Rating:  Summary: Knowledge is Power Review: Behold a Pale Horse is definitely not a book to curl up on the couch with on a Sunday afternoon. The topics William Cooper discusses will very likely keep you reading late into the night. There are two types of people in the world: those who want to know who exactly is controlling whom, and those who are more comfortable taking things at face value. I will say up front that I didn't believe everything I read in this book, such as some of the references about UFOs. What really disturbed me was the theory of the true intent of the government. Cooper's account of what the government is capable of in times of heightened alert is extremely relevant now. It is important to keep in mind that this book was published before the attack on the World Trade Center because the US is finding itself in exactly the position Cooper predicted. Whether or not you think you might agree with the information in this book, I recommend any book written by someone who was killed for the purpose of silencing him or her. Be an informed citizen and know what your government is capable of.
Rating:  Summary: BORN TO BE WILD. . . Review: Outside of the books by COMMANDER X (such as MIND STALKERS, UNDERGROUND ALIEN BASES, and SECRET TECHNOLOGIES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER) I don't know of a conspiracy author who has received so much attention for their views.Unlike, Commander X however, Cooper did not keep a low profile. He was - as they say -- in your face at all times, always controversial, aways "on the edge."Unfortunately, there is probably a lot we will never know about the life -- AND DEATH -- of this mavrick individual who never refused a dare. When Cooper said something in his book or on his radio show people stood up and took notice. PALE HORSE is a good read, though there is a lot it doesn't cover in its some 500 pages. For those seeking more timely information on Cooper's belief patterns read PALE HORSE, but also obtain the just published book by Commander X titled WILLIAM COOPER:DEATH OF A CONSPIRACY SALESMAN. It has just been added to the Amazon site and should be added to any good library on Cooper and conspiacy theories in general.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the weak... Review: This book is intended for those who want to stop living in a FANTASY world and begin the journey into the sad REALITY which is life under a conspiracy. Say what you want about UFO's, the Kennedy assasination, etc....this man has PUBLISHED PROOF of the shady underpinings of the US government. Read this if you want the TRUTH. ITS FREEDOM TIME...LETS GET FREE
Rating:  Summary: A must read!!! Review: Let me start this review with the truth about Bill's death. Milton William Cooper (58) was shot and killed by deputies of the Apache County (Arizona) Sheriff's Office while they were attempting to serve an arrest warrant for aggravated assault and endangerment on Nov. 5, 2001. I won't go into any further details, since the reader can find more information on the web - and some of it is even RIGHT!!!His death on "unrelated" charges is most interesting to me. Were those charges just a way to shut him up and discredit him at the same time? Did the sheriff's office go to his home that evening with the intent of getting their man dead and not alive? While I don't have any proof about this, it does stir my imagination. There are two things to keep in mind while reading this that will help you absorb the information inside his book. 1) This book was published in 1991. You'll understand the significance of that date as he accurately predicts events that have come to pass! 2) Disregard all of the instances where he talks about "alien" U.F.O.'s, moon bases, and other extraterrestrial issues. He later said that all such documents he saw while in Naval Intelligence on those issues were false information to mislead the reader. Let's start the review! INTRODUCTION FOREWORD 1) SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS A reprint of a document found in a IBM copier bought at a surplus sale. In short this document is a blue print for controlling a population. Some have claimed that it's a fake. If it's a fake then someone went to great lengths to draft such a insightful document - but why? 2) SECRET SOCIETIES AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER A good introduction to secret societies like the Freemasons, Jason Group, Trilateral Commission, CFR, and the Illuminati. On page 72 he accurately predicted that the Galileo spacecraft was going to crash into Jupiter in an attempt to ignite its atmosphere! (Anyone out there remember 2010 and what happened to Jupiter in that movie?) 3) OATH OF INITIATION OF AN UNIDENTIFIED SECRET ORDER You'll have to decide for yourself if you want to believe this oath. 4) SECRET TREATY OF VERONA A sample of how Monarchs use treaties to regain their crowns. 5) GOOD-BY USA, HELLO NEW WORLD ORDER Plans for the suspension of the Constitution and the role of Mt. Weather in bringing it about. 