radio completely by chance. Since then I have started listening to his radio program on a pay site he has over the Internet. However, Beck's radio talents do nothing for his writing talents. When I first started reading this book, I couldn't believe how bad it was. Most of Beck's thoughts are incoherent, he tries humor and fails, and he is just overall unable to put his thoughts to paper very well. Later, towards the end of the book, Beck gives an explanation as to why the book is below par when he tells his readers that he wrote the book quickly while on a road trip. He pumped out this book in the back of a car. It was finished quickly, hastily, and it shows. To say that this was a disappointing revelation is obvious. You'd think Glenn Beck would have some respect for his readers. He should've taken the time to write this book well. He didn't. I like Glenn Beck, I like his radio program, but the stuff he felt fit to print was unfortunate. His story of his alcoholism was honest but lacked feeling. His thoughts on big business, partisan politics, and Hollywood were unmemorable. His ideals of what a real America should be weren't thought out. Even the story of how he found religion was a bit freakish. He became a Mormon because he was always surrounded by Mormons and they were always good people. He completely avoids discussing the Book of Mormon or their habits about baptizing dead people. I would think that picking a religion for yourself and your family would be a reasonable process. To his credit, towards the end of the book his writing started to come together a little, and it was more enjoyable. Overall, I'd give it two and half stars, but I'll raise it up to 3 stars for a conservative who will hopefully and has the ability to write a good book in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Amazon's inability to filter reviews. Review: It's unfortunate that Amazon is unable to filter out drivel that adds nothing to this list of reviews. Critical reviews such as, "Glenn sucks." are taken as fact; much akin to your average CNN reporter letting any of your typical liberals say that Bush lied to a national audience. Glenn Beck prides himself on being of conservative mind first, and beholden to a political party second. His radio show is one place to get this veiwpoint, and his book is another. If even half of the reviewers here, would actually read Glenn's book, they would see that it's about Self-empowerment and not about any sort of Republican doctrine. His book underlines the fact that in the USA, you can do anything that you set your heart to. There is opportunity for everyone. Of course, close minded is one thing that Libs claim conservatives are, when there are probably more conservatives that have read Hillary or Michael Moore's book than there are Liberals that even picked up Glenn's book before coming here to spew their nonsense. It just goes to show: Conservatives say, "I'll believe it when I see it." Liberals say, "I'll see it when I believe it."
Rating:  Summary: It'll make you think Review: I enjoyed the majority of the book. Glenn Beck makes you think about where we've come from, and where we're going. He shows us America is still the land of opportunity, and anyone can pull themselves up from the bootstraps . . . again. There were things that challenged me in my own life and I'm a better person for reading this book. I don't agree with Glenn's religion (Mormonism). If you've listened to his show (which I do), you probably wouldn't have guessed that he was a Mormon. He's not your typical talk show host . . . and you come away knowing that he does love America and all it stands for. Read it, be challenged, make a difference !
Rating:  Summary: Wow..this is amazing!! Liberals are out to destroy.. Review: Let me start by saying that 3 years ago I was independant, but leaned toward Democrats. My father is a democrat and I usually let him handle the political stuff and just agreed with whatever he said. He hated Bush senior, Reagan, and our latest president. He use to always tell me that someday people will see that Bill Clinton was the greatest president. I was never much into talk radio. One day my brother told me that I had to listen to this guy Glenn Beck, because he was real funny. So I turned on his show and listened for a couple of days. I got Glenn's sarcasm from the beginning and couldn't stop laughing when he would tell some idiot off on the phone. I am an Auto Technician and my radio is locked on Glenn every morning. At first, the guys that I work with, got mad at me for listening to talk radio. Now, they listen to him too. I decided to come in here and check on the reviews of Glenn's book. It amazes me how many liberals are out to destroy a good, decent American. I have read all of this book and thought it made a lot of sense and was funny. There are people in here who use hateful words to describe their thought of Glenn and his beliefs, but not saying anything about his book. People, take your hate someplace else. This hate is why the liberals are on a downward spiral. I am still an independant, and will always be one. I believe that the right man for the job should get the job. If there is a D or R in front of his name shouldn't matter. This partisan politics is BS. Don't let your beliefs in life be swayed because you only vote straight Democrat or Republican. My father still votes straight Democrat tickets. I love my dad, but that is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. What you are saying is that you don't care if the man is a convicted murderer or wants all people with sicknesses killed. If he is a Democrat, then you are voting for him. How can people think this way? If you read Glenn's book, then you will find that he is not a die hard Republican. Glenn and Joe Liberman use to be friends. The problem was when Joe Liberman started changing who he was and his beliefs just to be vice president. Don't change your beliefs to fit your world. Change your world to fit your beliefs. He should have ran the campaign as Joe Liberman and not as Al Gore's running mate. People, let's try to put the hatred aside and stand up for what we believe in.