Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Exciting! Review: This story takes place a long time ago in a mexican fishing village near a gulf. Natives live near the shore and are pearl divers. They use canoes and dive with no technical equiptment. The divers houses are made of brush and other natural materials. The rest of the village is made of adobe bricks and mud.In this book, there are three important charectors. They are a family and their names are Kino, Juana, and Coyotito. Kino is a young man that is strong and fierce. His skin is dark and he is stubborn. He is also very brave. He is married to a lovely young woman named Jauna, who is wise and stubborn. She is very brave and optomistic. She has darkened skin and long dark hair. She loves her baby Coyotito. Coyotito is a baby who is newly born, but very tough. He is very intelligent also. All these charectors make one happy family. Kino, the fisherman finds the pearl of the world, but the pearl owners won't give him a high enough price. He knows that its worth a lot of money, so he decides to go to a nearby village to sell it. The pearl buyers try to steal it from him in a fight, but he accidentally kills one. They have to set out on foot across the land to escape the law. When they leave, the pearl buyers hire two trackers to follow them and take the pearl. When the family reaches a mountain, they find a place to hide in a cave. Kino attacks the trackers and the pearl buyer, taking the rifle and killing them all. Sadly, the rifle fires and shoots of the poor baby Coyotito's head. When the family returns home, they throw the pearl back into the sea. I think the moral of this story is bad things can come from good things. It proves the people that think wealth can erase all problems, wrong. I think thats what Stienbeck was trying to get across. The things that I like about Steinbeck's work is that it proves a point plainly and doesn't say what is already apparent. He wrote so that people could understand him and he made his stories interesting. What I dislike, is that he used lots of discription, too much actually. Also, I don't like how the baby is killed. Comparing to other books I rate this a 4 out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: The Pearl by John Steinbeck Review: I recommend this book to all readers because it was a good story and it was a exampel of how people can be with power. this book was not a dificult book to read i could under stand most of the words they werent to dificult to understand the grammer.
Rating:  Summary: the pear Review: I would recommend this book to kids and students to read this book. Because its a advanture and sad story its explains how todays people are with to much power. I liked this book also because it was easy to under stand and read i dint have to much trubel to under stand some of the word the book had.
Rating:  Summary: A Book That Disheartens Your Soul Review: "The two came from the rutted country road into the city, and they were not walking in single file, Kino ahead and Juana behind, as usual, but side by side. The sun was behind them and their long shadows stalked ahead, and they seemed to carry two towers of darkness with them." John Steinbeck's, The Pearl, is a tragic tale about how a small Mexican family suffers incessantly upon the agony and mishap a simple treasure represents. Kino, a poor, Herculean, male, finds himself burdened with a scorpion-stung baby and weeping wife. ---The kind of wife who labors all she can to cure even a fellow she is not acquainted with. So, with the pain rate high, and the medical aid low, Juana, Kino's faithful soul mate, gives the summon for a doctor. But the doctor doesn't turn out to be as friendly as she anticipates. A streak of prejudice blackens his soul while the sin of laziness spirals about him. The spoiled hump of a man rejects the helpful occupation of curing Coyotito's infection with a laugh. But soon after Kino finds the dazzling "Pearl of the World," a point of view changes. The townspeople are all bewildered with Kino's great find, and eventually become jealous of the luck shed upon him. After awhile, people get desperate for the pearl and grow into vicious, life-threatening, beings. It wasn't long until the family's house was aflame and a nasty contagion spread. The town would do ANYTHING to get that pearl. ---Even go so far as to murder. And so, after a miserable era of poverty and greediness, Kino, a defeated general on a deserted battlefield, flung the pearl into the ocean with all of his might. And the music of the pearl slowly drifted away.
Rating:  Summary: The Pearl By: Meagan Frye Review: The Pearl, a very suspensful and breathtaking novela written by John Stienbeck, captures the attention of all readers. It takes place in Mexico around 1875. Kino, a poor fisherman, his wife, Juana, and their son, Coyotito, all fall in the hands of danger when Kino finds the "Pearl of the World". Some great things can only do danger to a family, as in this great, inspired book. This book is a masterpiece to anyone who will be willing to read it; if you are contemplating reading this novela, I highly encourage you to do so! It opens your eyes to a whole different life and society, and yet we can understand their problems in terms of our life today. This book is definitely a book for almost any age, so get your hands on this magical book today!
Rating:  Summary: Chiquita's Review Review: The pearl is a book that helps identify human greediness and the selfishness of all people. This is a very intriguing book that all readers are easily to relate to. In this book the people who were very poor and didn't have much to choose, from so whatever they had they made good use of it. The wealthy tried to take over the poor by looking down on them,and at one special moment the poor had something great the wealthy wanted so they tried to trick the poor into giving them the great thing. The great thing in this story caused family to slighty fall apart in ways that result in death. Something so great can cause a father to be keep and then risk his child's life. After reading this story you will see that everyone is created equal, but some don't seem to think so at all.
Rating:  Summary: Chiquita's Review Review: The pearl is a book that helps identify human greediness and the selfishness of all people. This is a very intreging book that all readers are easily to relate to. In this book the people who were very poor and didn't have much to choose, from so whatever they had they made good use of it. The wealthy tried to take over the poor by looking down on them,and at one special moment the poor had something great the wealthy wanted so they tried to trick the poor into giving them the great thing. The great thing in this story caused family to slighty fall apart in ways that result in death. Something so great can cause a father to be keep and then risk his childs life. After reading this story you will see that evryone is created equal,but some don't seem to think so at all.
Rating:  Summary: ~!~My Review~!~ Review: Overall, i tought The Pearl was a very interesting book. It kept me attentive throughout the entire book, with the many surprising twists and turns in the stroy. The ending took me by surprise because i wanted everything to turn out good for them. Just as real life goes, it did not have a fairy tale ending. I give this book 3 stars, and would recomend it to everyone !!!
Rating:  Summary: The Lucky, yet Lost, Pearl Review: This book is a very good book; it demostrates how life can have some ups and some downs. Secondly, it shows how it is very important to listen to the people around you, especially the ones you love dearly. It also teaches how life can be a game, an sometimes you may win and sometimes you go down with a lost. Finally it shows how people can have two different sides to them, and how it's important to take fast hold of instruction, and let her not go, for it is the way of life.
Rating:  Summary: The Pearl Review: I enjoyed the book somewhat. At the beginning it was slow starting and I didn't really like it but towards the middle it caught my attention and held it. It ended up with a great bang. An explosive ending.