6) H.R. 7049 & FEMA After reading this chapter you won't doubt the real purpose of FEMA. 7) ANTI-DRUG ABUSE ACT OF 1988 An excellent example of how congress (which is the opposite of progress!) passes legislation which on the surface seems to be reasonable, but under the surface it's really an attempt to suspend due proses, trail by jury, and bring about a police state! 8) ARE THE SHEEP READY TO SHEER? It covers an Oklahoma law that requires residents of that state to declare to the tax collector every piece of property that they own! A good way for the government to know what you own - especially guns! 9) ANATOMY OF AN ALLIANCE A discussion about population control and various attempts to decrease the world's population. On page 168 he reveals the origins of AIDS (H.B. 15090) and how it was spread by vaccine. How international wars are created for population control. 10) LESSONS FROM LITHUANIA A short (two page) but excellent article by Neal Knox on gun control. 11) COUP DE GRACE A transcript of a conversation between Bill and Randall Terpstra, who was a radioman and crypto operator in the U.S. Navy. They discuss how Nixon was forced to resign by the U.S. military, U.F.O.'s, "Operation Majority," and so on. 12) THE SECRET GOVERNMENT He discusses a lot about aliens and U.F.O.'s in this chapter. On page 215 he reveals the truth about the assassination of J.F.K. How Prozac is used along with hypnosis and mind control techniques to motivate people to commit mass shootings in order to disarm the public. 13) TREASON IN HIGH PLACES An article on how treaties can be used to erode the sovereignty of the U.S.A. 14) A PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL MODEL FOR THE NEWSTATES OF AMERICA A reprint of a proposed socialist constitution by the Center for Democratic Studies. It's hard to believe that $25,000,000 was spent on this trash. 15) PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION Is this document really the protocols of the Illuminati? Read it and decide for yourself. 16) THE STORY OF JONATHAN MAY A 26 page story about what happens when someone challenged the Fed money system. 17) DOCUMENTATION: U.S. ARMY INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION WITH SATANIC CHURCH The title is self-explanatory. APPENDIXES A) WILLIAM COOPER'S MILITARY RECORD B) UFOs AND AREA 51 C) ALIEN IMPLANTS D) AIDS E) NEW WORLD ORDER F) U.S. GOVERNMENT DRUG INVOLVEMENT G) KURZWEIL vs. HOPKINS
Rating:  Summary: Pure Entertainment Review: No matter how outlandish some of his claims are, He has a reasonable explanation to back it up. I wonder how good of a screenwriter or novelist this guy could have been. But what makes this book so good is he actually believes alot of the stuff he's saying. Now some of the theories are quite interesting and pose good moral questions, While others are so black helicopter x-file like that you just have to laugh. So whether you are a cynic or a believer, It is a good read regardless. Great book.
Rating:  Summary: ITs True Review: In this book youll probley only read the first chapter. youll either think its fake or will be to freaked out to read any more but just to let you know this guys whole family was killed for wrighting this book. Also the publisher was klilled. The man who wrote this was in the service for 30 sumtin yrs. ITS TRUE!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Bill Cooper Was Clinically Insane. Review: He should have been institutionalized for his own safety and the safety of others. He made numerous threats against respected academic researchers and heavily exagerated claims of his own first hand knowledge on these matters, especially regarding Majestic 12. He was also connected to the extreme right-wing, anti-tax movement, though he was not an official member of any militia. Not only did most abduction researchers shun anything he said, but even former associate Bob Lazar (the discredited Area 51/S-4 guy) distanced himself from Cooper. The man became increasingly unstable and by the end was wanted by the U.S. Marshalls on felony charges. On 11/5/2001, police attempted to serve an unrelated warrant against him for assault and endangerment. He opened fire and shot one of them in the head. The remaining deputies returned fire and killed Cooper.
Rating:  Summary: Behold a Pale Horse Review: He's dead billionaire2010. I think it's important for people to know that William Copper was killed recently in a very strange incident. Shortly after 9/11, Police shot him in the head in his front lawn. ??? Check it out!
Rating:  Summary: What a Joke!! Review: Im sorry, but this book is stupid. It has no real evidence to support anything he writes about, and if it was all true I dont think our government would let him write a book on it. William Cooper is a nerd.
Rating:  Summary: Bottom Line Review: Simply put, anyone who considers themselves a real American or patriot MUST read this book. This will open your eyes to what really is going on out there. The skeptics are all part of the problem. The few that try and speak their minds about the truth are viewed as the "crazies." Everyone needs to get together, read this book and reclaim what is rightfully ours.