Rating:  Summary: Family Physician recommends to patients Review: As a Family Physician, particularly with a special interest in mental health, I recognize that relationships are a key factor in a person's health. This book teaches people what to look for and who to be - so the person you find doesn't need you to change.
Rating:  Summary: Incompetent Review: Dear Mrs DeAngelis, I just finished your book and would like to tell you how I feel about it. You are smart however, to capitilize and reap monetary rewards from the ever changing dynamics of relationships, and Im sure you reached your financial goals...but as far as helping people out, you are and will always be in poverty. Relationships are forever changing, but there is one fact that does not change and that Marriage is foever and that if you truly love your partner you can overcome any obsatcle and have a fullfilling, happy coexistance. It is to easy to get divorced, seperated or reach for "greener grass" when life gives you problems in our relationships. Weak minded people when reading your book will fall into many categories you have written about, but the ones that have their head on straight and know what the term marriage and committment mean will have no trouble in seeing that you are a lonley, desperate person looking for some sort of recognition. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that everthing that happens to and in our relationships, have some hidden meaning...mabey incompatibility or fatal flaws or what ever you fell like writing about at the time. If you think for one moment that there are people in relationships that are happy, in love and full of marriage bliss you are mistaken. Marriage is a series of ups and downs, and like the tide love ebbs and flows constantly. It is in this down time or the times when something doesnt feel right in our relationship that we need to remember what marriage is all about. Our committment to each other, the qualities of our mate that attracted us in the first place and most impotantly recognizing that relationships change and that we have made a lifelong committment to our mate and we must always make it work. If people pick up your book without these important values instilled in them, then it would be easy to find reasons to move on. I suggest you speak to peolpe that have had succsessful long-term relationships and ask them why it worked for them.. The answer is....Committment to the institution of marriage and never giving up on the one you love. Love always and happily married 42 years Tuk.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good If A Little Too Wordy!!! Review: The author covers everything you would need to consider when searching for that special someone. Most of it is just commonsense, but I know that commonsense usually goes on holiday to some remote part of our brain when we "fall in love." If you want to make sure you cover all the bases in your search for love, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: BARBARA IS THE KEY, BUT THEN YOU NEED A MAP TO GET THERE... Review: Ms. D does have good quizzes and case histories to help you through the relationship pitfalls, but sometimes the problems go deeper than mere "communication" or sexual styles. Sometimes the cultural upbringing has a lot to do with it, like w/ the "in-law" section, for example. A White woman might approach her daughter-in-law differently than a Black Woman would, because of different societal and cultural expectations of their sons, and on it goes. I know she couldn't possibly touch on everything, but to dig deeper into the different upbringings, rules, etc., would've been more helpful, becuase all of that shades the relationship somehow. This book, however, is a great start.
Rating:  Summary: If you want things better, read Barbara Review: As typical of Barbara DeAngelis' work, she has an insight to guide you as you evaluate your relationships and yourself. The book presents to you questions you should be asking and knowing. Then it is up to you to decide whether to put it to good use. If you are ready to make life better, then open your mind and learn. She puts forth the very questions you don't want to ask, but need to. I have attended several of Barbara's workshops a few years back and enjoy her books and tapes as a boost to what I learned. My quality of life has turned around and I no longer view myself as a victim. In this book, she guides me when I have questions and forces me to be honest with myself about my relationship. Not about who is right or wrong, but how it can work for or against my needs. This lady has more engery and love than anyone I ever met. She deeply cares and gives 100% of herself; and the only thing she wants is that you have the love in your life you want and deserve. One thing she taught me: when what you are hearing isn't comfortable, it is probably the thing you need to listen to the most. Keep up the good work and thank you for caring and wanting to share love. Keep making love work.
Rating:  Summary: Owner's manual for your relationships! Never be hurt again ! Review: What if I told you would never be hurt again in a relationship if you read this book? It is that informative. I have been able to distinguish between who is meant for me and who is not. The book offers great advise and tests you can take about yourself, your current relationship and past relationships. I highly recommend it !
Rating:  Summary: This book is a bit much..... Review: This book aggravated me. Barbara De Angelis list all of these "flaws" and "red flags" to look for in a potential and/or current mate, however, did any of you take a moment to apply them to yourselves. If you were to follow what Ms. De Angelis recommends in this book, you wouldn't find anybody (if you're single) or you'd break up with or divorce anyone you were in a relationship with. Everyone has a little bit of those "fatal flaws" in them. This book just made me feel like the person in your life should be perfect (or somewhat close to perfect...in her mind, someone who scores an 80 or better). You can't put a score on compatability, it has to come naturally. This book should NOT be read by those who do not have the ability to think for themselves. Go with your heart and how you feel. Learn to recognize warning signs....through experience...not by a book. I don't know about you, but I can pretty much detect when someone has an anger problem or a drinking problem. Not recommended...period.
Rating:  Summary: gives wonderful insight to the self Review: WOW! More than a book it is a tool! and it is a bout time! I have highly reccommeneded this book to my friends, Most of them have read and enjoyed and practiced it. My self included of course
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK IS GREAT!!!!! Review: This book helped me to realize why I have been dating/choosing the wrong men. Before you get into another relationship, or if you are already in one and wondering how you can tell if that person is the one, READ THIS BOOK FIRST. This book did not sugar coat your answers. Some of them were painful to understand. I realized that I needed to understand my choices. And once you understand why, then you have power. Knowledge is power. I can not stress how much reading this book has changed my life. Thank you Barbara.
Rating:  Summary: Gosh darned useful! Review: If a person were to read just one relationship/self help/self knowledge book, boy, I'd have to hope it'd be this one. There were some, "Ouch! I resemble that remark" moments for me working through this book, but the results were well worth it. Thank you, Ms. De Angelis.