Rating:  Summary: Whoa. What an eye-opener. Review: A good hard no-punches-pulled look at why some relationships work and what makes others fail miserably. The detailed "compatibility quiz" alone forced me to think more seriously than ever before about what I want and need and how much I'm willing to compromise on those things. And the section on "fatal flaws" should be required reading starting in junior high. The only reason I'm giving this a 9 instead of a 10 is because despite the friendly tone and solid advice, the book itself is just plain hard to read -- it jumps from plain text to bold to italics to all caps to various combinations thereof, sometimes all in the same paragraph. The designer should be shot.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING! THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR THE FEARFUL HEARTED! Review: WOE! TALK ABOUT FORCING ONE TO BE HONEST WITH HERSELF/HIMSELF! Barbara writes with an uncommon quantity of wisdom, helping the reader to objectively evaluate practically everything that could become a problem in a developing or potential relationship. However, she also gives the reader the tools to evaluate whether or not a potential mate will produce MINIMAL problems in a serious relationship; in effect, readers will know if someone is suitable for them or not. Some readers may not even have to reach the end of this book before making that all important decision to continue, or not continue, with that person. Barb uses some "harsh" language, but does not get out of hand by using a profane style of writing. The harsh words she uses are harsh only because they are real. Also, as a traditional and religious reader, I find it difficult to appreciate some of the advice this book gives, like premarital sex, to try someone on, and see if he or she fits. (Religious or traditional readers will want to have their principles "in tact" before reading this book, lest they feel tempted to "give in".) However, this book should be required reading for all people ever planning to get married. Only because this book was not written from a traditional standpoint did it receive only a 9. Otherwise, this book is a sure 10, out of 10.
Rating:  Summary: Find out why you've loved who you loved, and who you should! Review: I'm not big on pop psychology; I guess I have a tendency to mistrust things that are that accessible and acceptable to the masses. I figure if it's so great for THEM, it must be lacking something for ME (being the superior individual that I am (!), of course).But seriously, I was going through a particularly troubling time in my life...trying to figure out if I wanted to stay in a less-than-satisfying marriage, and I was looking for answers wherever I could find them. "Are You the One for Me" was a title that was just too appropriate to pass up. Got the book, and I really didn't want to admit it, but this Barbara De Angelis, she's GOOD. She helped me understand what it is I'd been up to, helped me focus on what my priorities SHOULD be, and helped me feel more confident about facing the future...with - or without- a significant someone. So I made my decision about my marriage, and now I find myself picking up the book time and time again, 'cause I figure I have the rest of my life to look forward to, and anything that can help me clarify things in this area (since I did SUCH a great job the first time around!) is good. And this is more than good. This one is imperative.
Rating:  Summary: Teaches you how to look inward for better relationships Review: Whenever anyone tells me that there are no "good men" or "good women" out there, I generally reccommend this book. Usually relationships are an exact reflection of how you feel about yourself. This book has not only helped me but many of my friends identify why their past relationships didn't work and how to move forward into new and more fulfilling partnerships
Rating:  Summary: what my mom didn't teach me.... Review: but should have. this like a dose of common sense. from the FIVE DEADLY MYTHS ABOUT LOVE to the SIX QUALITIES TO LOOK FOR IN A PARTNER. why couldn't i have read this before i stumbled into bad relationships!? gentle reader, it is not too late for you. listen to Dr. DeAngelis
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic book Review: This book should be prerequisite reading for anyone in a relationship or contemplating a relationship. Written with wisdom, insight and humor, Barbara DeAngelis explains why relationships do and don't work, and provides CONCRETE suggestions and a number of checklists to HONESTLY evaluate your potential mate without the stardust in your eyes
Rating:  Summary: Before you make another mistake, read this! Review: An insightful book which makes the reader take a
hard look at past and current relationships, including understanding your past choices, and avoiding making the same mistakes again. Written exercises are smattered
throughout, so have a pencil and notebook ready. You'll
come away feeling better educated and prepared to find Mr.
or Miss Right, or you'll know it's right to dump that not-
so-perfect-for-you someone.
Rating:  Summary: Six tries to Mr. Right/The One Review: If I have the facts correct, Ms. De Angelis is on husband number 6. If so, then "The One" is actually number six. Her third husband was apparently John Gray of Mars and Venus fame, while husband number 2 was the late magician Doug Henning, and of course, there is her first marriage at 17. Maybe my facts are wrong, but if not, I wonder how valuable this book is.
According to the Rick Ross Institute research site: Ms. De Angelis also recieved a Ph.D. from California Pacific University, an institution that was shut down by the State of California's Attorney General's Office. Reason: A degree mill. California Pacific University was never accredited as an academic institution. Although accreditation does not mean that the theories isn't valuable, this raises a bit of a credibility question in the light of multiple marriages.
Rating:  Summary: If you're not open to change, forget this book... Review: This book is a wonderful exercise in learning about yourself and why you choose the partners you choose. After my last unsatisfying two-year relationship fizzled, I took the responsibility to figure out what what I was doing to attract all the wrong men (i.e., giving so much for so little return). Initially, after the break-up I spent a year dating without a "guide" thinking I just needed to meet the right one -- but how are you supposed to meet the right one when you don't know who the right one is? Just wanting someone faithful and honest is not enough to guide you. During that time, I found Dr. De Angelis' book and started doing the the different exercises. By the time I read the book and did the exercises, I more or less had a list of traits I NEEDED in a man (things I wasn't willing to compromise on). It was a painful process to realize the man I thought I loved before was so fundamentally wrong for me. I wanted to try and read into his bad behavior that he really care and that Dr. De Angelis was a multi-divorced individual who couldn't possibly be a role-model-and-what-did-she-know-anyway?? I made excuses so I could justify to myself to stay in this bad relationship. Well, fast forward nine years: I have been with the same man continuously for almost eight years and have been married for nearly three years. By the time I met my husband I knew exactly what I was looking for, and lo and behold if he didn't hit every single mark on the list. This isn't to say we didn't have problems, because we certainly have, but I entered into this relationship knowing that I had someone willing to work as hard as I was to make our relationship work. And for once I have a man who makes our relationship Priority One (above work, family and even kids) because we both know that if our relationship isn't strong we can't help anyone else. For those out there with a negative attitude about this book -- and they were mostly from people already in bad relationships -- I just want to say, the point of this book is to create an awareness of the common warning signs of a bad relationship so you don't get into one to begin with. Too late for some, I guess.
Rating:  Summary: Barbara is a Godsend! Review: I have read several of Barbara's books, and they have all been very helpful. The insights that she provides into the workings of relationships and the human mind are easy to understand yet powerful and potentially life-changing!
Some readers have criticized her because she has had several failed relationships, but she has learned from those failures and from the people she has counseled, which I think makes her much better suited to give advice! Her books are very straightforward, even a little simplistic, but they will help you see patterns in your life and learn what you can do to make changes for the better. This book is for anyone who's been through not-right or almost-right relationships and wants to understand why things didn't work and how to choose better the next time. A great book for both women and men. If more people would stop and take this advice into consideration, they could save themselves a lot of heartache.
A note: Many of Barbara's books overlap one another, sometimes with whole passages repeated verbatim from one book to another. For instance, I read this book followed by her book "The Real Rules" and found the second book to basically be a watered-down version of this one. Get this book and you'll be in good shape. Women, I also recommend "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know." Men might even benefit from that book; it reveals some great insights about why men do the things they do, and even my usually stubborn ex admitted that most of it was dead-on.
Basically, you can't go wrong with Barbara! Her books are super cheap and are packed with great advice. Do yourself a favor and check them out!